| <!-- |
| Copyright 2008 Google Inc. |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you |
| may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may |
| may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| implied. License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder |
| SYSTEM "http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/files/xhtml.ent" |
| [ |
| <!ENTITY % MyEntities SYSTEM "MyEntities.ent"> |
| %MyEntities; |
| ] |
| > |
| <!-- |
| This scary DOCTYPE section is not required. It's here to demonstrate two |
| things. |
| |
| First, this bit: |
| |
| SYSTEM "http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/files/xhtml.ent" |
| |
| allows you to use familiar HTML entities like %nbsp; and •, |
| which are not part of XML. |
| |
| Next, the bit in square brackets is even more optional. It shows how |
| to add your own entities, in this case pulling in additional |
| definitions for &point-left; and &point-right; from local file |
| MyEntities.ent. |
| |
| You don't have to be so verbose to include a local file! For |
| example, you might instead grab your own copy of xhtml.ent |
| and add your custom entity definitions to it, and use this |
| for your DOCTYPE: |
| |
| <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "my-xhtml.ent"> |
| --> |
| |
| <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder' |
| xmlns:gwt='urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui' |
| xmlns:demo='urn:import:com.google.gwt.uibinder.sample.client' |
| |
| ui:defaultLocale="en_us" |
| ui:generateKeys="com.google.gwt.i18n.rebind.keygen.MD5KeyGenerator" |
| ui:generateFormat="com.google.gwt.i18n.rebind.format.PropertiesFormat" |
| ui:generateFilename="myapp_translate_source" |
| ui:generateLocales="default" |
| > |
| |
| <ui:with field='external' type='com.google.gwt.uibinder.sample.client.WidgetBasedUiExternalResources'> |
| (This text is ignored, but it's a handy place to document a resource.) |
| |
| external is used to test receiving a resource from the owner via |
| @UiField(provided = true), particularly useful for dependency |
| injection via Gin and the like |
| </ui:with> |
| |
| <ui:with field='values' type='com.google.gwt.uibinder.sample.client.FakeBundle'> |
| Tests the default creation of a resource via GWT.create(), and also the ability |
| for a resource to provide arbitrary objects to arbitrary attributes (look for FooLabel) |
| </ui:with> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Tests creating a CssResource from an external file. |
| --> |
| <ui:style field='myStyle' src='WidgetBasedUi.css Menu.css' |
| type='com.google.gwt.uibinder.sample.client.WidgetBasedUi.Style'> |
| .menuBar { |
| font-family: sans-serif; |
| } |
| </ui:style> |
| |
| <ui:style field='myOtherStyle' type='com.google.gwt.uibinder.sample.client.WidgetBasedUi.Style'> |
| /* because we extend WidgetBasedUi.Style and it's tagged @Shared, we can refine the menubar |
| style defined in other files */ |
| |
| .menuBar.psychedelic { |
| background-color: Yellow; |
| } |
| |
| /* Visible only to this template */ |
| .privateColor { |
| color: Purple; |
| } |
| </ui:style> |
| |
| <ui:style field='myTotallyPrivateStyle'> |
| /* An inline style tied to no public type */ |
| |
| .superPrivateColor { |
| background-color: Gold; |
| } |
| </ui:style> |
| |
| <ui:style field='cursorifficStyle'> |
| @url cursor heartCursorResource; |
| .cursor { |
| cursor:cursor,pointer; |
| } |
| </ui:style> |
| <ui:data field='heartCursorResource' src='heart.cur'/> |
| |
| <ui:style field='mySpritelyStyle'> |
| @sprite .simpleSprite { |
| gwt-image: "prettyImage"; |
| } |
| |
| @sprite .tilingSprite { |
| gwt-image: "prettyTilingImage"; |
| } |
| |
| .garish { |
| color: Purple; |
| font-weight: bold; |
| font-family: sans-serif; |
| text-shadow: white 1px 1px 1px; |
| } |
| |
| .garish.tilingSprite { |
