Rolling back r8329 because it hands in IE8.
Review at
git-svn-id: 8db76d5a-ed1c-0410-87a9-c151d255dfc7
diff --git a/user/src/com/google/gwt/core/client/ b/user/src/com/google/gwt/core/client/
index 4fd9942..c205ece 100644
--- a/user/src/com/google/gwt/core/client/
+++ b/user/src/com/google/gwt/core/client/
@@ -22,117 +22,38 @@
private static JavaScriptObject escapeTable = initEscapeTable();
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final boolean hasJsonParse = hasJsonParse();
- /**
- * Escapes characters within a JSON string than cannot be passed directly to
- * eval(). Control characters, quotes and backslashes are not affected.
- */
- public static native String escapeJsonForEval(String toEscape) /*-{
- var s = toEscape.replace(/[\xad\u0600-\u0603\u06dd\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202e\u2060-\u2063\u206a-\u206f\ufeff\ufff9-\ufffb]/g, function(x) {
- return;)(x);
- });
- return s;
- }-*/;
* Returns a quoted, escaped JSON String.
public static native String escapeValue(String toEscape) /*-{
- var s = toEscape.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\xad\u0600-\u0603\u06dd\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202e\u2060-\u2063\u206a-\u206f\ufeff\ufff9-\ufffb"\\]/g, function(x) {
+ var s = toEscape.replace(/[\x00-\x1F\u2028\u2029"\\]/g, function(x) {
return "\"" + s + "\"";
- /**
- * Evaluates a JSON expression safely. The payload must evaluate to an Object
- * or an Array (not a primitive or a String).
- *
- * @param <T> The type of JavaScriptObject that should be returned
- * @param json The source JSON text
- * @return The evaluated object
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is not valid JSON
+ /*
+ * TODO: Implement safeEval using a proper parser.
- public static native <T extends JavaScriptObject> T safeEval(String json) /*-{
- var v;
- if ( {
- try {
- return JSON.parse(json);
- } catch (e) {
- return;)("Error parsing JSON: " + e);
- }
- } else {
- if (!;)(json)) {
- return;)("Illegal character in JSON string");
- }
- json =;)(json);
- try {
- return eval('(' + json + ')');
- } catch (e) {
- return;)("Error parsing JSON: " + e);
- }
- }
- }-*/;
- * Returns true if the given JSON string may be safely evaluated by {@code
- * eval()} without undersired side effects or security risks. Note that a true
- * result from this method does not guarantee that the input string is valid
- * JSON. This method does not consider the contents of quoted strings; it
- * may still be necessary to perform escaping prior to evaluation for correct
- * results.
- *
- * <p> The technique used is taken from <a href="">RFC 4627</a>.
- */
- public static native boolean safeToEval(String text) /*-{
- // Remove quoted strings and disallow anything except:
- //
- // 1) symbols and brackets ,:{}[]
- // 2) numbers: digits 0-9, ., -, +, e, and E
- // 3) literal values: 'null', 'true' and 'false' = [aeflnr-u]
- // 4) whitespace: ' ', '\n', '\r', and '\t'
- return !(/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/.test(text.replace(/"(\\.|[^"\\])*"/g, '')));
- }-*/;
- /**
- * Evaluates a JSON expression using {@code eval()}. This method does not
- * validate the JSON text and should only be used on JSON from trusted
- * sources. The payload must evaluate to an Object or an Array (not a
- * primitive or a String).
+ * Evaluates a JSON expression. This method does not validate the JSON text
+ * and should only be used on JSON from trusted sources.
* @param <T> The type of JavaScriptObject that should be returned
* @param json The source JSON text
* @return The evaluated object
public static native <T extends JavaScriptObject> T unsafeEval(String json) /*-{
- var escaped =;)(json);
- try {
- return eval('(' + escaped + ')');
- } catch (e) {
- return;)("Error parsing JSON: " + e);
- }
+ return eval('(' + json + ')');
- static void throwIllegalArgumentException(String message) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
- }
private static native String escapeChar(String c) /*-{
var lookedUp =[c.charCodeAt(0)];
return (lookedUp == null) ? c : lookedUp;
- /**
- * Returns true if the JSON.parse function is present, false otherwise.
