blob: 68200eb61451a5d641591af28f30ad47c4dbd3aa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import java.beans.Beans;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Tests for {@link DesignTimeUtils}.
public class DesignTimeUtilsTest extends TestCase {
private static final W3cDomHelper docHelper = new W3cDomHelper(
TreeLogger.NULL, new MockResourceOracle());
private final DesignTimeUtils stub = DesignTimeUtilsStub.EMPTY;
private final DesignTimeUtilsImpl impl = new DesignTimeUtilsImpl();
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtilsImpl#isDesignTime(String)}.
public void test_isDesignTime_evaluate() throws Exception {
// not design time
assertEquals(false, DesignTimeUtilsImpl.isDesignTime("no.Matter"));
// not this Binder
try {
System.setProperty("gwt.UiBinder.isDesignTime my.Binder", "true");
assertEquals(false, DesignTimeUtilsImpl.isDesignTime("other.Binder"));
} finally {
// OK
try {
System.setProperty("gwt.UiBinder.isDesignTime my.Binder", "true");
assertEquals(true, DesignTimeUtilsImpl.isDesignTime("my.Binder"));
} finally {
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#addDeclarations(IndentedWriter)}.
public void test_addDeclarations_default() throws Exception {
String result = call_addDeclarations(stub);
assertEquals("", result);
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#addDeclarations(IndentedWriter)}.
public void test_addDeclarations_designTime() throws Exception {
String result = call_addDeclarations(impl);
assertContains(result, "public static interface DTObjectHandler");
assertContains(result, "void handle(String path, Object object)");
assertContains(result, "public DTObjectHandler dtObjectHandler;");
"public final java.util.Map dtAttributes = new java.util.HashMap();");
"private void dtPutAttribute(String key, Object...values) {");
private static String call_addDeclarations(DesignTimeUtils designTime) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
IndentedWriter indentedWriter = new IndentedWriter(new PrintWriter(sw));
return sw.toString();
private static void assertContains(String content, String subString) {
assertTrue(subString, content.contains(subString));
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getImplName(String)}.
public void test_getImplName_default() throws Exception {
String basicName = "MyBinderImpl";
String result = stub.getImplName(basicName);
assertEquals(basicName, result);
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getImplName(String)}.
public void test_getImplName_designTime() throws Exception {
String basicName = "MyBinderImpl";
String result = impl.getImplName(basicName);
// has "_designTime" substring
String prefix = basicName + "_designTime";
// suffix is current time plus/minus 1 hour, so generates unique names
long suffix = Long.parseLong(result.substring(prefix.length()));
long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - suffix;
assertTrue(Math.abs(delta) < 1000 * 3600);
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getPath(Element)} and related methods.
public void test_path_default() throws Exception {
Document doc = docHelper.documentFor("<root><first/><second/></root>", null);
Element first = getChildElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "first");
Element second = getChildElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "second");
assertEquals(null, stub.getPath(first));
assertEquals(null, stub.getPath(second));
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getPath(Element)} and related methods.
public void test_path_designTime() throws Exception {
Document doc = docHelper.documentFor(
"<root><first/><second><subSecond/></second></root>", null);
Element first = getChildElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "first");
Element second = getChildElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "second");
Element subSecond = getChildElement(second, "subSecond");
assertEquals("0/0", impl.getPath(first));
assertEquals("0/1", impl.getPath(second));
assertEquals("0/1/0", impl.getPath(subSecond));
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getProvidedField(String, String)}.
public void test_getProvidedField_default() throws Exception {
String source = stub.getProvidedField("java.lang.String", "fieldName");
assertEquals(null, source);
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getProvidedField(String, String)}.
public void test_getProvidedField_designTime() throws Exception {
String source = impl.getProvidedField("java.lang.String", "fieldName");
assertEquals("(java.lang.String) dtObjectHandler.provideField("
+ "java.lang.String.class, \"fieldName\")", source);
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getProvidedFactory(String, String, String)}
* .
public void test_getProvidedFactory_default() throws Exception {
String source = stub.getProvidedFactory("java.lang.String", "methodName",
"false, 1");
assertEquals(null, source);
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getProvidedFactory(String, String, String)}
* .
public void test_getProvidedFactory_designTime() throws Exception {
String source = impl.getProvidedFactory("java.lang.String", "methodName",
"false, 1");
assertEquals("(java.lang.String) dtObjectHandler.provideFactory("
+ "java.lang.String.class, \"methodName\", new Object[] {false, 1})",
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getTemplateContent(String)}.
public void test_getTemplateContent_default() throws Exception {
String path = "the/path";
assertEquals(null, stub.getTemplateContent(path));
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#getTemplateContent(String)}.
