blob: 6d7e1ca72e44952986e6901ea03ed8ca8f2070e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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* the License.
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* Tests for {@link java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference} that runs in plain junit and GWT
* modes.
public class AtomicReferenceTest extends EmulTestBase {
public void testNoArgConstructor() {
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>();
public void testWithValueConstructor() {
Object object = new Object();
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>(object);
assertEquals(object, ar.get());
public void testCompareAndSetPositive() {
Object expect = new Object();
Object update = new Object();
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>(expect);
boolean returnValue = ar.compareAndSet(expect, update);
assertEquals(update, ar.get());
public void testCompareAndSetNegative() {
Object expect = new Object();
Object update = new Object();
Object notExpect = new Object();
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>(expect);
boolean returnValue = ar.compareAndSet(notExpect, update);
assertEquals(expect, ar.get());
public void testGetAndSet() {
Object old = new Object();
Object update = new Object();
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>(old);
Object returnValue = ar.getAndSet(update);
assertEquals(old, returnValue);
assertEquals(update, ar.get());
public void testLazySet() {
Object old = new Object();
Object update = new Object();
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>(old);
assertEquals(update, ar.get());
public void testSet() {
Object old = new Object();
Object update = new Object();
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>(old);
assertEquals(update, ar.get());
public void testWeakCompareAndSetPositive() {
Object expect = new Object();
Object update = new Object();
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>(expect);
boolean returnValue = ar.weakCompareAndSet(expect, update);
assertEquals(update, ar.get());
public void testWeakCompareAndSetNegative() {
Object expect = new Object();
Object update = new Object();
Object notExpect = new Object();
AtomicReference<Object> ar = new AtomicReference<>(expect);
boolean returnValue = ar.weakCompareAndSet(notExpect, update);
assertEquals(expect, ar.get());