1) Added in some release notes for 1.3 RC2.
2) Changed how we log releases in the notes.  Previously, we would 
primarly call a release something like 1.3 Release Candidate (1.3.1) where 
the status was primary, the build number secondary.  Going forward, 
however, we are moving to a process where we rename an RC as a Final once 
we're sure it's good without actually rebuilding the bits.  In this model, 
the build number is primary and a release's status as a Release Candidate 
vs. Final cannot be directly listed in the release notes for the current 
release.  This is because a user might download something that is an RC at 
the time they download it, but later we call the same exact build "Final".  
Bruce looked at this part already in a desk inspection.

Reviewers: jat, bruce

git-svn-id: https://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/releases/1.3@281 8db76d5a-ed1c-0410-87a9-c151d255dfc7
1 file changed