1. 6aea53d Integrating Peng's recent API changes to CellTableBuilder into HeaderCreator. HeaderCreator now includes both the rendering code and the event handling logic, eliminating the HeaderCreator.Helper class completely. This allows for a simpler implementation of HeaderCreator that only supports a single row, or an application specific implementation, either of which could be lighter weight than the default implementation. The API is very similar to CellTableBuilder, but slightly simpler because there is no concept of row values in a header. Note that there are no behavioral changes here, its just a rearrangement of API. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  2. e70e621 Adding a new HeaderCreator API, which allows custom headers and footers in CellTable. HeaderCreator has one method #buildHeader(Utility) which lets the user build the entire header (or footer) table. The Helper class is used to add a row to the header table, render a Header instance into the header table, or enable column-specific event handling on an element. Headers (which are basically a Cell with a static value) now use the same method as Cells to fire events. We walk up the DOM until we find an attribute added by Utility.renderHeader(), then lookup the header based on the attribute. You can add multiple headers per DOM table cell. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  3. 6bef5d4 Revise CellTableBuilder API. In the earlier version, a Utility class is used to by pengzhuang@google.com · 14 years ago
  4. a7b8fe4 Adding configuration booleans to CellTable to refresh headers and footers only when needed. Currently, the headers and footers are refreshed every time the data is redrawn, even though headers and footers are often static or do not depend on the data. Users can now call #setAutoHeader/FooterRefreshDisabled() to disable this feature. Headers and footers will still be redrawn when a column is inserted or removed, but they will not be redrawn on every data update. Users can force the headers/footers to redraw synchronously by calling #redrawHeaders/Footers. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  5. 642e965 Introducing a new CellTableBuilder API, which allows users to customize the structure of a CellTable by building zero or more table rows per row value and adding zero or more Cells per TD. The table rows are built using the generic ElementBuilder API, which allows for colspans and rowspans. The CellTableBuilder interface defines one method #buildRow(T, int, Utility) that takes the row value and row index to build, as well as a Utility class. The Utility class defines a #startRow() method to append a DOM row and associate it with the row value. Using this API, you can define multiple rows per row value, such as an "error row" that spans all of the columns, or a set of "child rows" to simulate a tree table. The Utility also contains a method #renderCell(ElementBuilder, Context, Column, T rowValue) that renders a Cell into the row. The TableBuilder can be swapped out using setTableBuilder(), and the default tableBuilder renders a grid based on the Columns defined in the CellTable. This change only applies to the data portion of the CellTable. A subsequent change will add a similar HeaderBuilder that applies to the header and footer. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  6. ae2a0eb Adding API method Column#setDefaultSortOrder(boolean isAscending) to control whether the column should be sorted in ascending or descending order the first time it is clicked. Currently, the first time a column is clicked, it is sorted in ascending order. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  7. 5b212c4 Adding new DataGrid widget. DataGrid is a variation of CellTable that supports a fixed header and footer with a scrollable data area. Most of the CellTable implementation has been hoisted up to a shared abstract class AbstractCellTable, so switching from CellTable to DataGrid is easy. Data Grid uses HeaderPanel to position the header and footer tables above and below the data portion. By default, the tables take 100% width, so there is no horizontal scrollbar. However, DataGrid provides setTableWidth/setMinimumTableWidth so users can use horizontal scrollbars if needed. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  8. eb1818e Adding SafeStyles interface that represents strings that are safe for use in a by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  9. 98828a2 Updating Showcase to use LayoutPanels throughout the hierarchy, thus implementing ProvidesResize down to the examples. This allows the examples to look better, especially examples that implement RequiresResize. Most of the example look the same, but TabLayoutPanel and SplitLayoutPanel now take up a larger area to illustrate how they would be used in most apps. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  10. 881d1a5 Fix checkstyle error by skybrian@google.com · 14 years ago
  11. 04d281d tweaked Showcase to make it more testable by skybrian@google.com · 14 years ago
  12. 5ebfead Fix generated JS for getting the locale property value from the user agent. by jat@google.com · 14 years ago
  13. be3d2c8 Add a dummy appengine-web.xml file to Showcase. by gwt.mirrorbot@gmail.com · 14 years ago