- */
- private static native boolean hasJsonParse() /*-{
- return typeof JSON == "object" && typeof JSON.parse == "function";
- }-*/;
private static native JavaScriptObject initEscapeTable() /*-{
var out = [
"\\u0000", "\\u0001", "\\u0002", "\\u0003", "\\u0004", "\\u0005",
@@ -143,40 +64,10 @@
"\\u001E", "\\u001F"];
out[34] = '\\"';
out[92] = '\\\\';
- out[0xad] = '\\u00ad'; // Soft hyphen
- out[0x600] = '\\u0600'; // Arabic number sign
- out[0x601] = '\\u0601'; // Arabic sign sanah
- out[0x602] = '\\u0602'; // Arabic footnote marker
- out[0x603] = '\\u0603'; // Arabic sign safha
- out[0x6dd] = '\\u06dd'; // Arabic and of ayah
- out[0x70f] = '\\u070f'; // Syriac abbreviation mark
- out[0x17b4] = '\\u17b4'; // Khmer vowel inherent aq
- out[0x17b5] = '\\u17b5'; // Khmer vowel inherent aa
- out[0x200c] = '\\u200c'; // Zero width non-joiner
- out[0x200d] = '\\u200d'; // Zero width joiner
- out[0x200e] = '\\u200e'; // Left-to-right mark
- out[0x200f] = '\\u200f'; // Right-to-left mark
- out[0x2028] = '\\u2028'; // Line separator
- out[0x2029] = '\\u2029'; // Paragraph separator
- out[0x202a] = '\\u202a'; // Left-to-right embedding
- out[0x202b] = '\\u202b'; // Right-to-left embedding
- out[0x202c] = '\\u202c'; // Pop directional formatting
- out[0x202d] = '\\u202d'; // Left-to-right override
- out[0x202e] = '\\u202e'; // Right-to-left override
- out[0x2060] = '\\u2060'; // Word joiner
- out[0x2061] = '\\u2061'; // Function application
- out[0x2062] = '\\u2062'; // Invisible times
- out[0x2063] = '\\u2063'; // Invisible separator
- out[0x206a] = '\\u206a'; // Inhibit symmetric swapping
- out[0x206b] = '\\u206b'; // Activate symmetric swapping
- out[0x206c] = '\\u206c'; // Inherent Arabic form shaping
- out[0x206d] = '\\u206d'; // Activate Arabic form shaping
- out[0x206e] = '\\u206e'; // National digit shapes
- out[0x206f] = '\\u206f'; // Nominal digit shapes
- out[0xfeff] = '\\ufeff'; // Zero width no-break space
- out[0xfff9] = '\\ufff9'; // Intralinear annotation anchor
- out[0xfffa] = '\\ufffa'; // Intralinear annotation separator
- out[0xfffb] = '\\ufffb'; // Intralinear annotation terminator
+ // Unicode line separator chars
+ out[0x2028] = '\\u2028';
+ out[0x2029] = '\\u2029';
return out;
diff --git a/user/src/com/google/gwt/json/client/ b/user/src/com/google/gwt/json/client/
index 20320dd..7b5ccd9 100644
--- a/user/src/com/google/gwt/json/client/
+++ b/user/src/com/google/gwt/json/client/
@@ -30,65 +30,28 @@
* Evaluates a trusted JSON string and returns its JSONValue representation.
- * CAUTION! This method calls the JavaScript <code>eval()</code> function,
- * which can execute arbitrary script. DO NOT pass an untrusted string into
- * this method.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method has been deprecated. Please call either
- * {@link #parseStrict(String)} (for inputs that strictly follow the JSON
- * specification) or {@link #parseLenient(String)}. The implementation of this
- * method calls parseLenient.
+ * CAUTION! For efficiency, this method is implemented using the JavaScript
+ * <code>eval()</code> function, which can execute arbitrary script. DO NOT
+ * pass an untrusted string into this method.
* @param jsonString a JSON object to parse
* @return a JSONValue that has been built by parsing the JSON string
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>jsonString</code> is
* <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>jsonString</code> is empty
- *
- * @deprecated use {@link #parseStrict(String)} or
- * {@link #parseLenient(String)}
- @Deprecated
public static JSONValue parse(String jsonString) {
- return parseLenient(jsonString);
- }
- /**
- * Evaluates a trusted JSON string and returns its JSONValue representation.
- * CAUTION! This method calls the JavaScript {@code eval()} function, which
- * can execute arbitrary script. DO NOT pass an untrusted string into this
- * method.
