1. b1bed47 Fix Showcase classpath. by scottb@google.com · 15 years ago
  2. 0b1619e Remove SWT, collapse dev platforms to a single one, rewrite runstyles to new by jat@google.com · 16 years ago
  3. 6cd61e9 Merging releases/1.6@4385:4459 into trunk. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  4. 7b1bd70 Replaced the ShowcaseGenerator in the Showcase example with a GWT Generator that runs when the app is compiled. The previous generator was a straight Java app that users needed to run manually in order to generate the Java source and CSS source available in the app, and the source needed to be saved in the trunk. Now, the souce code for each example in the Showcase is added to the public output directory at compile time, so the source is always up to date and does not need to be saved in the trunk. The "@gwt.XXX" tags have been replaced with Java annotations, and the the new generator uses the ClassLoader to read the annotations and open resources instead of using File paths, which can be problematic. by jlabanca@google.com · 17 years ago
  5. 40faa08 The Showcase sample demonstrates many of the features of GWT including Widget styles and animations, I18N support, general design patterns, other features. The Showcase is available in 4 languages and works well on all browsers. This version is almost complete, but Bruce, Joel and I decided to check it in before GWT 1.5 milestone 2 so we can receive feedback before the offical release. by gwt.team.jlabanca · 17 years ago