- now displaying dependencies at the class level
- improved table layout
git-svn-id: https://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4230 8db76d5a-ed1c-0410-87a9-c151d255dfc7
diff --git a/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/GlobalInformation.java b/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/GlobalInformation.java
index 40b377c..d7d23f5 100644
--- a/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/GlobalInformation.java
+++ b/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/GlobalInformation.java
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
public static HashMap<String, String> classToPackage = new HashMap<String, String>();
//TODO(kprobst): not currently used, but will be for dependencies
- //public static HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> classToWhatItDependsOn = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
+ public static HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> classToWhatItDependsOn = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
public static HashMap<String, Integer> classToSize = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
public static HashMap<String, Float> classToPartialSize = new HashMap<String, Float>();
diff --git a/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java b/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java
index d538be3..459387e 100644
--- a/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java
+++ b/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
float maxSize = 0f;
//TODO(kprobst): not currently used, but will be for dependencies
- //int maxDepCount = 0;
+ int maxDepCount = 1;
for (String className : GlobalInformation.packageToClasses.get(packageName)){
@@ -523,10 +523,10 @@
//TODO(kprobst): not currently used, but will be for dependencies
- /*int depCount = 0;
+ int depCount = 0;
if (GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.containsKey(className)){
depCount = GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.get(className).size();
- }*/
+ }
if (curSize != 0f){
@@ -535,9 +535,9 @@
maxSize = curSize;
//TODO(kprobst): not currently used, but will be for dependencies
- /*if (depCount > maxDepCount){
+ if (depCount > maxDepCount){
maxDepCount = depCount;
- }*/
+ }
@@ -569,23 +569,23 @@
String className = sortedClasses.get(size);
//TODO(kprobst): switch out the commented/uncommented lines below when showing dependencies
- //float ratio = (size / maxSize) * 45;
- float ratio = (size / maxSize) * 85;
+ float ratio = (size / maxSize) * 45;
+ //float ratio = (size / maxSize) * 85;
if (ratio < 3){
ratio = 3;
//TODO(kprobst): not currently used, but will be for dependencies
-/* // get the dependency count
+ // get the dependency count
int depCount = 0;
if (GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.containsKey(className)){
depCount = GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.get(className).size();
- float depRatio = (depCount / maxDepCount) * 25;
- if (depRatio < 3){
+ float depRatio = ((float)depCount / (float)maxDepCount) * 45f;
+ if (depRatio < 3.0){
depRatio = 3;
- }*/
+ }
outFile.println("<div class=\"box\" style=\"width:" + ratio + "%; top: " + yOffset + "px; left: 60px;\">");
outFile.println("<div id=\"lb\">");
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
//TODO(kprobst): not currently used, but will be for dependencies
// place holder for mock-up of dependency display
-/* outFile.println("<div class=\"box-right\" style=\"width:" + depRatio + "%; top: " + yOffset + "px; left: 50%\">");
+ outFile.println("<div class=\"box-right\" style=\"width:" + depRatio + "%; top: " + yOffset + "px; left: 50%\">");
outFile.println("<div id=\"lb\">");
outFile.println("<div id=\"rb\">");
outFile.println("<div id=\"bb\"><div id=\"blc\"><div id=\"brc\">");
@@ -611,22 +611,13 @@
- outFile.println("<div class=\"box-right\" style=\"width:10%; top: " + yOffset + "px; left: 75%\">");
- outFile.println("<div id=\"lb\">");
- outFile.println("<div id=\"rb\">");
- outFile.println("<div id=\"bb\"><div id=\"blc\"><div id=\"brc\">");
- outFile.println("<div id=\"tb\"><div id=\"tlc\"><div id=\"trc\">");
- outFile.println("<div id=\"content\">");
- outFile.println("</div>");
