1. ce5a5cf Document a bug in maven-gae-plugin that prevents gae:unpack goal in mobilewebapp from running if gae.home is set in ~/.m2/settings.xml by rchandia@google.com · 13 years ago
  2. cb67718 Fixes some errors in the eclipse readme, and fixes some marker files. by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  3. 5912245 Remove uneeded samples checkstyle exception. by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  4. c8f935e The DynaTable RF and Mobile Web App samples now use requestfactory-apt to by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  5. 36ecc0d Update the checkstule path for validation sample Fix the @NotSupported count by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  6. 0aaa0d5 Converts the validation sample to build with maven. Also delete an by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  7. 53418e0 Fixes logging and character set warnings for dynatablerf and mobilewebapp samples. by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  8. 75f74f2 Fixes ant build of DynatableRf sample by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  9. 93310a8 Convert DynaTableRF to use maven. Clean up the docs in the other two by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  10. a67d0f7 Updates pom.xml to use new Request Factory libraries by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  11. 83ae907 Fixes for MobileWebApp pom.xml by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  12. 0429c82 Fixes DynaTableRF interface validation, and silences quirks mode warning. by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  13. b885abd Fixes and cleanup to expenses sample pom.xml by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  14. 6aea53d Integrating Peng's recent API changes to CellTableBuilder into HeaderCreator. HeaderCreator now includes both the rendering code and the event handling logic, eliminating the HeaderCreator.Helper class completely. This allows for a simpler implementation of HeaderCreator that only supports a single row, or an application specific implementation, either of which could be lighter weight than the default implementation. The API is very similar to CellTableBuilder, but slightly simpler because there is no concept of row values in a header. Note that there are no behavioral changes here, its just a rearrangement of API. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  15. 81fec95 Undeprecates the methods in StyleInjector that deal with StyleElement. by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  16. e70e621 Adding a new HeaderCreator API, which allows custom headers and footers in CellTable. HeaderCreator has one method #buildHeader(Utility) which lets the user build the entire header (or footer) table. The Helper class is used to add a row to the header table, render a Header instance into the header table, or enable column-specific event handling on an element. Headers (which are basically a Cell with a static value) now use the same method as Cells to fire events. We walk up the DOM until we find an attribute added by Utility.renderHeader(), then lookup the header based on the attribute. You can add multiple headers per DOM table cell. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  17. 4d48c9b Updated header of web.xml files to use XSD version 2.5 by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  18. d124194 Adding integration with m2e 1.0 to MobileWebApp sample by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  19. 6bef5d4 Revise CellTableBuilder API. In the earlier version, a Utility class is used to by pengzhuang@google.com · 14 years ago
  20. 3596051 Updates MobileWebApp to use GWT Maven Plugin 2.3.0-1 by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  21. a7ee037 Replace RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator with an annotation-processor-based by bobv@google.com · 14 years ago
  22. 3409cfa Fixes problem with datanucleus enhancement and Appengine deployment by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  23. a7b8fe4 Adding configuration booleans to CellTable to refresh headers and footers only when needed. Currently, the headers and footers are refreshed every time the data is redrawn, even though headers and footers are often static or do not depend on the data. Users can now call #setAutoHeader/FooterRefreshDisabled() to disable this feature. Headers and footers will still be redrawn when a column is inserted or removed, but they will not be redrawn on every data update. Users can force the headers/footers to redraw synchronously by calling #redrawHeaders/Footers. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  24. 642e965 Introducing a new CellTableBuilder API, which allows users to customize the structure of a CellTable by building zero or more table rows per row value and adding zero or more Cells per TD. The table rows are built using the generic ElementBuilder API, which allows for colspans and rowspans. The CellTableBuilder interface defines one method #buildRow(T, int, Utility) that takes the row value and row index to build, as well as a Utility class. The Utility class defines a #startRow() method to append a DOM row and associate it with the row value. Using this API, you can define multiple rows per row value, such as an "error row" that spans all of the columns, or a set of "child rows" to simulate a tree table. The Utility also contains a method #renderCell(ElementBuilder, Context, Column, T rowValue) that renders a Cell into the row. The TableBuilder can be swapped out using setTableBuilder(), and the default tableBuilder renders a grid based on the Columns defined in the CellTable. This change only applies to the data portion of the CellTable. A subsequent change will add a similar HeaderBuilder that applies to the header and footer. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  25. ae2a0eb Adding API method Column#setDefaultSortOrder(boolean isAscending) to control whether the column should be sorted in ascending or descending order the first time it is clicked. Currently, the first time a column is clicked, it is sorted in ascending order. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  26. 7ad2317 Cleans up the mobile web app sample for 2.4. by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  27. 0d68b81 Fixing login redirect in MobileWebApp sample. We now send a redirect URL with every request, and use it if the user isn't logged in. We calculate the redirect URL on the client because the client browser has built in support for parsing the URL components. