blob: 9ce565977100956f1b360c2700bb19875306bc31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
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* the License.
* Tests the JsStaticEval optimizer.
public class JsDuplicateFunctionRemoverTest extends OptimizerTestBase {
public void testDontRemoveCtors() throws Exception {
// As fieldref qualifier
assertEquals("function a(){}\n;function b(){}\nb.prototype={};a();b();",
optimize("function a(){};function b(){} b.prototype={}; a(); b();"));
// As parameter
"function defineSeed(a,b){}\n;function a(){}\n;function b(){}\ndefineSeed(a,b);a();b();",
optimize("function defineSeed(a,b){};function a(){};function b(){} defineSeed(a,b); a(); b();"));
public void testRemoveDuplicates() throws Exception {
assertEquals("function a(){}\n;a();a();",
optimize("function a(){};function b(){} a(); b();"));
private String optimize(String js) throws Exception {
return optimize(js, JsSymbolResolver.class,
JsDuplicateFunctionRemover.class, JsUnusedFunctionRemover.class);