- outFile.println("</div></div></div></div>");
- outFile.println("</div></div></div></div>");
- outFile.println("</div>"); */
int yOffsetText = yOffset+8;
outFile.printf("<div class=\"barlabel\" style=\"top:" + yOffsetText + "px; left:5px;\">%.1f</div>\n", size);
outFile.println("<div class=\"barlabel\" style=\"top:" + yOffsetText + "px; left:70px;\">"+className+"</div>");
+ //TODO(kprobst) make this a link
+ String drillDownFileName = className + "Deps.html";
+ outFile.println("<div class=\"barlabel\" style=\"top:" + yOffsetText + "px; left:50%;\"><a href=\"" + drillDownFileName + "\" target=\"_top\">Dependencies: " + depCount + "</a></div>");
yOffset = yOffset + 25;
@@ -723,7 +714,7 @@
int yOffsetText = yOffset+8;
outFile.printf("<div class=\"barlabel\" style=\"top:" + yOffsetText + "px; left:5px;\">%.1f</div>\n", size);
- outFile.println("<div class=\"barlabel\" style=\"top:" + yOffsetText + "px; left:70px;\">"+className+"</div>");
+ outFile.println("<div class=\"barlabel\" style=\"top:" + yOffsetText + "px; left:70px;\">"+className+"</div>");
yOffset = yOffset + 25;
@@ -737,6 +728,112 @@
+ public static void makeLiteralsClassesTableHtmls(TreeMap<String, LiteralsCollection> nameToLitColl) throws IOException{
+ for (String literalType : nameToLitColl.keySet()){
+ String outFileName = literalType + "Lits.html";
+ final PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(outFileName);
+ outFile.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"");
+ outFile.println("\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">");
+ outFile.println("<html>");
+ outFile.println("<head>");
+ outFile.println("<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\">");
+ outFile.println("<title>Literals of type \"" + literalType + "\"</title>");
+ outFile.println("</head>");
+ outFile.println("<style type=\"text/css\">");
+ outFile.println("body {background-color: #728FCE}");
+ outFile.println("h2 {background-color: transparent}");
+ outFile.println("p {background-color: fuchsia}");
+ outFile.println("</style>");
+ outFile.println("<body>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("<h2>Literals of type \"" + literalType + "\"</h2>");
+ outFile.println("</center>");
+ outFile.println("<hr>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("<table border=\"1\" width=\"80%\" style=\"font-size: 11pt;\" bgcolor=\"white\">");
+ for (String literal : nameToLitColl.get(literalType).literalToLocations.keySet()){
+ if (literal.trim().compareTo("") == 0){
+ literal = "[whitespace only string]";
+ }
+ String newLiteral = "";
+ if(literal.length() > 80){
+ int i;
+ for (i = 80; i < literal.length(); i=i+80){
+ String part1 = literal.substring(i-80, i);
+ newLiteral = newLiteral + part1 + " ";
+ }
+ if (i-80 > 0){
+ newLiteral = newLiteral + literal.substring(i-80);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ newLiteral = literal;
+ }
+ String escliteral = escapeXml(newLiteral);
+ outFile.println("<tr>");
+ outFile.println("<td width=\"40%\">" + escliteral + "</td>");
+ int ct = 0;
+ for (String location : nameToLitColl.get(literalType).literalToLocations.get(literal)){
+ if (ct > 0){
+ outFile.println("<tr>");
+ outFile.println("<td width=\"40%\"> </td>");
+ }
+ String newLocation = "";
+ if(location.length() > 80){
+ int i;
+ for (i = 80; i < location.length(); i=i+80){
+ String part1 = location.substring(i-80, i);
+ newLocation = newLocation + part1 + " ";
+ }
+ if (i-80 > 0){
+ newLocation = newLocation + location.substring(i-80);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ newLocation = location;
+ }
+ outFile.println("<td width=\"40%\">" + newLocation + "</td>");
+ if (ct > 0){
+ outFile.println("</tr>");
+ }
+ ct++;
+ }
+ outFile.println("</tr>");
+ }
+ outFile.println("</table>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("</div>");
+ outFile.println("</body>");
+ outFile.println("</html>");
+ outFile.close();
+ }
+ }
public static void makeLiteralsClassesHtmls(TreeMap<String, LiteralsCollection> nameToLitColl) throws IOException{
@@ -1033,6 +1130,178 @@
+ public static void makeStringLiteralsClassesTableHtmls(TreeMap<String, LiteralsCollection> nameToLitColl) throws IOException{