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  28. fcc5c03 Fixes a problem where inheriting LoggingDisabled (like RequestFactory does) clobbers the value of gwt.logging.enabled for downstream modules. by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  29. a7a210f Revert "Extracts AbstractComposite<W> out of Composite, to allow type safe" by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  30. 62a0cb0 Extracts AbstractComposite<W> out of Composite, to allow type safe by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  31. f7dcdc4 Add missing steps to samples/mobilewebapp maven directions by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  32. 9a77b3c Upgrading DynaTableRf and MobileWebApp to use DataGrid. The apps look identical, except that scrolling the table no longer scrolls the column headers out of view. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  33. 05db3e6 Allow source samples to forgo having a war folder by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  34. 7533ad6 Added a placeholed for sample/mobilewebapp/war. Required by source target. by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  35. 73916dd Move the SimpleAppCacheLinker out to sample land, it's not quite ready. by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  36. acc5df0 Fix samples build file for mobilewebapp target by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  37. 7954146 Convert samples/mobilewebapp to use maven. This paves the way to converting the sample to use GIN and Objectify. by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  38. f439b1a Fix warnings in samples/expenses by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  39. d820783 bump gae version by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  40. e168eb5 Revive samples/expenses from its 2.3 breakage. Also now generates by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  41. 5b212c4 Adding new DataGrid widget. DataGrid is a variation of CellTable that supports a fixed header and footer with a scrollable data area. Most of the CellTable implementation has been hoisted up to a shared abstract class AbstractCellTable, so switching from CellTable to DataGrid is easy. Data Grid uses HeaderPanel to position the header and footer tables above and below the data portion. By default, the tables take 100% width, so there is no horizontal scrollbar. However, DataGrid provides setTableWidth/setMinimumTableWidth so users can use horizontal scrollbars if needed. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  42. edb75b0 First example of a View that kicks off its own presenter as by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  43. bc37c0c Fix various warnings. by gwt.mirrorbot@gmail.com · 14 years ago
  44. c43e713 Adding favicon and app_icon to the app cache manifest file. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  45. b35700a Multiple improvements and fixes to the mobile web app. Tasks are now stored in local storage using the TaskProxyLocalStorage class, which is also used when refreshing a task offline in the TaskReadView. I renamed the app to Cloud Tasks, and added a favicon and homepage icon. Also fixed a bug where the "add task" button doesn't show up in the tablet view after editing a task. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  46. aee081a Better error reporting. Also, move the proxy and request interfaces by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  47. b39c4d7 Implementing custom TaskReadViews for tablet, desktop, and mobile. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  48. d1d3c87 Fix the transition direction between read and task views by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  49. dd4a731 Introduces read only task view with an edit button. Gets around by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  50. 3f6c104 Step one in making mobilewebapp more DI friendly. The goal is to by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  51. 0d0a554 Eclipse configuration for MobileWebApp. by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  52. 1526d19 Adds user authentication to MobileWebApp. Tasks are now specific to each user. Authentication is done using a Filter, which was copied almost verbatim from the expenses sample. If a user is not logged in, they are forwarded to the login page, then redirected back to their last place in the app. If a user tries to access a task that they do not own, an error messge says that the task cannot be found. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  53. 8c789cf Adding drag and drop support to the mobile web app. The desktop TaskEditView now has a list of templates. Users can drag a template over the edit form to populate the fields. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  54. ad89924 Adds HTML5 App Cache support to MobileWebApp sample. by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  55. f3191c1 Including the TaskProxy (when available) in TaskEditPlace so we do not do an extra round trip to the server to lookup the task. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  56. 9672fed Moved MobileWebApp src to src/main in preparation for an HTML5 App Cache linker by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  57. 882310f Adding a tutorial video to the MobileWebApp sample as an example of using HTML5 video. Also fixing issue 6300 (pressing cancel button doesn't work when adding a new task). by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  58. c2ce2f5 Adding the SourceElement for use with Audio and Video, and adding convenience methods in those widgets to use the element. Multiple SourceElements can be specified for an AudioElement/VideoElement widget, and the browser will choose and download one of the sources that it can play. This is convenient and easier than doing a runtime check in user code to figure out the best source file. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  59. 7d07e3b Using the Editor framework to edit tasks in the MobileWebApp sample. The DateButton widget is like a DateBox is a button that displays the date and shows a DatePicker when clicked. I extracted it to a common Editable Widget so we can reuse it in the mobile/desktop/tablet views. I added violation contraints to Task, and added support for handling violations in the client. Added a sound effect when a violation constraint occurs, mostly to serve as an example of how to use sound effects in an app. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  60. 355ac5e no warnings in mobile sample by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  61. 0c143d0 Switch RequestFactory to use the real ConstraintViolation instead of the hacky Violation interface. by bobv@google.com · 14 years ago
