This patch enables Gwt's custom resource-filters to handle patterns that end in
'/'. As per the specs in ant's DirectoryScanner, such patterns are handled by
appending a '**' to the pattern. 

Patch by: amitmanjhi
Review by: jat (desk review)

git-svn-id: 8db76d5a-ed1c-0410-87a9-c151d255dfc7
diff --git a/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/ b/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/
index 3ff40d8..0fc980c 100644
--- a/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/
+++ b/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
  * TODO: this class needs to be revisited, when Gwt's Ant is upgraded.
  * Currently, we do not go to ant if (a) the filterList is empty, or (b) the
- * filterList has "common" patterns. Exception: When pattern or path ends in
- * '/', we defer to ant.
+ * filterList has "common" patterns. Exception: When path ends in '/', we defer
+ * to ant.
  * TODO: This code could be made more general and cleaner by removing the
  * dependency on Ant completely. All ant patterns could be compiled into
@@ -294,6 +294,14 @@
     if (antPatternString.indexOf("***") != -1) {
       return null;
+    if (antPatternString.endsWith("/")) {
+      /*
+       * From the DirectoryScanner.html spec: When a pattern ends with a '/' or
+       * '\', "**" is appended. if ant pattern = testing/, path = testing/foo,
+       * result = true.
+       */
+      antPatternString = antPatternString + "**";
+    }
     StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
     int length = antPatternString.length();
     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
@@ -312,15 +320,6 @@
             i += 2; // handled 2 more chars than usual
           } else {
-            /*
-             * TODO: handle patterns that end in /. For now, ant's matching seem
-             * inconsistent.
-             * 
-             * ant pattern = testing/, path = testing/foo, result = true.
-             */
-            if (i == length - 1) {
-              return null;
-            }
diff --git a/dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/ b/dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/
index 3059de3..d2fccd7 100644
--- a/dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/
+++ b/dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/
@@ -243,18 +243,14 @@
   public void testFilterConversion() {
     List<String> nullFilters = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
-        "***/testing/**", "**/{/**", "**/}/**", "**/+/**", "**/testing/",
-        "**/testing/**/"});
+        "***/testing/**", "**/{/**", "**/}/**", "**/+/**",});
     List<String> okayFilters = new ArrayList<String>();
     okayFilters.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
         "**/#/**", "**/~/**", "Foo", "Bar", "foo/**", "foo/*Test*java",
         "**/testing/**", "**/testing/**/Foo*Bar*.java",
     String doubleStarPrefixes[] = {"", "/", "**/", "/**/", "foo**/", "/foo**/"};
-    // TODO: uncomment when we handle prefixes that end in /
-    // String doubleStarSuffixes[] = {"", "/", "/**", "/**/", "/**foo",
-    // "/**foo/"};
-    String doubleStarSuffixes[] = {"", "/**", "/**foo"};
+    String doubleStarSuffixes[] = {"", "/", "/**", "/**/", "/**foo", "/**foo/"};
     String middleString = "testing";
     for (String doubleStarPrefix : doubleStarPrefixes) {
       for (String doubleStarSuffix : doubleStarSuffixes) {
@@ -263,11 +259,6 @@
     List<String> testPaths = getMiscPaths("testing", false);
-    /*
-     * TODO: investigate inconsistencies.
-     * 
-     * ant pattern = testing/, path = testing/foo, result = true.
-     */
     DefaultFilters filters = new DefaultFilters();
     for (String filter : nullFilters) {
       assertNull(filter + " conversion should be null",
@@ -279,8 +270,8 @@
       assertNotNull(filter + " conversion should be non-null", pattern);
       ResourceFilterString antFilterString = getAntFilter(
-          new String[] {filter}, EMPTY_ARRAY, DEFAULT_EXCLUDES, NOT_JAVA, "ant_"
-              + filter);
+          new String[] {filter}, EMPTY_ARRAY, DEFAULT_EXCLUDES, NOT_JAVA,
+          "ant_" + filter);
       ResourceFilterString customFilterString = new ResourceFilterString(
           filters.customFilterWithCatchAll(new String[] {filter}, EMPTY_ARRAY,
               true, null, NOT_JAVA), "custom_" + pattern);
@@ -332,8 +323,8 @@
     // pass non-empty include and exclude array. Matches nothing
     filter = getFilterWithoutCatchAll(mergedPatterns, mergedPatterns, NOT_JAVA);
-        getAntFilter(mergedPatterns, mergedPatterns, DEFAULT_EXCLUDES, NOT_JAVA,
-            "ant_mergedPatterns_mergedPatterns"),
+        getAntFilter(mergedPatterns, mergedPatterns, DEFAULT_EXCLUDES,
+            NOT_JAVA, "ant_mergedPatterns_mergedPatterns"),
         new ResourceFilterString(filter, "custom_mergedPatterns_mergedPatterns"));