+ for (String literalType : nameToLitColl.get("string").stringTypeToSize.keySet()){
+ String outFileName = literalType + "Strings.html";
+ final PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(outFileName);
+ outFile.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"");
+ outFile.println("\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">");
+ outFile.println("<html>");
+ outFile.println("<head>");
+ outFile.println("<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\">");
+ outFile.println("<title>Literals of type \"" + literalType + "\"</title>");
+ outFile.println("</head>");
+ outFile.println("<style type=\"text/css\">");
+ outFile.println("body {background-color: #728FCE}");
+ outFile.println("h2 {background-color: transparent}");
+ outFile.println("p {background-color: fuchsia}");
+ outFile.println("</style>");
+ outFile.println("<body>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("<h2>Literals of type \"" + literalType + "\"</h2>");
+ outFile.println("</center>");
+ outFile.println("<hr>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("<table border=\"1\" width=\"80%\" style=\"font-size: 11pt;\" bgcolor=\"white\">");
+ for (String literal : nameToLitColl.get("string").stringLiteralToType.keySet()){
+ if (nameToLitColl.get("string").stringLiteralToType.get(literal).compareTo(literalType) == 0){
+ if (literal.trim().compareTo("") == 0){
+ literal = "[whitespace only string]";
+ }
+ String newLiteral = "";
+ if(literal.length() > 80){
+ int i;
+ for (i = 80; i < literal.length(); i=i+80){
+ String part1 = literal.substring(i-80, i);
+ newLiteral = newLiteral + part1 + " ";
+ }
+ if (i-80 > 0){
+ newLiteral = newLiteral + literal.substring(i-80);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ newLiteral = literal;
+ }
+ String escliteral = escapeXml(newLiteral);
+ outFile.println("<tr>");
+ outFile.println("<td width=\"40%\">" + escliteral + "</td>");
+ int ct = 0;
+ for (String location : nameToLitColl.get("string").literalToLocations.get(literal)){
+ if (ct > 0){
+ outFile.println("<tr>");
+ outFile.println("<td width=\"40%\"> </td>");
+ }
+ String newLocation = "";
+ if(location.length() > 80){
+ int i;
+ for (i = 80; i < location.length(); i=i+80){
+ String part1 = location.substring(i-80, i);
+ newLocation = newLocation + part1 + " ";
+ }
+ if (i-80 > 0){
+ newLocation = newLocation + location.substring(i-80);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ newLocation = location;
+ }
+ outFile.println("<td width=\"40%\">" + newLocation + "</td>");
+ if (ct > 0){
+ outFile.println("</tr>");
+ }
+ ct++;
+ }
+ outFile.println("</tr>");
+ }
+ outFile.println("</table>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("</div>");
+ outFile.println("</body>");
+ outFile.println("</html>");
+ outFile.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void makeDependenciesTableHtmls() throws IOException{
+ for (String className : GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.keySet()){
+ String outFileName = className + "Deps.html";
+ final PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(outFileName);
+ outFile.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"");
+ outFile.println("\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">");
+ outFile.println("<html>");
+ outFile.println("<head>");
+ outFile.println("<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\">");
+ outFile.println("<title>Classes that \"" + className + "\" depends on</title>");
+ outFile.println("</head>");
+ outFile.println("<style type=\"text/css\">");
+ outFile.println("body {background-color: #728FCE}");
+ outFile.println("h2 {background-color: transparent}");
+ outFile.println("p {background-color: fuchsia}");
+ outFile.println("</style>");
+ outFile.println("<body>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("<h2>Classes that \"" + className + "\" depends on</h2>");
+ outFile.println("</center>");
+ outFile.println("<hr>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("<table border=\"1\" width=\"80%\" style=\"font-size: 11pt;\" bgcolor=\"white\">");
+ for (String depClassName : GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.get(className)){
+ outFile.println("<tr>");
+ outFile.println("<td width=\"80%\">" + depClassName + "</td>");