- *
- * @param jsonString a JSON object to parse
- * @return a JSONValue that has been built by parsing the JSON string
- * @throws NullPointerException if <code>jsonString</code> is
- * <code>null</code>
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>jsonString</code> is empty
- */
- public static JSONValue parseLenient(String jsonString) {
- return parse(jsonString, false);
- }
- /**
- * Evaluates a JSON string and returns its JSONValue representation. Where
- * possible, the browser's {@code JSON.parse function} is used. For older
- * browsers including IE6 and IE7 that lack a {@code JSON.parse} function, the
- * input is validated as described in RFC 4627 for safety and passed to
- * {@code eval()}.
- *
- * @param jsonString a JSON object to parse
- * @return a JSONValue that has been built by parsing the JSON string
- * @throws NullPointerException if <code>jsonString</code> is
- * <code>null</code>
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>jsonString</code> is empty
- */
- public static JSONValue parseStrict(String jsonString) {
- return parse(jsonString, true);
- }
- static void throwJSONException(String message) {
- throw new JSONException(message);
+ if (jsonString == null) {
+ throw new NullPointerException();
+ }
+ if (jsonString.length() == 0) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty argument");
+ }
+ try {
+ return evaluate(jsonString);
+ } catch (JavaScriptException ex) {
+ throw new JSONException(ex);
+ }
static void throwUnknownTypeException(String typeString) {
@@ -149,8 +112,8 @@
- * Called from {@link #initTypeMap()}. This method returns a <code>null</code>
- * pointer, representing JavaScript <code>undefined</code>.
+ * Called from {@link #initTypeMap()}. This method returns a
+ * <code>null</code> pointer, representing JavaScript <code>undefined</code>.
private static JSONValue createUndefined() {
@@ -159,39 +122,9 @@
* This method converts <code>jsonString</code> into a JSONValue.
- * In strict mode (strict == true), one of two code paths is taken:
- * 1) Call JSON.parse if available, or
- * 2) Validate the input and call eval()
- *
- * In lenient mode (strict == false), eval() is called without validation.
- *
- * @param strict if true, parse in strict mode.
- private static native JSONValue evaluate(String json, boolean strict) /*-{
- // Note: we cannot simply call JsonUtils.unsafeEval because it is unable
- // to return a result for inputs whose outermost type is 'string' in
- // dev mode.
- var v;
- if (strict && {
- try {
- v = JSON.parse(json);
- } catch (e) {
- return;)("Error parsing JSON: " + e);
- }
- } else {
- if (strict) {
- // Validate the input according to RFC 4627.
- if (!;)(json)) {
- return;)("Illegal character in JSON string");
- }
- }
- json =;)(json);
- try {
- v = eval('(' + json + ')');
- } catch (e) {
- return;)("Error parsing JSON: " + e);
- }
- }
+ private static native JSONValue evaluate(String jsonString) /*-{
+ var v = eval('(' + jsonString + ')');
var func =[typeof v];
return func ? func(v) :;)(typeof v);
@@ -207,20 +140,6 @@
- private static JSONValue parse(String jsonString, boolean strict) {
- if (jsonString == null) {
- throw new NullPointerException();
- }
- if (jsonString.length() == 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty argument");
- }
- try {
- return evaluate(jsonString, strict);
- } catch (JavaScriptException ex) {
- throw new JSONException(ex);
- }
- }
* Not instantiable.