| font-size: 1.5em; |
| } |
| </ui:style> |
| <ui:image field='prettyImage' /> |
| <ui:image field='prettyTilingImage' src='prettyImage.png' flipRtl='true' repeatStyle='Both'/> |
| <ui:image field='right'/> |
| <ui:image field='down'/> |
| |
| <gwt:DockPanel ui:field="root" width="100%"> |
| <gwt:Dock direction='NORTH'> |
| <gwt:HTML> |
| <div style='border: 4px solid gray; padding: 4px; margin: 4px;'> |
| <img src='http://www.google.com/images/logo_sm.gif' alt="logo" /> |
| <span ui:field="trimmedMessage"><ui:msg description='"title" of the doc' |
| meaning='would not normally do a "meaning" here' |
| key='and I would never use "key" at all'> |
| <!-- A test expects this *not* to be on one line --> |
| Title area, specified largely in HTML. |
| </ui:msg></span> |
| </div> |
| </gwt:HTML> |
| </gwt:Dock> |
| <gwt:Dock direction='WEST'> |
| <gwt:HTML> |
| <div ui:field="sideBar" |
| style='border: 4px solid gray; padding: 4px; margin: 4px;' |
| >This could<br/> |
| be a<br/> |
| side bar<br/> |
| or something<br/> |
| like that...</div> |
| </gwt:HTML> |
| </gwt:Dock> |
| <gwt:Dock direction='CENTER'> |
| <gwt:HTMLPanel> |
| <p><ui:msg>This is a demonstration and test bed of GWT's shiny UiBinder |
| package. At the moment it works mainly as described in |
| <a href="http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit-incubator/wiki/DeclarativeUi" |
| ui:ph="oldBlogLink"> |
| this blog post</a>, but it is en route to the use cases desribed at |
| <a href="http://go/gwt-uibinder" ui:ph="newBlogLink">http://go/gwt-uibinder</a> and |
| <a href="http://go/gwt-uibinder-i18n" ui:ph="i18nBlogLink">http://go/gwt-uibinder-i18n</a>. Early |
| adopters should recognize themselves as such, and be prepared to have the |
| api rug yanked out from under them.</ui:msg></p> |
| <p ui:field="main"> |
| &point-right; <span ui:field="messageInMain"><ui:msg>This is the main area. It's an <b>HTMLPanel</b>, which allows you to mix |
| &point-right; • XHTML • &point-left; and regular GWT widgets, more or less with |
| impunity. Take the following button for example.</ui:msg></span> &point-left; |
| </p> |
| <gwt:Button ui:field='myButton'> |
| Button with <b id='shouldSayHTML'>HTML</b> contents... |
| </gwt:Button> |
| <p> |
| It's specified using the Button widget, so that it's easy to work with from |
| Java code. Its markup has a ui:field value of 'myButton', which allows you to get it using the |
| <i ui:field="nonStandardElement">getMyButton()</i> method from MyTemplate.java. </p> |
| <p> |
| Here is a similarly clickable |
| <demo:ClickyLink text="hyperlink based on a custom widget" |
| ui:field="customLinkWidget" popupText="That tickles! "/>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>I bet you like babies in your Image widgets.</p> |
| <div class='{cursorifficStyle.cursor}'> |
| <gwt:Image ui:field='babyWidget' resource='{prettyImage}'/> |
| </div> |
| |
| <p ui:field='simpleSpriteParagraph' |
| class='{mySpritelyStyle.simpleSprite} {mySpritelyStyle.garish} |
| {cursorifficStyle.cursor}' > |
| And sprites too |
| </p> |
| |
| <p class='{mySpritelyStyle.tilingSprite} {mySpritelyStyle.garish} |
| {cursorifficStyle.cursor}'> |
| Well how do you like <br/> |
| tiled sprited images...of babies!! <br/> |
| Well of course you do. Who wouldn't? |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| <ui:msg description=""> |
| Of course, it could just as easily be a Tree under a MenuBar... |
| </ui:msg> |
| </p> |
| <div class="{myStyle.menuBar}"> |
| <gwt:MenuBar ui:field="topMenuBar" vertical="false"> |
| <gwt:MenuItem> |
| <div id="higgledy"> |
| <ui:msg description="Last 7 Day Period"> |
| Higgeldy |
| </ui:msg> |
| </div> |
| <gwt:MenuBar vertical="true" styleName="{myStyle.menuBar}"> |
| <gwt:MenuItem>able</gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem>baker</gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem>charlie</gwt:MenuItem> |
