blob: 7966116f9993958dc9c6e48f37314ad62415e36f [file] [log] [blame]
// Installs a script which has already been downloaded (usually because the
// script contents are combined with the bootstrap script in cases like SSSS).
// Since the script contents are wrapped in a call to onScriptDownloaded, all
// we do here is set up that function, which will install the contents in
// a script tag appended to the install location.
function installScript(filename) {
// Provides the setupWaitForBodyLoad() function
function installCode(code) {
function removeScript(body, element) {
// Unless we're in pretty mode, remove the tags to shrink the DOM a little.
// It should have installed its code immediately after being added.
var doc = getInstallLocationDoc();
var docbody = doc.body;
var script;
// for sourcemaps, we inject textNodes into the script element on Chrome
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") > -1 && window.JSON) {
var scriptFrag = doc.createDocumentFragment()
// surround code with eval until crbug #90707
for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) {
// escape newlines, backslashes, and quotes with JSON.stringify
// rather than create multiple script tags which mess up line numbers, we use 1 tag, multiple text nodes
var c = window.JSON.stringify(code[i]);
// trim beginning/end quotes
scriptFrag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(c.substring(1, c.length - 1)));
// close the eval
script = doc.createElement('script');
removeScript(docbody, script);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) {
script = doc.createElement('script');
script.text = code[i];
removeScript(docbody, script);
// Set up a script tag to start downloading immediately, as well as a
// callback to install the code once it is downloaded and the body is loaded.
__MODULE_FUNC__.onScriptDownloaded = function(code) {
setupWaitForBodyLoad(function() {