Fixes broken CreateEventTest on Firefox2 and earlier. There were three problems:
1. It ignores the relatedTarget parameter of Event.initMouseEvent().
2. It refuses to dispatch contextmenu and scroll events.
3. It won't accept keyboard events created via Document.createEvent('HTMLEvents')
   (While WebKit fails to accept 'KeyEvents' as a parameter to createEvent()).

For the first two, I simply commented out parts of the test (with TODOs to
reenable them once Firefox 2 falls off our supported browser list). I also
added notes to the appropriate Document.create*Event() methods.

For the third, I refactored DOMImpl.createKeyEvent() to have the standard
version use createEvent('KeyEvents') and the Safari version use

TBR: rjrjr

git-svn-id: 8db76d5a-ed1c-0410-87a9-c151d255dfc7
4 files changed