Add JsInterop restriction test for @JsIngore on native interface.
Bug: #9334
Change-Id: I45a80c4e7efe9ccc6473f11ecf5cc50bcf3b8684
diff --git a/dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/ b/dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
index e114806..24b0ac5 100644
--- a/dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
+++ b/dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/
@@ -1860,6 +1860,9 @@
+ "@JsType(isNative=true) interface Interface {",
+ " @JsIgnore public void n();",
+ "}",
"@JsType(isNative=true) static class Buggy {",
" public static final int s = 42;",
" public int f = 42;",
@@ -1871,14 +1874,15 @@
- "Line 5: Native JsType 'EntryPoint.Buggy' cannot have initializer.",
- "Line 6: Native JsType field 'int EntryPoint.Buggy.s' cannot have initializer.",
- "Line 7: Native JsType field 'int EntryPoint.Buggy.f' cannot have initializer.",
- "Line 8: Native JsType member 'EntryPoint.Buggy.EntryPoint$Buggy()' cannot have @JsIgnore.",
- "Line 9: Native JsType member 'int EntryPoint.Buggy.x' cannot have @JsIgnore.",
- "Line 10: Native JsType member 'void EntryPoint.Buggy.n()' cannot have @JsIgnore.",
- "Line 11: Native JsType method 'void EntryPoint.Buggy.o()' should be native or abstract.",
- "Line 12: JSNI method 'void EntryPoint.Buggy.p()' is not allowed in a native JsType.");
+ "Line 6: Native JsType member 'void EntryPoint.Interface.n()' cannot have @JsIgnore.",
+ "Line 8: Native JsType 'EntryPoint.Buggy' cannot have initializer.",
+ "Line 9: Native JsType field 'int EntryPoint.Buggy.s' cannot have initializer.",
+ "Line 10: Native JsType field 'int EntryPoint.Buggy.f' cannot have initializer.",
+ "Line 11: Native JsType member 'EntryPoint.Buggy.EntryPoint$Buggy()' cannot have @JsIgnore.",
+ "Line 12: Native JsType member 'int EntryPoint.Buggy.x' cannot have @JsIgnore.",
+ "Line 13: Native JsType member 'void EntryPoint.Buggy.n()' cannot have @JsIgnore.",
+ "Line 14: Native JsType method 'void EntryPoint.Buggy.o()' should be native or abstract.",
+ "Line 15: JSNI method 'void EntryPoint.Buggy.p()' is not allowed in a native JsType.");
public void testNativeMethodOnJsTypeSucceeds() throws Exception {