blob: 7f28bbdef6cb12544984fd46755ee0bd0bf03a5c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
// Mozilla header files
#include "mozilla-headers.h"
#include "Tracer.h"
extern JSClass gwt_nativewrapper_class;
* Holds a root for Javascript objects, so the JS interpreter knows not to
* garbage-collect the underlying object as long as this object exists.
* Java code will pass a pointer to this object around (as an int/long) for
* referring to the underlying Javascript object.
* There are also convenience routines for manipulating the underlying value.
* Note that all get* methods assume the type is correct, so the corresponding
* is* method should be called first if you aren't sure of the type.
* See for details.
* TODO(jat): rewrite this to minimize the number of roots held and to
* improve 64-bit compatibility.
class JsRootedValue
// the JavaScript String class
static JSClass* stringClass;
// Javascript runtime
static JSRuntime* runtime;
// Javascript context
JSContext* context_;
// underlying Javascript value
jsval value_;
* Fetch the JavaScript String class.
* Not inlined to minimize code bloat since it should only be called once.
void fetchStringClass() const;
* Make sure we have the JS code to identify String objects installed.
void ensureStringClass() const {
if(stringClass) return;
* Helper for the various constructors
void constructorHelper(const char* ctorDesc) {
Tracer tracer(ctorDesc, this);
if (!JS_AddNamedRootRT(runtime, &value_, ctorDesc)) {
tracer.log("JS_AddNamedRootRT failed");
// TODO(jat): handle errors
* Copy constructor - make another rooted value that refers to the same
* JavaScript object (or has the same value if a primitive)
JsRootedValue(const JsRootedValue& rooted_value)
: context_(rooted_value.context_), value_(rooted_value.value_)
constructorHelper("JsRootedValue copy ctor");
* Create a value with a given jsval value
JsRootedValue(JSContext* context, jsval value)
: context_(context), value_(value)
constructorHelper("JsRootedValue jsval ctor");
* Create a void value
JsRootedValue(JSContext* context) : context_(context), value_(JSVAL_VOID) {
constructorHelper("JsRootedValue void ctor");
* Destroy this object.
~JsRootedValue() {
Tracer tracer("~JsRootedValue", this);
tracer.log("context=%08x", unsigned(context_));
// ignore error since currently it is not possible to fail
JS_RemoveRootRT(runtime, &value_);
* Save a pointer to the JSRuntime if we don't have it yet
static void ensureRuntime(JSContext* context) {
if(!runtime) runtime = JS_GetRuntime(context);
* Return the JSContext* pointer.
JSContext* getContext() const { return context_; }
* Return the global object for this value's context.
JSObject* getGlobalObject() const { return JS_GetGlobalObject(getContext()); }
* Return the underlying JS object
jsval getValue() const { return value_; }
* Sets the value of the underlying JS object and its context.
* Returns false if an error occurred.
bool setContextValue(JSContext* new_context, jsval new_value) {
context_ = new_context;
value_ = new_value;
return true;
* Sets the value of the underlying JS object.
* Returns false if an error occurred.
bool setValue(jsval new_value) {
value_ = new_value;
return true;
* Returns true if the underlying value is of some number type.
bool isNumber() const {
return JSVAL_IS_NUMBER(value_);
* Returns the underlying value as a double.
* Result is 0.0 if the underlying value is not a number
* type.
double getDouble() const {
jsdouble return_value=0.0;
// ignore return value -- if it fails, value will remain 0.0
JS_ValueToNumber(getContext(), value_, &return_value);
return double(return_value);
* Set the underlying value to a double value.
* Returns false on failure.
bool setDouble(double val) {
jsval js_double;
if(!JS_NewDoubleValue(getContext(), jsdouble(val), &js_double)) {
return false;
return setValue(js_double);
* Returns the underlying value as an integer value. Note that the result
* is undefined if isInt() does not return true.
int getInt() {
return JSVAL_TO_INT(value_);
* Set the underlying value to an integer value.
* Returns false on failure.
bool setInt(int val) {
// check if it fits in 31 bits (ie, top two bits are equal).
// if not, store it as a double
if ((val & 0x80000000) != ((val << 1) & 0x80000000)) {
return setDouble(val);
} else {
return setValue(INT_TO_JSVAL(val));
* Returns true if the underlying value is a boolean.
bool isBoolean() const {
return JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(value_);
* Returns the underlying value as a boolean.
* Result is undefined if the value is not actually
* a boolean.
bool getBoolean() const {
return value_ != JSVAL_FALSE;
* Set the underlying value to a boolean value.
* Returns false on failure (impossible?).
bool setBoolean(bool val) {
return setValue(val ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE);
* Returns true if the underlying value is a string.
bool isInt() const {
return JSVAL_IS_INT(value_);
* Returns true if the underlying value is a string.
bool isString() const {
return JSVAL_IS_STRING(value_);
* Check if the value is a JavaScript String object.
bool isJavaScriptStringObject() const {
if (!isObject()) return false;
return getObjectClass() == stringClass;
* Return this value as a string, converting as necessary.
JSString* asString() const {
return JS_ValueToString(getContext(), value_);
/* Returns the string as a JSString pointer.
* Result is undefined if the value is not actually a string or String object.
const JSString* getString() const {
if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(value_)) {
return JSVAL_TO_STRING(value_);
return asString();
* Returns the string as a zero-terminated array of UTF16 characters.
* Note that this pointer may become invalid when JS performs GC, so it
* may only be used without calling other JS functions. Result is
* undefined if the value is not actually a string.
const wchar_t* getStringChars() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(JS_GetStringChars(
* Returns the length of the underlying string. Result is undefined
* if the value is not actually a string.
int getStringLength() const {
return JS_GetStringLength(const_cast<JSString*>(getString()));
* Sets the underlying value, defined by a null-terminated array of UTF16
* chars.
* Returns false on failure.
bool setString(const wchar_t* utf16) {
JSString* str = JS_NewUCStringCopyZ(getContext(),
reinterpret_cast<const jschar*>(utf16));
return setValue(STRING_TO_JSVAL(str));
* Returns true if the underlying value is an object.
bool isObject() const {
return JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(value_);
* Returns the underlying value as an object.
* Result is undefined if it is not actually an object.
JSObject* getObject() const {
return isObject() ? JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(value_) : 0;
* Returns the class name of the underlying value.
* Result is undefined if it is not actually an object.
const JSClass* getObjectClass() const {
return isObject() ? JS_GET_CLASS(getContext(), getObject()) : 0;
* Sets the underlying value to be an object.
* Returns false on failure.
bool setObject(JSObject* obj) {
return setValue(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
* Returns true if the underlying value is undefined (void).
bool isUndefined() const {
return JSVAL_IS_VOID(value_);
* Sets the underlying value to be undefined (void).
* Returns false on failure (impossible?)
bool setUndefined() {
return setValue(JSVAL_VOID);
* Returns true if the underlying value is null.
bool isNull() const {
return JSVAL_IS_NULL(value_);
* Sets the underlying value to be null.
* Returns false on failure (impossible?)
bool setNull() {
return setValue(JSVAL_NULL);