+ outFile.println("</tr>");
+ }
+ outFile.println("</table>");
+ outFile.println("<center>");
+ outFile.println("</div>");
+ outFile.println("</body>");
+ outFile.println("</html>");
+ outFile.close();
+ }
+ }
public static String escapeXml(String unescaped) {
String escaped = unescaped.replaceAll("\\&", "&");
diff --git a/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SoycDashboard.java b/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SoycDashboard.java
index 3333352..bf6b94b 100644
--- a/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SoycDashboard.java
+++ b/tools/soyc-vis/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SoycDashboard.java
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@
String curClassId;
String curPackage;
Integer curFragment;
+ String curFunctionId = "";
boolean specialCodeType = false;
StringBuilder valueBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int ct = 0;
@@ -182,11 +183,17 @@
parseClass(nameToCodeColl, attributes);
+ else if (strippedName.compareTo("function") == 0){
+ if (attributes.getValue("id") != null){
+ curFunctionId = attributes.getValue("id");
+ }
+ }
//TODO(kprobst): not currently used, but will be for dependencies
-/* else if (strippedName.compareTo("on") == 0){
+ else if (strippedName.compareTo("on") == 0){
parseDependsOn(nameToCodeColl, attributes);
- }*/
+ }
else if (strippedName.compareTo("of") == 0){
parseOverrides(nameToCodeColl, attributes);
@@ -619,27 +626,29 @@
* parses the "depends on" portion of the XML file
//TODO(kprobst): not currently used, but will be for dependencies
- /*private void parseDependsOn(final HashMap<String, CodeCollection> nameToCodeColl, Attributes attributes) {
- if (attributes.getValue("idref") != null){
- String curDepClassId = attributes.getValue("idref");
- if (curDepClassId.contains(":")){
- // strip everything after the :: (to get to class, even if it's a method)
- curDepClassId = curDepClassId.replaceAll(":.*", "");
- }
- if (curDepClassId.contains("$")){
- curDepClassId = curDepClassId.replaceAll("\\$.*", "");
- }
- if (! GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.containsKey(curClassId)){
- HashSet<String> insertSet = new HashSet<String>();
- GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.put(curClassId, insertSet);
- }
- else{
- GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.get(curClassId).add(curDepClassId);
+ private void parseDependsOn(final HashMap<String, CodeCollection> nameToCodeColl, Attributes attributes) {
+ if (curFunctionId.compareTo("") == 0){
+ if (attributes.getValue("idref") != null){
+ String curDepClassId = attributes.getValue("idref");
+ if (curDepClassId.contains(":")){
+ // strip everything after the :: (to get to class, even if it's a method)
+ curDepClassId = curDepClassId.replaceAll(":.*", "");
+ }
+ if (curDepClassId.contains(".")){
+ if (! GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.containsKey(curClassId)){
+ HashSet<String> insertSet = new HashSet<String>();
+ insertSet.add(curDepClassId);
+ GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.put(curClassId, insertSet);
+ }
+ else{
+ GlobalInformation.classToWhatItDependsOn.get(curClassId).add(curDepClassId);
+ }
+ }
- }*/
+ }
return handler;
@@ -698,13 +707,18 @@
try {
- MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.makeCodeTypeClassesHtmls(nameToCodeColl);
- MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.makeLiteralsClassesHtmls(nameToLitColl);
- MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.makeStringLiteralsClassesHtmls(nameToLitColl);
+ MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.makeCodeTypeClassesHtmls(nameToCodeColl);
+ MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.makeLiteralsClassesTableHtmls(nameToLitColl);
+ MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.makeStringLiteralsClassesTableHtmls(nameToLitColl);
+ MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.makeDependenciesTableHtmls();
//make the shell last so we can display aggregate information here
MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.makeHTMLShell(nameToCodeColl, nameToLitColl);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot open file. ", e);