| </gwt:MenuBar> |
| </gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem> |
| <div id="piggledy"> |
| <ui:msg description="Last 7 Day Period"> |
| Piggledy |
| </ui:msg> |
| </div> |
| <gwt:MenuBar vertical="true" styleName="{myStyle.menuBar} {myOtherStyle.psychedelic}"> |
| <gwt:MenuItem>delta</gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem>echo</gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem>foxtrot</gwt:MenuItem> |
| </gwt:MenuBar> |
| </gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem> |
| <div id="pop-can-has-submenu"> |
| <ui:msg description="Last 7 Day Period">Pop</ui:msg> |
| </div> |
| <gwt:MenuBar vertical="true" ui:field="dropdownMenuBar" |
| styleName="{myStyle.menuBar}"> |
| <gwt:MenuItem ui:field='menuItemCustomDateRange'> |
| <ui:msg description="Custom date range"> |
| the Dog |
| </ui:msg> |
| </gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem> |
| <ui:msg>has eaten</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem ui:field="menuItemMop" styleName="moppy"> |
| <ui:msg>the Mop</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:MenuItem> |
| <gwt:MenuItem ui:field='menuItemLegacy'> |
| <span style="white-space:nowrap">The <gwt:MenuItemHTML>pig's in</gwt:MenuItemHTML> a hurry</span> |
| </gwt:MenuItem> |
| </gwt:MenuBar> |
| </gwt:MenuItem> |
| </gwt:MenuBar> |
| </div> |
| <gwt:Tree ui:field='myTree' width="100px" /> |
| |
| <p>...TextBoxes...</p> |
| |
| <gwt:TextBox maxLength="21">21 chars only, please</gwt:TextBox> |
| |
| <p>...or perhaps a handful of RadioButtons:</p> |
| <gwt:RadioButton ui:field='myRadioAble' name="radios" text="Able" checked="true"> |
| <ui:attribute name="text" description="radio button name"/> |
| </gwt:RadioButton> |
| <gwt:RadioButton ui:field='myRadioBaker' name="radios" text="Baker"> |
| <ui:attribute name="text" description="radio button name"/> |
| </gwt:RadioButton> |
| <demo:PointlessRadioButtonSubclass ui:field='emptyRadio' name="radios" |
| text="Charlie (this one is a subclass of RadioButton)"> |
| <ui:attribute name="text" description="radio button name"/> |
| </demo:PointlessRadioButtonSubclass> |
| |
| <gwt:HorizontalPanel> |
| <gwt:Cell><gwt:HTMLPanel> |
| <p> ... a StackPanel ... </p> |
| |
| <gwt:StackPanel stylePrimaryName="myStyle" width="280px" ui:field='myStackPanel'> |
| <gwt:Label text="Stack One Text" gwt:StackPanel-text="Stack One" |
| ui:field='myStackPanelItem'> |
| <!-- ui:attribute name="gwt:StackPanel-text" description="Label for Stack One"/ |
| --> |
| <ui:attribute name="text" description="Content for Stack One Text"/> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| <gwt:HTMLPanel gwt:StackPanel-text="Stack Two"> |
| <!-- ui:attribute name="gwt:StackPanel-text" description="Label for Stack Two"/ |
| --> |
| <div> |
| <ui:msg description="Describe div content">Some other content</ui:msg> |
| </div> |
| </gwt:HTMLPanel> |
| <gwt:Label text="Stack Three Text" gwt:StackPanel-text="Stack Three" /> |
| </gwt:StackPanel> |
| </gwt:HTMLPanel></gwt:Cell> |
| |
| <gwt:cell><gwt:HTMLPanel> |
| <p> ... a TabPanel </p> |
| |
| <gwt:TabPanel> |
| <gwt:Tab text='Able'><gwt:Label>Able Widget</gwt:Label></gwt:Tab> |
| <gwt:Tab><gwt:TabHTML><b>B</b>aker</gwt:TabHTML> |
| <gwt:Label>Baker widget</gwt:Label> |
| </gwt:Tab> |
| </gwt:TabPanel> |
| </gwt:HTMLPanel></gwt:cell> |
| |
| </gwt:HorizontalPanel> |
| |
| |
| <p> ... a DisclosurePanel with a text header ... </p> |
| |
| <gwt:DisclosurePanel ui:field='myDisclosurePanel' animationEnabled='true'> |
| <gwt:header> |
| <ui:msg description="Label for Disclosure One">I just have a text header</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:header> |
| |
| |
| <gwt:Label ui:field='myDisclosurePanelItem'> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure One Text">Disclosure Text</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| |
