blob: c9916def405792fc9ab3128ac64a22c32bfbb572 [file] [log] [blame]
// Computes the value of a given property that was determined during the
// compilation process. This assumes that the bootstrap is embedded in an MD5
// specific file, and during the compilation phase, the PermutationsUtil class
// will take care of filling the __KNOWN_PROPERTIES__ section with the values
// of the properties for this specific permutation. Note that if a permutation
// is valid for more than one property value (for example user.agent = chrome
// or safari) then one of those values will be chosen at random. Since the
// different values resulted in the same MD5 file, we can assume that the
// behavior of this module is the same for either value.
var properties = [];
function computePropValue(propName) {
if (propName in properties) {
return properties[propName];
throw null;
// It's unclear how/if this function is applicable in the context of the
// properties being selected on the server. Just return false for now.
__gwt_isKnownPropertyValue = function(propName, propValue) {
return false;
__MODULE_FUNC__.__computePropValue = computePropValue;
// Gets a map of the non-constant, non-derived binding properties
__MODULE_FUNC__.__getPropMap = function() {
var result = {};
for (var key in properties) {
result[key] = properties[key];
return result;
// make properties available to super dev mode hook
$wnd.__gwt_activeModules["__MODULE_NAME__"].bindings = __MODULE_FUNC__.__getPropMap;