  14. 6c9968a Adding new style theme called Clean, and using the new theme in Showcase and in the default GWT app. Also fixing a style bug in VerticalSplitPanel that causes the splitter to be too wide. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  15. cf9ddb4 Adding an example of StackLayoutPanel to the Showcase sample. The translations by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  16. 72e6d1e Replacing deprecated HorizontalSplitPanel and VerticalSplitPanel samples in by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  17. 311d70a Adding a new DeckLayoutPanel that displays one of many widgets and transitions between them using a horizontal or vertical sliding animation. This is useful for mobile web apps that want to create a slide effect between pages. Integrated DeckLayoutPanel into TabLayoutPanel so both widgets can share the animated transitions. I also replaced the TabPanel Showcase sample with a TabLayoutPanel sample to show off the new feature. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  18. 36b8803 Fix inadvertent commenting of Showcase locales. by jat@google.com · 14 years ago
  19. dc0a38b Adding support for setting column widths in CellTable, and for allowing CellTable to use fixed table-layout for more precise control over column widths. I also updated the CellTable example in Showcase and the DynaTableRf sample with the new feature so that columns do not resize when paging. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  20. f30ddd4 Fix inadvertent commit by mixing changes in one workspace. by jat@google.com · 14 years ago
  21. b3cd320 Expose the locale.queryparam and locale.cookie config params to client by jat@google.com · 14 years ago
  22. 0fb02d1 Adding column sorting support to CellTable. Clicking on a header of a sortable Column in CellTable adds a sort icon to the Header and fires a ColumnSortEvent, which user can catch to handle sorting. By default and for backward compatibility, Columns are not sortable. We provide ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler as a default implementation to sort java.util.Lists by mapping Columns to Comparators. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  23. 3ca7757 Changing the behavior of CellBrowser so that the first child node of the next level in the tree is not immediately selected in the SelectionModel when its parent is selected. In general, we no longer select a value in a CellList or CellTable until the user interacts with the widget. Also, we do not deselect a selected value until a new value is available for selection. This is important for asynchronous lists, which clear the current data then load the new data asynchronously. We do not want to trigger a SelectionEvent between these states where we have nothing selected. by gwt.mirrorbot@gmail.com · 14 years ago
  24. 2cc0b02 Passing the Cell Context, which includes the row index and column index, to Cell methods. Currently, the row index is not passed, making some fairly common use cases difficult. For example, its hard for a Cell to update a backing data provider without the index of the value on which an action occurred. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  25. 4315331 Adding CellPreviewEvents to Cell Widgets to preview all events that are fired to Cells. This allows us to add DefaultSelectionEventManager, which adds shift/ctrl selection support to the Cell Widgets. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  26. 7dbefdc Making Column implement HasAlignment so users can specify the default alignment of cells in a column. In the future, we may add a way to specify the alignment of specific Cells. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  27. ebb17f9 Minor tweaks for dynatablerd and showcase. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  28. 8c1d5b9 Rename RichTextToolbar$Strings.properties to RichTextToolBar_Strings.properties to avoid shell escaping issues. by conroy@google.com · 14 years ago
  29. b980e6a Public: Use a seperate sample.extraclasspath so each sample can specify their own jars. by nchalko@google.com · 14 years ago
  30. b3fe881 Remove extra slash from request URL of Showcase source files to be compatible with servers that do not all double slashses. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  31. 805affa Making Showcase generate a hidden site map to make it crawlable. Also ensuring that the select box used to select source code always contains at least one option to work around an HtmlUnit innerHtml bug that affects crawlability. by jlabanca@google.com · 14 years ago
  32. 9a41680 Adds additional keyboard support in Cell Widgets. CellList and CellTable now by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  33. f4832a1 Make key provider a constructor argument to Cell widgets and selection models by rice@google.com · 15 years ago
  34. 860a0f6 Minor refactor of ClientBundles used in Cell Widgets. Ensures that all method names in ClientBundle and CssResource are globally unique. Adds missing flipRtl tags to ImageResources. Adds @ImportedWithPrefix annotation to CssResources. Breaks out the path to the default CSS file to a static final String DEFAULT_CSS. Ensure that each widget has a style on its outermost element. For Cell Widgets that have two styles defined, the default one is the prettier one used in the Expenses sample. The secondary one is called BasicResources. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  35. 6045d33 Refactoring the Showcase sample to use standards mode, and make use of LayoutPanels. The new Showcase looks different, but the features are the same. The main menu is now a CellTree backed by a TreeViewModel. The Application class, which used to perform active layout of the entire app, has been replaced by layout panels. The ShowcaseShell uses UiBinder to control the outer layout. The buttons to switch style themes have been removed. Opening a Category in the main menu prefetches the code for the sample under the category; the old behavior was for each ContentWidget to call a static method to preload other examples in the same category. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  36. d120552 Update i18n Messages to include: by jat@google.com · 15 years ago