| </gwt:DisclosurePanel> |
| |
| <p> ... a DisclosurePanel with a widget header ... </p> |
| |
| <gwt:DisclosurePanel animationEnabled='true'> |
| <gwt:customHeader> |
| <gwt:Label> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure Two Text">Disclosure Header - closed</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| </gwt:customHeader> |
| |
| |
| <gwt:Label> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure Two">Disclosure Two - closed</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| |
| </gwt:DisclosurePanel> |
| |
| <p> ... an open DisclosurePanel with a widget header ... </p> |
| |
| <gwt:DisclosurePanel open='true' animationEnabled='true'> |
| <gwt:customHeader> |
| <gwt:Label> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure Two Text">Disclosure Header - open</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| </gwt:customHeader> |
| |
| |
| <gwt:Label> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure Two">Disclosure Two - open</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| |
| </gwt:DisclosurePanel> |
| |
| <p> ... a DisclosurePanel with no header ... </p> |
| |
| <gwt:DisclosurePanel open="true" animationEnabled='true'> |
| |
| <gwt:Label> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure Three">Disclosure Three</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| |
| </gwt:DisclosurePanel> |
| |
| <p> ... an open DisclosurePanel with a text label and no animation</p> |
| |
| <gwt:DisclosurePanel open="true" > |
| <gwt:header><ui:msg>Disclosure Three - open</ui:msg></gwt:header> |
| |
| |
| <gwt:Label> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure Three">Disclosure Three</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| |
| </gwt:DisclosurePanel> |
| |
| <p> ... a DisclosurePanel with no content ... </p> |
| |
| <gwt:DisclosurePanel> |
| <gwt:header><ui:msg>"I just have a text header"</ui:msg></gwt:header> |
| </gwt:DisclosurePanel> |
| |
| <p> ... a DisclosurePanel with custom images ... </p> |
| |
| <gwt:DisclosurePanel open='false' animationEnabled='true'> |
| <gwt:header openImage='{down}' closedImage='{right}'> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure Two Text">Custom images header</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:header> |
| |
| <gwt:Label> |
| <ui:msg description="Content for Disclosure Two">Custom images body</ui:msg> |
| </gwt:Label> |
| |
| </gwt:DisclosurePanel> |
| |
| <h2>Stylish</h2> |
| <p> |
| Templates work with ClientBundle. For example, |
| this label gets its text from somplace tricky and its style from a ClientBundle |
| defined outside of this UI:</p> |
| <gwt:Label ui:field='bundledLabel' text="{values.helloText}" styleName="{external.style.prettyText}"/> |
| <!-- Note use of id rather than ui:field, to test that ids work on dom elements --> |
| <p class="{external.style.prettyText}" id='prettyPara'> |
| This stylish paragraph also gets its good looks from the |
| external ClientBundle. |
| </p> |
| <p ui:field='privateStyleParagraph' class='{myStyle.privateColor}'> |
| This one is has a private style, defined out in WidgetBaseUi.css and used only by this ui.xml file. |
| </p> |
| <p ui:field='reallyPrivateStyleParagraph' class='{myOtherStyle.privateColor}'> |
| And this style is defined right here inside the ui.xml file. |
| <span ui:field='totallyPrivateStyleSpan' class='{myTotallyPrivateStyle.superPrivateColor}'> |
| (This one too, but even more so.) |
| </span> |
| </p> |
| <demo:CssImportScopeSample ui:field='cssImportScopeSample' wrappedText='Please use it.'> |
| And this one relies on CssResource's imported scopes feature |
| </demo:CssImportScopeSample> |
| <h2>Evolving</h2> |
| <p> |
| Things change. This label uses the new ui:field attribute to declare |
| its identity. Soon everything |
| will work that way: |