public void test_getTemplateContent_designTime() throws Exception {
String path = "the/path";
String key = "gwt.UiBinder.designTime " + path;
try {
String content = "myContent";
System.setProperty(key, content);
assertEquals(content, impl.getTemplateContent(path));
} finally {
* Test for
* {@link DesignTimeUtils#handleUIObject(IUiBinderWriterStatements, XMLElement, String)}
* .
public void test_handleUIObject_default() throws Exception {
WriterStatements writer = new WriterStatements();
stub.handleUIObject(writer, null, "myField");
assertEquals(0, writer.statements.size());
* Test for
* {@link DesignTimeUtils#handleUIObject(IUiBinderWriterStatements, XMLElement, String)}
* .
public void test_handleUIObject_designTime() throws Exception {
// prepare XMLElement
XMLElement element;
Document doc = docHelper.documentFor("<root><first/></root>", null);
Element first = getChildElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "first");
element = createXMLElement(first, impl);
// prepare statements
List<String> statements;
WriterStatements writer = new WriterStatements();
impl.handleUIObject(writer, element, "myField");
statements = writer.statements;
// validate
assertEquals(1, statements.size());
"if (dtObjectHandler != null) dtObjectHandler.handle(\"0/0\", myField);",
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#isDesignTime()}.
public void test_isDesignTime_default() throws Exception {
assertEquals(false, stub.isDesignTime());
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#isDesignTime()}.
public void test_getOwnerCheck_designTime() throws Exception {
assertEquals(true, impl.isDesignTime());
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#putAttribute(XMLElement, String, String)}
* and {@link DesignTimeUtils#writeAttributes(Statements)}.
public void test_putAttribute_default() throws Exception {
List<String> statements = call_putAttribute(stub);
// validate
assertEquals(0, statements.size());
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#putAttribute(XMLElement, String, String)}
* and {@link DesignTimeUtils#writeAttributes(Statements)}.
public void test_putAttribute_designTime() throws Exception {
List<String> statements = call_putAttribute(impl);
// validate
assertEquals(1, statements.size());
assertEquals("dtPutAttribute(\"0/0 attr\", val);", statements.get(0));
private static List<String> call_putAttribute(DesignTimeUtils designTime)
throws Exception {
// prepare XMLElement
XMLElement element;
Document doc = docHelper.documentFor("<root><first/></root>", null);
Element first = getChildElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "first");
element = createXMLElement(first, designTime);
// prepare statements
List<String> statements;
WriterStatements writer = new WriterStatements();
designTime.putAttribute(element, "attr", "val");
statements = writer.statements;
// done
return statements;
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#putAttribute(XMLElement, String, String[])}
* .
public void test_putAttributeStrings_default() throws Exception {
List<String> statements = call_putAttributeStrings(new String[]{"a", "b"},
// validate
assertEquals(0, statements.size());
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#putAttribute(XMLElement, String, String[])}
* .
public void test_putAttributeStrings_designTime_empty() throws Exception {
List<String> statements = call_putAttributeStrings(new String[]{}, impl);
// validate
assertEquals(0, statements.size());
* Test for {@link DesignTimeUtils#putAttribute(XMLElement, String, String[])}
* .
public void test_putAttributeStrings_designTime() throws Exception {
List<String> statements = call_putAttributeStrings(new String[]{"a", "b"},
// validate
assertEquals(1, statements.size());
assertEquals("dtPutAttribute(\"0/0 attr\", new String[] {a, b});",
private static List<String> call_putAttributeStrings(String[] strings,
DesignTimeUtils designTime) throws Exception {
// prepare XMLElement
XMLElement element;
Document doc = docHelper.documentFor("<root><first/></root>", null);
Element first = getChildElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "first");
element = createXMLElement(first, designTime);
// prepare statements
List<String> statements;
WriterStatements writer = new WriterStatements();
designTime.putAttribute(element, "attr", strings);
statements = writer.statements;
return statements;
* Returns the only child {@link Element} with given tag name.
private static Element getChildElement(Element parent, String name) {
NodeList elements = parent.getElementsByTagName(name);
assertEquals(1, elements.getLength());
return (Element) elements.item(0);
* Returns the {@link XMLElement} wrapper for given {@link Element}.
private static XMLElement createXMLElement(Element elem,
DesignTimeUtils designTime) {
return new XMLElement(elem, null, null, null, null, designTime, null);
* Implementation of {@link IUiBinderWriterStatements} for simple statements.
static class WriterStatements extends Statements.Empty {
List<String> statements = new ArrayList<String>();
public void addStatement(String format, Object... args) {
statements.add(String.format(format, args));