blob: 755415d670807e89de1e509fbf31709cfea46a37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
// ---------------- D8 GLOBALS ----------------
window = {};
// Alias self as well since it is a magic var sometimes provided
// by the webworker linker.
self = window;
document = {};
window.document = document;
window.__d8warning = function(funcName){
print("your code is calling " + funcName + " which does not exist in d8");
window.setTimeout = function() { window.__d8warning("setTimeout")};
window.clearTimeout = function() { window.__d8warning("clearTimeout")};
window.clearInterval = function() { window.__d8warning("clearInterval");};
window.setInterval = function() { window.__d8warning("setInterval"); };
window.Object = Object;
window.Array = Array;
window.Function = Function;
window.String = String;
window.Number = Number;
navigator = {};
navigator.userAgent = {};
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase = function(){ return "webkit";};
console = {};
console.log = function(msg){print(msg);};
$stats= function(){};
$sessionId = "";
function __MODULE_FUNC__() {}
// ---------------- BOOT GLOBALS ----------------
// Cache symbols locally for good obfuscation
var $wnd = window
,$doc = document
// If non-empty, an alternate base url for this module
,base = ''
// Provides the module with the soft permutation id
,softPermutationId = 0
; // end of global vars
// ------------------ TRUE GLOBALS ------------------
// Maps to synchronize the loading of styles and scripts; resources are loaded
// only once, even when multiple modules depend on them. This API must not
// change across GWT versions.
if (!$wnd.__gwt_stylesLoaded) { $wnd.__gwt_stylesLoaded = {}; }
if (!$wnd.__gwt_scriptsLoaded) { $wnd.__gwt_scriptsLoaded = {}; }
// --------------- EXPOSED FUNCTIONS ----------------
// Called when the compiled script identified by moduleName is done loading.
__MODULE_FUNC__.onScriptLoad = function(gwtOnLoadFunc) {
// remove this whole function from the global namespace to allow GC
__MODULE_FUNC__ = null;
gwtOnLoadFunc(null, '__MODULE_NAME__', base, softPermutationId);
var strongName;
// Permutation logic
var idx = strongName.indexOf(':');
if (idx != -1) {
softPermutationId = Number(strongName.substring(idx + 1));
// Script resources are injected here