  37. 76adc26 Missing file from SafeHtml work + whitespace fix by rice@google.com · 15 years ago
  38. 42b8d9c Use SafeHtml for Cell widgets by rice@google.com · 15 years ago
  39. d359cb6 Adding RTL support to Cell Widgets. CellBrowser opens from the right in RTL mode. CellTree open/close icons appear on the right in RTL mode. IconCell shows the image on the right. As part of this change, I had to change the location of the ruler in LayoutImpl. It used to be shifted to the top and left out of view, but this causes unintended scrollbars in RTL mode. Shifting it off to the top does not affect scrollbars, but still hides the ruler completely. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  40. e1139ae Adding TreeNode API to CellTree and CellBrowser, which allows users to programmatically open/close tree nodes. Similar to the way CellList works, a TreeNode primarily operates on its children, and it is only accessible if the node is open. That is important because it means that implementors do not need to create a TreeNode for every leaf, as is the case with CellBrowser. TreeNodes are destroyed when they are closed or otherwise removed from the tree. However, if new data is pushed into the tree, a TreeNode will not be destroyed unless the new data set does not contain the nodes value. CellTree and CellBrowser now implement HasOpen/CloseHandlers. TreeNodes can return the value of the node itself, allowing users to respond to open/close events appropriately. This patch also adds a bunch of unit tests, and fixes some subtle bugs. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  41. fa87f8f Added the Expenses app to the list of GWT samples, and modified each sample's build.xml file to set its source path by cramsdale@google.com · 15 years ago
  42. 29dcd29 First cut at keyboard navigation for CellTree by rice@google.com · 15 years ago
  43. 1fb2368 Makes the terminology used by AbstractListViewAdapter and AbstractPager consistent with HasData. HasData#setRowValues() is now HasData#setRowData(). Also renames ListViewAdapter to ListDataProvider so it is more obvious that the class provides data to a Cell widget. The term "View" has been replaced by "Display" (for pagers) and "DataDisplay" (for data providers). "View" insinuates an MVC design, but in our case the widgets do have some logic, so we chose the more generic term "Display" to describe them. This patch looks huge, but 95% of it is a bunch of renames. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  44. 4689e10 Adding a BiDi page to Showcase by tomerigo@google.com · 15 years ago
  45. c77d572 ListView and PagingListView are now HasData, with a parent interface of HasRows. ListView.Delegate/Pager have been replaced by a combination of HasRows#addRangeChangeHandler() and HasRows#addRowCountChangeHandler(). Pagers (note that there is no longer a Pager interface) no longer take views in their constructors. Instead, they are passed into AbstractPager#setView(), making them more UiBinder friendly. CellList and CellTable now have a common superclass AbstractHasData, which makes it much easier for us and users to create new Cell based widgets. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  46. ccbbcb6 Showcase: fix checkstyle errors and suppress deprecation warnings by rice@google.com · 15 years ago
  47. d39c19c Fixing the msg key in ContactInfoForm so that the two buttons use different keys. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  48. 7f8da95 Refactor SelectionModel.SelectionEvent into its own class with associated Handler by rice@google.com · 15 years ago
  49. 8b8e7b2 Adding support for non-propagating events in Cell based widgets. In modern browsers, we make the widget's outer element the capture element, which allows us to catch and dispatch non-bubbling events from the cells. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  50. 3b14f5d Replacing Cell#consumesEvents() with Cell#getConsumedEvents(), and using the return value to sink only the required events for each Cell Widget. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  51. 74c9f0d Moving the Cookbook examples into Showcase. Also updates a few examples in Showcase that used deprecated code. The process for including raw source code in an example is now much easier thanks to ContentWidget#registerSource(). Examples that were using custom code to include source have been fixed to use the common code in ContentWidvget. Most of the code in the Cookbook MailRecipe sample will be moved into the Mail sample, so I didn't delete it yet. I did remove all of the Cookbook infrastructure. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  52. 92480a8 Adding a null check to ShowcaseGenerator so that we don't try to write to a public resource that has already been created. This fixes a bug when multiple examples reference the same raw source files. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  53. f4192bd Intruducing AutoDirHandler, a handler for automatically adjusting the direction by tomerigo@google.com · 15 years ago
  54. 320275a Rollback of AutoDirHandler changes which broke some internal tests. by tomerigo@google.com · 15 years ago
