blob: 6c0c7d0ba9ead72a540042ab3952fa08a71bfaa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Installs the script directly, by simply appending a script tag with the
// src set to the correct location to the install location.
function installScript(filename) {
// Provides the setupWaitForBodyLoad()function
function installCode(code) {
var doc = getInstallLocationDoc();
var docbody = doc.body;
var script = doc.createElement('script');
script.src = code;
if (__MODULE_FUNC__.__errFn) {
script.onerror = function() {
__MODULE_FUNC__.__errFn('__MODULE_FUNC__', new Error("Failed to load " + code));
sendStats('moduleStartup', 'scriptTagAdded');
// Start measuring from the time the caller asked for this file,
// for consistency with installScriptEarlyDownload.js.
// The elapsed time will include waiting for the body.
sendStats('moduleStartup', 'moduleRequested');
// Just pass along the filename so that a script tag can be installed in the
// iframe to download it. Since we will be adding the iframe to the body,
// we still need to wait for the body to load before going forward.
setupWaitForBodyLoad(function() {