diff --git a/user/test/com/google/gwt/json/client/ b/user/test/com/google/gwt/json/client/
index 340c362..ba639cd 100644
--- a/user/test/com/google/gwt/json/client/
+++ b/user/test/com/google/gwt/json/client/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
import java.util.Set;
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@
arr.set(i, new JSONNumber(i));
String s = arr.toString();
- JSONValue v = parseStrictVsLenient(s);
+ JSONValue v = JSONParser.parse(s);
JSONArray array = v.isArray();
assertTrue("v must be an array", array != null);
assertEquals("Array size must be 10", 10, array.size());
@@ -155,17 +154,17 @@
- JSONValue trueVal = parseStrictVsLenient("true");
+ JSONValue trueVal = JSONParser.parse("true");
assertEquals(trueVal, trueVal.isBoolean());
- JSONValue falseVal = parseStrictVsLenient("false");
+ JSONValue falseVal = JSONParser.parse("false");
assertEquals(falseVal, falseVal.isBoolean());
public void testEquals() {
- JSONArray array = parseStrictVsLenient("[]").isArray();
+ JSONArray array = JSONParser.parse("[]").isArray();
assertEquals(array, new JSONArray(array.getJavaScriptObject()));
assertEquals(JSONBoolean.getInstance(false), JSONBoolean.getInstance(false));
@@ -175,11 +174,33 @@
assertEquals(new JSONNumber(3.1), new JSONNumber(3.1));
- JSONObject object = parseStrictVsLenient("{}").isObject();
+ JSONObject object = JSONParser.parse("{}").isObject();
assertEquals(object, new JSONObject(object.getJavaScriptObject()));
assertEquals(new JSONString("foo"), new JSONString("foo"));
+ public void testHashCode() {
+ JSONArray array = JSONParser.parse("[]").isArray();
+ assertHashCodeEquals(array, new JSONArray(array.getJavaScriptObject()));
+ assertHashCodeEquals(JSONBoolean.getInstance(false), JSONBoolean.getInstance(false));
+ assertHashCodeEquals(JSONBoolean.getInstance(true), JSONBoolean.getInstance(true));
+ assertHashCodeEquals(JSONNull.getInstance(), JSONNull.getInstance());
+ assertHashCodeEquals(new JSONNumber(3.1), new JSONNumber(3.1));
+ JSONObject object = JSONParser.parse("{}").isObject();
+ assertHashCodeEquals(object, new JSONObject(object.getJavaScriptObject()));
+ assertHashCodeEquals(new JSONString("foo"), new JSONString("foo"));
+ }
+ private void assertHashCodeEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
+ assertEquals("hashCodes are not equal", expected.hashCode(),
+ actual.hashCode());
+ }
// Null characters do not work in hosted mode
public void testEscaping() {
@@ -217,23 +238,6 @@
+ "\"c39\":\"/\", \"c40\":\"\\u2028\", \"c41\":\"\\u2029\"}", o.toString());
- public void testHashCode() {
- JSONArray array = parseStrictVsLenient("[]").isArray();
- assertHashCodeEquals(array, new JSONArray(array.getJavaScriptObject()));
- assertHashCodeEquals(JSONBoolean.getInstance(false), JSONBoolean.getInstance(false));
- assertHashCodeEquals(JSONBoolean.getInstance(true), JSONBoolean.getInstance(true));
- assertHashCodeEquals(JSONNull.getInstance(), JSONNull.getInstance());
- assertHashCodeEquals(new JSONNumber(3.1), new JSONNumber(3.1));
- JSONObject object = parseStrictVsLenient("{}").isObject();
- assertHashCodeEquals(object, new JSONObject(object.getJavaScriptObject()));
- assertHashCodeEquals(new JSONString("foo"), new JSONString("foo"));
- }
public void testLargeArrays() {
JSONArray arr = null;
for (int j = 1; j < 500; j *= 2) {
@@ -242,33 +246,8 @@
- public void testLenientAndStrict() {
- String jsonString = "{ a:27, 'b': 'value' }";
- // parseLenient should succeed
- JSONValue value = JSONParser.parseLenient(jsonString);
- JSONObject object = value.isObject();
- assertEquals(27.0, object.get("a").isNumber().doubleValue());
- assertEquals("value", object.get("b").isString().stringValue());
- // parseStrict should fail
- try {
- parseStrictVsLenient(jsonString);
- fail();
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- }
- // Must fail even on browsers that lack JSON.parse()
- jsonString = "function f() { return 5; }";
- try {
- parseStrictVsLenient(jsonString);
- fail();
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- }
- }
public void testMenu() {
- JSONObject v = (JSONObject) parseStrictVsLenient(menuTest);
+ JSONObject v = (JSONObject) JSONParser.parse(menuTest);
JSONObject menu = ((JSONObject) v.get("menu"));
assertEquals(3, menu.keySet().size());
@@ -278,7 +257,7 @@
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
nestedAux(obj, 3);
String s1 = obj.toString();
- String s2 = parseStrictVsLenient(s1).toString();
+ String s2 = JSONParser.parse(s1).toString();
assertEquals(s1, s2);
"{\"string3\":\"s3\", \"Number3\":3.1, \"Boolean3\":false, "
@@ -352,7 +331,7 @@
obj.put("Object " + i, new JSONNumber(i));
String s = obj.toString();
- JSONValue v = parseStrictVsLenient(s);