  55. f5ea1ca Intruducing AutoDirHandler, a handler for automatically adjusting the direction of an object (typically a TextBox variant) while text is being entered. This handler is then used to add BiDi support to TextBox and TextArea. by tomerigo@google.com · 15 years ago
  56. 422adf6 Updated translations for Showcase. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  57. afbff21 Changes for crawling: client-side changes to Showcase sample by kprobst@google.com · 15 years ago
  58. 577f752 Minor tweaks to Showcase. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  59. db14424 Fix incorrect delimiter in Chinese Showcase translation. by jat@google.com · 15 years ago
  60. d4d29e6 Accidentally committed too many files in r7007. Reverting the files that weren't supposed to be committed. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  61. 9a4999e Adding Window.Navigator api. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  62. aa83757 Add a prefetch queue to AsyncFragmentLoader. User code can add split points to by spoon@google.com · 15 years ago
  63. 670b065 Adds PopupPanel.setGlassEnabled(), along with related tests and sample by jgw@google.com · 15 years ago
  64. 476624f Deprecate ImageBundle in favor of ClientBundle and ImageResources. by bobv@google.com · 15 years ago
  65. f6dc3e4 Moving the Plural Forms example from the I18N sample to Showcase. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  66. 3c459ee Recommitting r6329 to add UrlBuilder, this time with passing tests. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  67. 0eaf782 Revert "Adding UrlBuilder and using it in Showcase and GwtTestCase so we don't remove gwt.hosted parameter in URLs," due to web mode test failures in com.google.gwt.user.client.WindowTest.testLocationCreateUrlBuilder by rjrjr@google.com · 15 years ago
  68. b2376c4 Adding UrlBuilder and using it in Showcase and GwtTestCase so we don't remove gwt.hosted parameter in URLs. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  69. e606905 Adding a white background the to noscript warning so it shows up against all backgrounds. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  70. 1ce4154 Removed the hard coded width from the locale selector in Showcase because the locale names can be very long. by jlabanca@google.com · 15 years ago
  71. 1d30610 Additional fix for issue 3903. Adds noscript tags to additional samples by fredsa · 16 years ago
  72. 529d349 Switched a HashMap to a LinkedHashMap in the AbsolutePanel example in Showcase so that widgets appear in the same order across browsers. by jlabanca@google.com · 16 years ago
  73. 5ead61f Issue 34812: Fix findbugs & checkstyle issues by rice@google.com · 16 years ago
  74. e9862ff Add favicon.ico files for each of the samples. by jat@google.com · 16 years ago
  75. 461db41 svn merge -r4992:5022 https://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/releases/1.6 . by jgw@google.com · 16 years ago
  76. c4c4ead Update to r4917, which has GWT.runAsync download by spoon@google.com · 16 years ago
  77. 5323876 Merging releases/1.6@4669:4911 into trunk. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  78. 41b9203 Rolling back r4917 to clear the build for a pending 1.6 -> trunk merge. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  79. 123be3b Allow runAsync to download code using XHR instead of by spoon@google.com · 16 years ago
  80. abdf77e Add support for runtime locales, update CLDR data. by jat@google.com · 16 years ago
  81. e00882a In Showcase, gave some buttons a fixed width so they would line up nicely. by jlabanca@google.com · 16 years ago
  82. a3509e2 Merging releases/1.6 into trunk. by jgw@google.com · 16 years ago
  83. ca5a870 Remove references to deprecated methods. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  84. 55a42a6 Fixes an uncaught exception generated trying to set TD widths to non-positive values. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  85. fd2627a General polish. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  86. 662707e Build fix: moved where GWT.getModuleBaseURL() is called to accomodate use from the Showcase generator. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  87. 00f8837 We should not be using relative URLs when making HTTP GET requests through RequestBuilder. Their resolution is execution-context-sensitive. by rdayal@google.com · 16 years ago
  88. 6cd61e9 Merging releases/1.6@4385:4459 into trunk. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  89. 0ddb70d New-style samples. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  90. e7f61a7 Merge from releases/1.6:r4198:4268,4269:4297,4299:4320:4321:4366 into trunk by jat@google.com · 16 years ago
  91. f326b34 Merging in date picker branch into 1.6. by ecc@google.com · 16 years ago
  92. e7068d8 Merging releases/1.6@4130:4147 into trunk. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  93. 9e6a2a1 Use LazyPanel for deferred rendering in ShowCase by rjrjr@google.com · 16 years ago
  94. 2137856 Merging releases/1.6@4025:4130 into trunk; supercedes trunk:c4118. by scottb@google.com · 16 years ago
  95. 73e6448 Deprecates event listeners, introduces event handlers by rjrjr@google.com · 16 years ago
  96. c3f5a90 Support GWT.runAsync by splitting the JavaScript code by spoon@google.com · 16 years ago
  97. 0e2dc628 by fabbott@google.com · 17 years ago
  98. 2269498 Merging releases/1.5 into trunk by scottb@google.com · 17 years ago
  99. 0986505 Merging releases/1.5@r3048:r3078 into trunk. by jlabanca@google.com · 17 years ago
  100. 6435ea2 Merging releases/1.5@r2994:r3048 into trunk. by scottb@google.com · 17 years ago