blob: 5a8b696c05a4f1da881c011c7ad8bc56c69f5253 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package elemental.js.json;
import elemental.json.JsonType;
import elemental.json.JsonValue;
* JSO backed implementation of JsonValue.
public class JsJsonValue extends JavaScriptObject implements JsonValue {
static native JsonValue box(JsonValue value) /*-{
// box for DevMode, not ProdMode
return || value == null ? value : Object(value);
static native JsonValue debox(JsonValue value) /*-{
// we don't debox (currently), because ProdMode is now unboxed, and DevMode should stay boxed
return value;
static native String getJsType(Object obj) /*-{
return typeof @elemental.js.json.JsJsonValue::debox(Lelemental/json/JsonValue;)(obj);
static native boolean isArray(Object obj) /*-{
// ensure that array detection works cross-frame
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(@elemental.js.json.JsJsonValue::debox(Lelemental/json/JsonValue;)(obj)) === '[object Array]';
private static native boolean isNull(JsJsonValue jsJsonValue) /*-{
// TODO(cromwellian): if this moves to GWT, we may have to support more leniency
return jsJsonValue === null;
protected JsJsonValue() {
final public native boolean asBoolean() /*-{
return || this == null ?
!!@elemental.js.json.JsJsonValue::debox(Lelemental/json/JsonValue;)(this) :
final public native double asNumber() /*-{
if (this == null) {
return 0;
return ?
+@elemental.js.json.JsJsonValue::debox(Lelemental/json/JsonValue;)(this) :
// avoid casts, as compiler will throw CCE trying to cast a raw JS String to an interface
final public native String asString() /*-{
return this == null ? null :
("" + @elemental.js.json.JsJsonValue::debox(Lelemental/json/JsonValue;)(this));
final public JsonType getType() {
if (isNull(this)) {
return JsonType.NULL;
String jsType = getJsType(this);
if ("string".equals(jsType)) {
return JsonType.STRING;
else if ("number".equals(jsType)) {
return JsonType.NUMBER;
else if ("boolean".equals(jsType)) {
return JsonType.BOOLEAN;
else if ("object".equals(jsType)) {
return isArray(this) ? JsonType.ARRAY : JsonType.OBJECT;
assert false : "Unknown Json Type";
return null;
final public native boolean jsEquals(JsonValue value) /*-{
return @elemental.js.json.JsJsonValue::debox(Lelemental/json/JsonValue;)(this)
=== @elemental.js.json.JsJsonValue::debox(Lelemental/json/JsonValue;)(value);
final public native String toJson() /*-{
// skip hashCode field
return $wnd.JSON.stringify(this, function(keyName, value) {
if (keyName == "$H") {
return undefined; // skip hashCode property
return value;
}, 0);
final public native Object toNative() /*-{
return @elemental.js.json.JsJsonValue::debox(Lelemental/json/JsonValue;)(this);