+ JSONValue v = JSONParser.parse(s);
JSONObject objIn = v.isObject();
assertTrue("v must be an object", objIn != null);
assertEquals("Object size must be 10", 10, objIn.keySet().size());
@@ -372,27 +351,27 @@
} catch (NullPointerException t) {
try {
- parseStrictVsLenient(null);
+ JSONParser.parse(null);
} catch (NullPointerException t) {
try {
- parseStrictVsLenient("");
+ JSONParser.parse("");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException t) {
try {
- parseStrictVsLenient("{\"menu\": {\n" + " \"id\": \"file\",\n");
+ JSONParser.parse("{\"menu\": {\n" + " \"id\": \"file\",\n");
} catch (JSONException e) {
assertEquals("\"null\" should be null JSONValue", JSONNull.getInstance(),
- parseStrictVsLenient("null"));
+ JSONParser.parse("null"));
assertEquals("5 should be JSONNumber 5", 5d,
- parseStrictVsLenient("5").isNumber().doubleValue(), 0.001);
+ JSONParser.parse("5").isNumber().doubleValue(), 0.001);
assertEquals("\"null\" should be null JSONValue", JSONNull.getInstance(),
- parseStrictVsLenient("null"));
- JSONValue somethingHello = parseStrictVsLenient("[{\"something\":\"hello\"}]");
+ JSONParser.parse("null"));
+ JSONValue somethingHello = JSONParser.parse("[{\"something\":\"hello\"}]");
JSONArray somethingHelloArray = somethingHello.isArray();
assertTrue("somethingHello must be a JSONArray",
somethingHelloArray != null);
@@ -414,108 +393,11 @@
String toString = obj.toString();
assertEquals("{\"a\":42, \"\\\\\":43.5, \"\\\"\":44}", toString.trim());
- JSONValue parseResponse = parseStrictVsLenient(toString);
+ JSONValue parseResponse = JSONParser.parse(toString);
JSONObject obj2 = parseResponse.isObject();
assertJSONObjectEquals(obj, obj2);
- // Break up long test into smaller chunks
- public void testParseUnescaped0() {
- for (int i = 0x20; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped1() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 1; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped2() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 2; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped3() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 3; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped4() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 4; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped5() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 5; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped6() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 6; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped7() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 7; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped8() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 8; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescaped9() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 9; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescapeda() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 10; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescapedb() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 11; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescapedc() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 12; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescapedd() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 13; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescapede() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 14; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
- public void testParseUnescapedf() {
- for (int i = 0x20 + 15; i <= 0xffff; i += 16) {
- doTestParseUnescaped(i);
- }
- }
public void testSimpleNested() {
JSONObject j1 = new JSONObject();
j1.put("test1", new JSONString(""));
@@ -551,7 +433,7 @@
public void testStringTypes() {
- JSONObject object = parseStrictVsLenient("{\"a\":\"b\",\"null\":\"foo\"}").isObject();
+ JSONObject object = JSONParser.parse("{\"a\":\"b\",\"null\":\"foo\"}").isObject();
@@ -570,7 +452,7 @@
public void testUndefined() {
- JSONObject o = parseStrictVsLenient("{\"foo\":\"foo\",\"bar\":null}").isObject();
+ JSONObject o = JSONParser.parse("{foo:'foo',bar:null}").isObject();
assertEquals(new JSONString("foo"), o.get("foo"));
assertEquals(JSONNull.getInstance(), o.get("bar"));
@@ -580,7 +462,7 @@
o.put("foo", null);
- JSONArray array = parseStrictVsLenient("[\"foo\",null]").isArray();
+ JSONArray array = JSONParser.parse("['foo',null]").isArray();
assertEquals(new JSONString("foo"), array.get(0));
assertEquals(JSONNull.getInstance(), array.get(1));
@@ -591,61 +473,8 @@
- public void testUnicodeSeparators() {
- /*
- * ECMAScript 5 allows unescaped U+2028 (line separator) and U+2029
- * (paragraph separator) characters to occur inside strings.
