blob: 48986cd1efe34d68ed81b346c2b990e95e096276 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* Builds a {@link CompilationUnit}.
public abstract class CompilationUnitBuilder {
static class GeneratedCompilationUnitBuilder extends CompilationUnitBuilder {
private final GeneratedUnit generatedUnit;
public GeneratedCompilationUnitBuilder(GeneratedUnit generatedUnit) {
this.generatedUnit = generatedUnit;
public ContentId getContentId() {
return new ContentId(getTypeName(), generatedUnit.getStrongHash());
public String getLocation() {
return getLocationFor(generatedUnit);
public String getTypeName() {
return generatedUnit.getTypeName();
protected String doGetSource() {
return generatedUnit.getSource();
protected CompilationUnit makeUnit(List<CompiledClass> compiledClasses,
List<JDeclaredType> types, Dependencies dependencies,
Collection<? extends JsniMethod> jsniMethods, MethodArgNamesLookup methodArgs,
CategorizedProblem[] problems) {
return new GeneratedCompilationUnit(generatedUnit, compiledClasses, types, dependencies,
jsniMethods, methodArgs, problems);
boolean isGenerated() {
return true;
static class ResourceCompilationUnitBuilder extends CompilationUnitBuilder {
* Not valid until source has been read.
private ContentId contentId;
private long lastModifed = -1;
private final Resource resource;
private final String typeName;
public ResourceCompilationUnitBuilder(Resource resource) {
this(Shared.toTypeName(resource.getPath()), resource);
public ResourceCompilationUnitBuilder(String typeName, Resource resource) {
this.resource = resource;
this.typeName = typeName;
assert typeName.equals(Shared.toTypeName(resource.getPath()));
public ContentId getContentId() {
if (contentId == null) {
return contentId;
public long getLastModified() {
if (lastModifed < 0) {
return resource.getLastModified();
} else {
// Value when the source was actually read.
return lastModifed;
public String getLocation() {
return resource.getLocation();
public Resource getResource() {
return resource;
public String getTypeName() {
return typeName;
protected String doGetSource() {
* Pin the mod date first to be conservative, we'd rather a unit be seen
* as too stale than too fresh.
lastModifed = resource.getLastModified();
InputStream in = resource.openContents();
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
try {
Util.copy(in, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error reading resource '" + resource + "'", e);
byte[] content = out.toByteArray();
contentId = new ContentId(getTypeName(), Util.computeStrongName(content));
return Util.toString(content);
protected CompilationUnit makeUnit(List<CompiledClass> compiledClasses,
List<JDeclaredType> types, Dependencies dependencies,
Collection<? extends JsniMethod> jsniMethods, MethodArgNamesLookup methodArgs,
CategorizedProblem[] problems) {
return new SourceFileCompilationUnit(getResource(), contentId, compiledClasses, types,
dependencies, jsniMethods, methodArgs, problems, getLastModified());
private static final class GeneratedCompilationUnit extends CompilationUnitImpl {
private final GeneratedUnit generatedUnit;
public GeneratedCompilationUnit(GeneratedUnit generatedUnit,
List<CompiledClass> compiledClasses, List<JDeclaredType> types, Dependencies dependencies,
Collection<? extends JsniMethod> jsniMethods, MethodArgNamesLookup methodArgs,
CategorizedProblem[] problems) {
super(compiledClasses, types, dependencies, jsniMethods, methodArgs, problems);
this.generatedUnit = generatedUnit;
public CachedCompilationUnit asCachedCompilationUnit() {
long sourceToken = generatedUnit.getSourceToken();
assert sourceToken >= 0;
return new CachedCompilationUnit(this, sourceToken, astToken);
public long getLastModified() {
return generatedUnit.creationTime();
public String getResourceLocation() {
return getLocationFor(generatedUnit);
public String getResourcePath() {
return Shared.toPath(generatedUnit.getTypeName());
public String getSource() {
return generatedUnit.getSource();
public String getTypeName() {
return generatedUnit.getTypeName();
public boolean isGenerated() {
return true;
public boolean isSuperSource() {
return false;
ContentId getContentId() {
return new ContentId(getTypeName(), generatedUnit.getStrongHash());
public static CompilationUnitBuilder create(GeneratedUnit generatedUnit) {
return new GeneratedCompilationUnitBuilder(generatedUnit);
public static CompilationUnitBuilder create(Resource resource) {
return new ResourceCompilationUnitBuilder(resource);
public static String makeContentId(String typeName, String strongHash) {
return typeName + ':' + strongHash;
static String getLocationFor(GeneratedUnit generatedUnit) {
String location = generatedUnit.optionalFileLocation();
if (location != null) {
return location;
return "generated://" + generatedUnit.getStrongHash() + "/"
+ Shared.toPath(generatedUnit.getTypeName());
private List<CompiledClass> compiledClasses;
private Dependencies dependencies;
private Collection<? extends JsniMethod> jsniMethods;
private MethodArgNamesLookup methodArgs;
private CategorizedProblem[] problems;
* Caches source until JSNI methods can be collected.
private transient String source;
private List<JDeclaredType> types;
protected CompilationUnitBuilder() {
public CompilationUnit build() {
// Free the source now.
source = null;
assert compiledClasses != null;
assert types != null;
assert dependencies != null;
assert jsniMethods != null;
assert methodArgs != null;
return makeUnit(compiledClasses, types, dependencies, jsniMethods, methodArgs, problems);
public abstract ContentId getContentId();
public abstract String getLocation();
public String getSource() {
if (source == null) {
source = doGetSource();
return source;
public abstract String getTypeName();
public CompilationUnitBuilder setClasses(List<CompiledClass> compiledClasses) {
this.compiledClasses = compiledClasses;
return this;
public CompilationUnitBuilder setCompiledClasses(List<CompiledClass> compiledClasses) {
this.compiledClasses = compiledClasses;
return this;
public CompilationUnitBuilder setDependencies(Dependencies dependencies) {
this.dependencies = dependencies;
return this;
public CompilationUnitBuilder setJsniMethods(Collection<? extends JsniMethod> jsniMethods) {
this.jsniMethods = jsniMethods;
return this;
public CompilationUnitBuilder setMethodArgs(MethodArgNamesLookup methodArgs) {
this.methodArgs = methodArgs;
return this;
public CompilationUnitBuilder setProblems(CategorizedProblem[] problems) {
this.problems = problems;
return this;
public CompilationUnitBuilder setSource(String source) {
this.source = source;
return this;
public CompilationUnitBuilder setTypes(List<JDeclaredType> types) {
this.types = types;
return this;
public final String toString() {
return getLocation();
protected abstract String doGetSource();
protected abstract CompilationUnit makeUnit(List<CompiledClass> compiledClasses,
List<JDeclaredType> types, Dependencies dependencies,
Collection<? extends JsniMethod> jsniMethods, MethodArgNamesLookup methodArgs,
CategorizedProblem[] errors);
* This only matters for {@link ArtificialRescueChecker}.
boolean isGenerated() {
return false;