  62. 18d67dd MobileWebApp sample. Showcases GWT providing a single app providing specialized views for Desktop, Mobile and Tablet devices. Uses App Engine as a backend. by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  63. 2d723d0 Rollback of r10014 "Makes EventBus available outside of the gwt package" due to by gwt.mirrorbot@gmail.com · 14 years ago
  64. 150c56b Makes EventBus available outside of the gwt package, in by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  65. eb1818e Adding SafeStyles interface that represents strings that are safe for use in a by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  66. 335c815 Reindented pom.xml files by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  67. 98828a2 Updating Showcase to use LayoutPanels throughout the hierarchy, thus implementing ProvidesResize down to the examples. This allows the examples to look better, especially examples that implement RequiresResize. Most of the example look the same, but TabLayoutPanel and SplitLayoutPanel now take up a larger area to illustrate how they would be used in most apps. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  68. dbff9c5 Move RequestFactory to com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory by rice@google.com · 14 years ago
  69. 881d1a5 Fix checkstyle error by skybrian@google.com · 14 years ago
  70. 04d281d tweaked Showcase to make it more testable by skybrian@google.com · 14 years ago
  71. 5ebfead Fix generated JS for getting the locale property value from the user agent. by jat@google.com · 14 years ago
  72. 9d22108 Bumping the memory used to build samples now that Showcase is pushing on the limits. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  73. 3c1d267 Fixed validation classifier, added clean plugin to prevent gwt-user from being deployed to GAE, upgraded to GAE 1.4.2, gwt-maven-plugin 2.2.0 by drfibonacci@google.com · 14 years ago
  74. be3d2c8 Add a dummy appengine-web.xml file to Showcase. by gwt.mirrorbot@gmail.com · 14 years ago
  75. 6c9968a Adding new style theme called Clean, and using the new theme in Showcase and in the default GWT app. Also fixing a style bug in VerticalSplitPanel that causes the splitter to be too wide. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  76. 015e403 Resubmitting r9709, which replaced remaining uses of the legacy 'compiler.emulatedStack' property by fredsa@google.com · 14 years ago
  77. cf9ddb4 Adding an example of StackLayoutPanel to the Showcase sample. The translations by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  78. 72e6d1e Replacing deprecated HorizontalSplitPanel and VerticalSplitPanel samples in by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  79. b88482a Added validation jars to all calls to GWTC to provide classes rquired by by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  80. 8582e49 Rolling back r9709, which replaced remaining uses of the legacy 'compiler.emulatedStack' property by fredsa@google.com · 14 years ago
  81. 1dc4d2e Quick patch, in follow up to r9344, which replaces remaining uses of the legacy 'compiler.emulatedStack' property, by fredsa@google.com · 14 years ago
  82. 6a8aa29 Bump samples/expenses/pom.xml version number by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  83. 311d70a Adding a new DeckLayoutPanel that displays one of many widgets and transitions between them using a horizontal or vertical sliding animation. This is useful for mobile web apps that want to create a slide effect between pages. Integrated DeckLayoutPanel into TabLayoutPanel so both widgets can share the animated transitions. I also replaced the TabPanel Showcase sample with a TabLayoutPanel sample to show off the new feature. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  84. a6f0b44 Fix bad gwt-servlet dep problem described in http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5918 by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  85. 8ea6b76 Add validation jars to the expenses sample build.xml by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  86. 298ed59 Bump pom.xml version, and fix NPE in samples/expenses by rjrjr@google.com · 14 years ago
  87. c58e808 Fixing a bug in DynaTableRf where multiple stale responses can push data into the CellTable, creating an infinite loop where each stale response changes the table range, triggering another request. Also abstracting the ImageButtons used in SimplePager, and fixing a bug where disabled buttons were still clickable. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  88. eebaf34 Updates DTRF to show the use of ServiceLocators and Locators. by rchandia@google.com · 14 years ago
  89. 36b8803 Fix inadvertent commenting of Showcase locales. by jat@google.com · 14 years ago
  90. ad61f1d Move the TCK report task to user/build.xml and delete samples/validationtck by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  91. 7771b37 Handle validation of cascaded Arrays, Iterables and Maps. by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  92. 0045701 Move all TCK test to users/test so they are run by the continuos build. by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  93. dc0a38b Adding support for setting column widths in CellTable, and for allowing CellTable to use fixed table-layout for more precise control over column widths. I also updated the CellTable example in Showcase and the DynaTableRf sample with the new feature so that columns do not resize when paging. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  94. 6424351 Test the type of a value before casting it. by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  95. f30ddd4 Fix inadvertent commit by mixing changes in one workspace. by jat@google.com · 14 years ago
  96. b3cd320 Expose the locale.queryparam and locale.cookie config params to client by jat@google.com · 14 years ago
  97. d4f8501 Move all tests to org/hibernate/jsr303/tck by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  98. 0fb02d1 Adding column sorting support to CellTable. Clicking on a header of a sortable Column in CellTable adds a sort icon to the Header and fires a ColumnSortEvent, which user can catch to handle sorting. By default and for backward compatibility, Columns are not sortable. We provide ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler as a default implementation to sort java.util.Lists by mapping Columns to Comparators. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  99. b91f430 Mark test as Failing or NotSupported by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  100. 4cc5112 Select the correct ConstraintValidator for the bean type. by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago