blob: 19587e9de2b68b3d3617227832fcbe5b8cb559e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Installs the script by immediately appending a script tag to the body head
// with the src set, to get the script contents. The script contents are then
// installed into a script tag which is added to the install location (because
// the script contents will be wrapped in a call to onScriptDownloaded()).
function installScript(filename) {
// Provides the getInstallLocation() and getInstallLocationDoc() functions
// Provides the setupWaitForBodyLoad() function
function installCode(code) {
var docbody = getInstallLocation();
var script = getInstallLocationDoc().createElement('script');
script.text = code;
// Unless we're in pretty mode, remove the tags to shrink the DOM a little.
// It should have installed its code immediately after being added.
// Set up a script tag to start downloading immediately, as well as a
// callback to install the code once it is downloaded and the body is loaded.
__MODULE_FUNC__.onScriptDownloaded = function(code) {
setupWaitForBodyLoad(function() {
sendStats('moduleStartup', 'moduleRequested');
var script = $doc.createElement('script');
script.src = filename;