blob: 8c56e979eb29d7f43d69b771d890a4e08629a3a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import jsinterop.annotations.JsFunction;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsProperty;
* Tests JsFunction functionality.
* Note that JsOverlay and lambda's are tested in Java8Test.
public class JsFunctionTest extends GWTTestCase {
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
// separate java call and js calls into two tests to see if it works correctly.
public void testJsFunctionBasic_js() {
MyJsFunctionInterface jsFunctionInterface = new MyJsFunctionInterface() {
public int foo(int a) {
return a + 2;
assertEquals(12, callAsFunction(jsFunctionInterface, 10));
public void testJsFunctionBasic_java() {
MyJsFunctionInterface jsFunctionInterface = new MyJsFunctionInterface() {
public int foo(int a) {
return a + 2;
public void testJsFunctionBasic_javaAndJs() {
MyJsFunctionInterface jsFunctionInterface = new MyJsFunctionInterface() {
public int foo(int a) {
return a + 2;
assertEquals(13, callAsFunction(jsFunctionInterface, 11));
public void testJsFunctionViaFunctionMethods() {
MyJsFunctionInterface jsFunctionInterface = new MyJsFunctionInterface() {
public int foo(int a) {
return a + 2;
assertEquals(12, callWithFunctionApply(jsFunctionInterface, 10));
assertEquals(12, callWithFunctionCall(jsFunctionInterface, 10));
public void testJsFunctionIdentity_js() {
MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface id = new MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface() {
public Object identity() {
return this;
assertEquals(id, callAsFunction(id));
public void testJsFunctionIdentity_java() {
MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface id = new MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface() {
public Object identity() {
return this;
assertEquals(id, id.identity());
public void testJsFunctionAccess() {
MyJsFunctionInterface intf = new MyJsFunctionInterface() {
public int publicField;
public int foo(int a) {
return a;
JsTypeTest.assertJsTypeDoesntHaveFields(intf, "foo");
JsTypeTest.assertJsTypeDoesntHaveFields(intf, "publicField");
public void testJsFunctionCallFromAMember() {
MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl impl = new MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl();
assertEquals(16, impl.callFoo(10));
public void testJsFunctionJs2Java() {
MyJsFunctionInterface intf = createMyJsFunction();
public void testJsFunctionSuccessiveCalls() {
assertEquals(12, new MyJsFunctionInterface() {
public int foo(int a) {
return a + 2;
assertEquals(10, createMyJsFunction().foo(10));
public void testJsFunctionCallbackPattern() {
MyClassAcceptsJsFunctionAsCallBack c = new MyClassAcceptsJsFunctionAsCallBack();
assertEquals(10, c.triggerCallBack(10));
public void testJsFunctionReferentialIntegrity() {
MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface intf = createReferentialFunction();
assertEquals(intf, intf.identity());
public void testCast_fromJsFunction() {
MyJsFunctionInterface c1 = (MyJsFunctionInterface) createFunction();
MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface c2 = (MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface) createFunction();
ElementLikeNativeInterface i = (ElementLikeNativeInterface) createFunction();
MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl c3 = (MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl) createFunction();
public void testCast_fromJsObject() {
ElementLikeNativeInterface obj = (ElementLikeNativeInterface) createObject();
try {
MyJsFunctionInterface c = (MyJsFunctionInterface) createObject();
fail("ClassCastException should be caught.");
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
// Expected.
try {
MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl c = (MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl) createObject();
fail("ClassCastException should be caught.");
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
// Expected.
try {
MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface c = (MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface) createObject();
fail("ClassCastException should be caught.");
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
// Expected.
public void testCast_inJava() {
Object object = new MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl();
MyJsFunctionInterface c1 = (MyJsFunctionInterface) object;
MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl c2 = (MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl) c1;
assertEquals(10, c2.publicField);
MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl c3 = (MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl) object;
MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface c4 = (MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface) object;
ElementLikeNativeInterface c5 = (ElementLikeNativeInterface) object;
try {
HTMLElementConcreteNativeJsType c6 = (HTMLElementConcreteNativeJsType) object;
fail("ClassCastException should be caught.");
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
// Expected.
public void testCast_crossCastJavaInstance() {
Object o = new MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl();
assertEquals(11, ((MyOtherJsFunctionInterface) o).bar(10));
assertSame((MyJsFunctionInterface) o, (MyOtherJsFunctionInterface) o);
public void testInstanceOf_jsFunction() {
Object object = createFunction();
assertTrue(object instanceof MyJsFunctionInterface);
assertTrue(object instanceof MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface);
assertTrue(object instanceof MyJsFunctionWithOnlyInstanceofReference);
public void testInstanceOf_jsObject() {
Object object = createObject();
assertFalse(object instanceof MyJsFunctionInterface);
assertFalse(object instanceof MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface);
assertFalse(object instanceof MyJsFunctionWithOnlyInstanceofReference);
public void testInstanceOf_javaInstance() {
Object object = new MyJsFunctionInterfaceImpl();
assertTrue(object instanceof MyJsFunctionInterface);
assertTrue(object instanceof MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface);
assertTrue(object instanceof MyJsFunctionWithOnlyInstanceofReference);
assertFalse(object instanceof HTMLElementConcreteNativeJsType);
interface JsFunctionInterface {
Object m();
private static native JsFunctionInterface createFunctionThatReturnsThis() /*-{
return function () { return this; };
// Tests for bug #9328
public void testJsFunctionProperty() {
class JsFuncionProperty {
public JsFunctionInterface func;
JsFuncionProperty jsFuncionProperty = new JsFuncionProperty();
jsFuncionProperty.func = createFunctionThatReturnsThis();
assertNotSame(jsFuncionProperty, jsFuncionProperty.func.m());
JsFunctionInterface funcInVar = jsFuncionProperty.func;
assertSame(jsFuncionProperty.func.m(), funcInVar.m());
public void testGetClass() {
MyJsFunctionInterface jsfunctionImplementation =
new MyJsFunctionInterface() {
public int foo(int a) {
return a;
assertEquals(MyJsFunctionInterface.class, jsfunctionImplementation.getClass());
assertEquals(MyJsFunctionInterface.class, ((Object) jsfunctionImplementation).getClass());
assertEquals(MyJsFunctionInterface.class, createMyJsFunction().getClass());
assertEquals(MyJsFunctionInterface.class, ((Object) createMyJsFunction()).getClass());
public void testInstanceField() {
MyJsFunctionInterface jsfunctionImplementation =
new MyJsFunctionInterface() {
String hello = new Object().getClass().getName();
public int foo(int a) {
return hello.length() + a;
assertEquals(Object.class.getName().length() + 4,;
private static native Object callAsFunction(Object fn) /*-{
return fn();
private static native int callAsFunction(Object fn, int arg) /*-{
return fn(arg);
private static native int callWithFunctionApply(Object fn, int arg) /*-{
return fn.apply(this, [arg]);
private static native int callWithFunctionCall(Object fn, int arg) /*-{
return, arg);
private static native void setField(Object object, String fieldName, int value) /*-{
object[fieldName] = value;
private static native int getField(Object object, String fieldName) /*-{
return object[fieldName];
private static native int callIntFunction(Object object, String functionName) /*-{
return object[functionName]();
private static native MyJsFunctionInterface createMyJsFunction() /*-{
var myFunction = function(a) { return a; };
return myFunction;
private static native MyJsFunctionIdentityInterface createReferentialFunction() /*-{
function myFunction() { return myFunction; }
return myFunction;
private static native Object createFunction() /*-{
var fun = function(a) { return a; };
return fun;
private static native Object createObject() /*-{
var a = {};
return a;