blob: fee497f12a6d702816cc0730890f3b195516ea79 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.Properties;
* About information for GWT.
public class About {
* @deprecated use {@link #getGwtVersionObject()} or
* {@link #getGwtVersionNum()} instead.
public static String GWT_VERSION_NUM;
* Tag used for text replacement of the SVN version (split up to avoid
* replacing it here).
private static final String GWT_GITREV_TAG = "@GWT_" + "GITREV@";
* Tag used for text replacement of the GWT version (split up to avoid
* replacing it here).
private static final String GWT_VERSION_TAG = "@GWT_" + "VERSION@";
private static final String gwtName = "Google Web Toolkit";
private static final String gwtGitRev;
private static final GwtVersion gwtVersion;
static {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
InputStream instream = About.class.getResourceAsStream("");
} catch (IOException iox) {
// okay... we use default values, then.
String tmp;
tmp = props.getProperty("gwt.gitrev");
// Check for null or sentinel value
if (tmp == null || tmp.equals(GWT_GITREV_TAG)) {
gwtGitRev = "unknown";
} else {
gwtGitRev = tmp;
tmp = props.getProperty("gwt.version");
// Check for null or sentinel value
if (tmp == null || tmp.equals(GWT_VERSION_TAG)) {
gwtVersion = new GwtVersion();
} else {
gwtVersion = new GwtVersion(tmp);
// Initialize deprecated constant
GWT_VERSION_NUM = getGwtVersionNum();
* Returns the name of the product.
public static String getGwtName() {
return gwtName;
* Deprecated as GWT is no longer hosted in Subversion, see {@link #getGwtGitRev}.
* @return the subversion revision or 'unknown' if the value couldn't be
* determined at build time.
* @deprecated See {@link #getGwtGitRev()}.
public static String getGwtSvnRev() {
return gwtGitRev;
* Returns the Git repository commit id.
* @return the Git commit id or 'unknown' if the value couldn't be
* determined at build time.
public static String getGwtGitRev() {
return gwtGitRev;
* Returns the product name and release number concatenated with a space.
public static String getGwtVersion() {
return getGwtName() + " " + getGwtVersionNum();
* The Google Web Toolkit release number.
* @return the release number or the array {0, 0, 0} if the value couldn't be
* determined at build time.
public static int[] getGwtVersionArray() {
return gwtVersion.getComponents();
* The Google Web Toolkit release number.
* @return the release number or the string '0.0.0' if the value couldn't be
* determined at build time.
public static String getGwtVersionNum() {
return gwtVersion.toString();
* The Google Web Toolkit release number.
* @return the release number or a version equivalent to "0.0.0" if the value
* couldn't be determined at build time.
public static GwtVersion getGwtVersionObject() {
// This is public because CheckForUpdates and WebAppCreator need access.
return gwtVersion;
private About() {