- */
- String jsonString = "{ \"name\": \"miles\u2028da\u2029vis\", \"ins\u2028tru\u2029ment\": \"trumpet\" }";
- try {
- JSONValue parsed = parseStrictVsLenient(jsonString);
- JSONObject result = parsed.isObject();
- assertNotNull(result);
- JSONValue nameValue = result.get("name");
- assertNotNull(nameValue);
- JSONString nameJsonString = nameValue.isString();
- assertNotNull(nameJsonString);
- String nameString = nameJsonString.stringValue();
- assertEquals("miles\u2028da\u2029vis", nameString);
- String nameStringQuoted = nameJsonString.toString();
- assertEquals("\"miles\\u2028da\\u2029vis\"", nameStringQuoted);
- JSONValue instrumentValue = result.get("ins\u2028tru\u2029ment");
- assertNotNull(instrumentValue);
- JSONValue instrumentValue2 = result.get("instrument");
- assertNull(instrumentValue2); // check no name collision
- JSONString instrumentJsonString = instrumentValue.isString();
- assertNotNull(instrumentJsonString);
- String instrumentString = instrumentJsonString.stringValue();
- assertEquals("trumpet", instrumentString);
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- fail(e.getMessage());
- }
- // U+2028 and U+2029 should not appear outside a string
- jsonString = "{ \"name\": \"miles davis\",\u2028\"instrument\": \"trumpet\" }";
- try {
- parseStrictVsLenient(jsonString);
- fail();
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- }
- jsonString = "{ \"name\":\u2029\"miles davis\", \"instrument\": \"trumpet\" }";
- try {
- parseStrictVsLenient(jsonString);
- fail();
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- }
- }
- public void testUnsafeEval() {
- JsonUtils.unsafeEval("{\"name\":\"value\"}");
- JsonUtils.unsafeEval("[0,1,2,3,4]");
- }
public void testWidget() {
- JSONObject v = (JSONObject) parseStrictVsLenient(widgetTest);
+ JSONObject v = (JSONObject) JSONParser.parse(widgetTest);
JSONObject widget = (JSONObject) v.get("widget");
JSONObject window = (JSONObject) widget.get("window");
JSONValue title = window.get("title");
@@ -654,13 +483,8 @@
- private void assertHashCodeEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
- assertEquals("hashCodes are not equal", expected.hashCode(),
- actual.hashCode());
- }
private void checkRoundTripJsonText(String jsonText, String normaltext) {
- JSONString parsed = parseStrictVsLenient(jsonText).isString();
+ JSONString parsed = JSONParser.parse(jsonText).isString();
assertEquals(normaltext, parsed.stringValue());
assertEquals(jsonText, parsed.toString());
@@ -673,36 +497,6 @@
return arr;
- private void doTestParseUnescaped(int i) {
- // Skip surrogate pairs
- if (i >= 0xD800 && i <= 0xDFFF) {
- return;
- }
- char c = (char) i;
- if (c == '\"' || c == '\\') {
- return;
- }
- String key = "na" + c + "me";
- String value = "miles" + c + "davis";
- String jsonString = "{ \"" + key + "\": \"" + value + "\"}";
- try {
- JSONValue parsed = parseStrictVsLenient(jsonString);
- JSONObject result = parsed.isObject();
- assertNotNull("i = " + i, result);
- Set<String> keys = result.keySet();
- assertTrue("i = " + i, keys.contains(key));
- JSONValue nameValue = result.get(key);
- assertNotNull("i = " + i, nameValue);
- JSONString nameJsonString = nameValue.isString();
- assertNotNull("i = " + i, nameJsonString);
- String nameString = nameJsonString.stringValue();
- assertEquals("i = " + i, value, nameString);
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- fail("i = " + i + ", e = " + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
private void nestedAux(JSONObject obj, int i) {
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
JSONString str = new JSONString("s" + i);
@@ -726,14 +520,6 @@
obj.put("Array" + i, array);
- // Check that parseLenient produces the same results as parseStrict
- private JSONValue parseStrictVsLenient(String jsonString) {
- JSONValue strictValue = JSONParser.parseStrict(jsonString);
- JSONValue lenientValue = JSONParser.parseLenient(jsonString);
- assertJSONValueEquals(strictValue, lenientValue);
- return strictValue;
- }
private JSONArray populateRecursiveArray(int numElements, int recursion) {
JSONArray newArray = new JSONArray();
if (recursion <= 0) {