blob: 7b7e8e0abae2e79aefde9cd1dd010625e7a98e2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
function __MODULE_FUNC__() {
* Internal Global Variables
// Cache symbols locally for good obfuscation
var $wnd = window
,$doc = document
// If non-empty, an alternate base url for this module
,base = ''
// A map of properties that were declared in meta tags
,metaProps = {}
// Maps property names onto sets of legal values for that property.
,values = []
// Maps property names onto a function to compute that property.
,providers = []
// A multi-tier lookup map that uses actual property values to quickly find
// the strong name of the cache.js file to load.
,answers = []
// Provides the module with the soft permutation id
,softPermutationId = 0
// Error functions. Default unset in compiled mode, may be set by meta props.
,onLoadErrorFunc, propertyErrorFunc
sendStats('bootstrap', 'begin');
* Internal Helper Functions
// Get the name of the filename which contains the GWT code (usually something
// like 12BA3D5...21E.js) or devmode.js if we are in hosted mode.
// Also sets the softPermutationId variable if appropriate.
function getCompiledCodeFilename() {
if (isHostedMode()) {
return base + "__HOSTED_FILENAME__";
var strongName;
try {
// Permutation logic is injected here. this code populates the
// answers variable.
var idx = strongName.indexOf(':');
if (idx != -1) {
softPermutationId = +(strongName.substring(idx + 1));
strongName = strongName.substring(0, idx);
} catch (e) {
// intentionally silent on property failure
return base + strongName + '.cache.js';
// Write a script tag to the element returned by getInstallLocation. We then
// either set the content of that script tag to be the code, or set the src
// tag if the code is actually a URL.
function installCode(code, isUrl) {
var docbody = getInstallLocation();
// Inject the fetched script into the script frame.
// The script will call onScriptInstalled.
var script = getInstallLocationDoc().createElement('script');
if (isUrl) {
script.src = code;
} else {
script.text = code;
// Remove the tags to shrink the DOM a little.
// It should have installed its code immediately after being added.
function isBodyLoaded() {
return (/loaded|complete/.test($doc.readyState));
function isHostedMode() {
var query = $;
return (query.indexOf('gwt.codesvr=') != -1);
// Helper function to send statistics to the __gwtStatsEvent function if it
// exists.
function sendStats(evtGroupString, typeString) {
if ($wnd.__gwtStatsEvent) {
moduleName: '__MODULE_NAME__',
sessionId: $wnd.__gwtStatsSessionId,
subSystem: 'startup',
evtGroup: evtGroupString,
millis:(new Date()).getTime(),
type: typeString,
* Internal Helper functions that have been broken out into their own .js
* files for readability and for easy sharing between linkers. The linker
* code will inject these functions in these placeholders.
// Provides the getInstallLocation() function
// Provides the processMetas() function, and sets the metaProps,
// onLoadErrorFunc and propertyErrorFunc variables
// Provides the computeScriptBase() function, which sets the base variable
// Provides the setupWaitForBodyLoad() function
// Provides functions used by the generated PERMUTATIONS code.
// Properties logic is injected here. This code populates the values and
// providers variables
// Determines whether or not a particular property value is allowed. Called by
// property providers.
function __gwt_isKnownPropertyValue(propName, propValue) {
return propValue in values[propName];
// Returns a meta property value, if any. Used by DefaultPropertyProvider.
function __gwt_getMetaProperty(name) {
var value = metaProps[name];
return (value == null) ? null : value;
* Exposed Functions and Variables
// Exposed for the convenience of the devmode.js and md5.js files
__MODULE_FUNC__.__sendStats = sendStats;
// Exposed for the call made to gwtOnLoad. Some are not figured out yet, so
// assign them later, once the values are known.
__MODULE_FUNC__.__moduleName = '__MODULE_NAME__';
// Exposed for devmode.js
__MODULE_FUNC__.__computePropValue = computePropValue;
* Bootstrap startup code
var startDownloadImmediately = __START_DOWNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY__;
if (isHostedMode()) {
// since hosted.js doesn't have the necessary wrappings, we always install
// a script tag in the iframe rather than using a giant string literal.
// If the devmode.js file went throught the same processing as the
// md5.js files, this could go away.
startDownloadImmediately = false;
base = computeScriptBase();
__MODULE_FUNC__.__errFn = onLoadErrorFunc;
__MODULE_FUNC__.__moduleBase = base;
sendStats('bootstrap', 'selectingPermutation');
var filename = getCompiledCodeFilename();
__MODULE_FUNC__.__softPermutationId = softPermutationId;
sendStats('bootstrap', 'end');
// For now, send this dummy statistic since some people are depending on it
// being present. TODO(unnurg): remove this statistic soon
sendStats('loadExternalRefs', 'begin');
sendStats('loadExternalRefs', 'end');
sendStats('moduleStartup', 'moduleRequested');
if (startDownloadImmediately) {
// Set up a script tag to start downloading immediately, as well as a
// callback to install the code once it is downloaded and the body is loaded.
__MODULE_FUNC__.onScriptDownloaded = function(code) {
setupWaitForBodyLoad(function() {
installCode(code, false);
if (isBodyLoaded()) {
// if the body is loaded, then the tag to download the script can be added
// in a non-destructive manner
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = filename;
} else {
// if the doc has not yet loaded, go ahead and do a destructive
// document.write since we want to immediately start the download.
// Note that we cannot append an element to the doc if it is still loading
// since this would cause problems in IE.
$doc.write("<script src='" + filename + "'></scr" + "ipt>");
} else {
// Just pass along the filename so tha a script tag can be installed in the
// iframe to download it. Since we will be adding the iframe to the body,
// we still need to wait for the body to load before going forward.
setupWaitForBodyLoad(function() {
installCode(filename, true);