blob: 040e2fbb1c59a3822a498fe45aea6c3f18f0cf18 [file] [log] [blame]
Google Web Toolkit @GWT_VERSION@
(svn revision @GWT_SVNREV@)
Copyright (c) Google, Inc. 2009. All rights reserved.
Visit Google Code (
This product includes software developed by:
- The Apache Software Foundation (
- Tomcat ( with modifications
- Tapestry (
- The Eclipse Foundation (
- Java Development Tools (
- Standard Widget Toolkit ( with modifications
- The JFreeChart project (
- Mort Bay Consulting (
- Jetty 6.1.11 (
- The Mozilla Foundation (
- Mozilla 1.7.12 (
- Rhino ( with modifications
- ObjectWeb (
- ASM ( with modifications
- The OpenQA Project (
- Selenium-RC (
For source availability and license information see COPYING.