| </p> |
| <gwt:Label ui:field='gwtFieldLabel'>Tommy can you hear me? Can you field me near you?</gwt:Label> |
| <h2>Localization and character escaping</h2> |
| <p ui:field="funnyCharsParagraph">Templates can be marked up for <b>localization</b>, |
| which presents alls kinds of exciting opportunities for bugs related to |
| character escaping. Consider these funny characters " " ' ' & < > > { }, |
| and the various places they might make your life miserable, like this |
| untranslated paragraph.</p> |
| <p ui:field="funnyCharsMessageParagraph"><ui:msg>They might show up |
| in body text that has been <b>marked for translation</b>: funny characters " " ' ' & < > > { }</ui:msg></p> |
| <p><ui:msg>Or perhaps in a subelement with a ui:field: <span ui:field='funnyCharsMessageChildSpan'>funny characters " " ' ' & < > > { }</span></ui:msg></p> |
| <p ui:field="funnyCharsProtectedMessageParagraph"><ui:msg>Don't forget about protected untranslatable blocks: <ui:ph name='francine'>funny characters " " ' ' & < > > { }</ui:ph></ui:msg></p> |
| <p ui:field="funnyCharsMessageDomAttributeParagraph" title="funny characters " ' ' & < > > { }"> |
| <ui:attribute name="title"/> |
| Attributes of dom elements can be translated too, like the |
| tooltip of this paragraph, which features the challenging characters. |
| </p> |
| <p ui:field="funnyCharsDomAttributeParagraph" |
| title="funny characters " ' ' & < > > { }"> |
| They might also appear in an unstranslated attribute of a dom element, like |
| the tooltip for this paragraph. |
| </p> |
| <p>And all the cases above apply to widgets as well:</p> |
| <gwt:Label>I am an untranslatable HasText with funny characters " " ' ' & < > > { }</gwt:Label> |
| <gwt:HTML>I am an untranslatable HasHTML with funny characters " " ' ' & < > > { }</gwt:HTML> |
| <gwt:Label><ui:msg>I am a translatable <ui:ph name="widgetType" example="myWidget">HasText</ui:ph> with funny characters " " ' ' & < > > { }</ui:msg></gwt:Label> |
| <gwt:HTML><ui:msg>I am a translatable <ui:ph name="widgetType" example="myWidget">HasHTML</ui:ph> with funny characters " " ' ' & < > > { }</ui:msg></gwt:HTML> |
| <demo:ClickyLink ui:field="funnyCharsAttributeWidget" |
| popupText="funny characters " ' ' & < > > { }"> |
| Click to see my untranslatable text passed by attribute |
| </demo:ClickyLink> |
| <br/> |
| <demo:ClickyLink ui:field="funnyCharsMessageAttributeWidget" |
| popupText="funny characters " ' ' & < > > { }"> |
| <ui:attribute name="popupText"/> |
| Click to see my translatable text passed by attribute |
| </demo:ClickyLink> |
| |
| <h2>Placeholders in localizables</h2> |
| <p><ui:msg>When you mark up your text for translation, there will be bits |
| that you don't want the translators to mess with. You can protect |
| these with <span id="placeholdersSpan" style="font-weight:bold" class="{external.style.prettyText}" |
| ui:ph="boldSpan">placeholders</span><ui:ph name="tm"><sup ui:field="tmElement" |
| class="{external.style.tmText}">TM</sup></ui:ph>.</ui:msg></p> |
| |
| <p><ui:msg>You may also need to have <span ui:field="spanInMsg" |
| style="font-weight:bold" class="{external.style.prettyText}">named |
| portions</span> of <span class="{external.style.prettyText}">translatable text</span></ui:msg></p> |
| |
| <p><ui:msg>Of course you'll want to be able to do this kind of thing |
| with widgets <demo:MyDatePicker/> as well, whether they <gwt:Label>HasText<ui:ph name="tm">*TM*</ui:ph></gwt:Label> |
| or <gwt:HTML>HasHTML<ui:ph name="TM2"><sup ui:field="tmElementJr" |
| class="{external.style.tmText}">TM</sup></ui:ph></gwt:HTML></ui:msg></p> |
| |
| <h2>Any Widget You Like</h2> |
| <p><demo:AnnotatedStrictLabel text="This widget is not default instantiable." ui:field="strictLabel"/></p> |
| <p><demo:AnnotatedStrictLabel text="Another constructor based widget, translated this time." ui:field="translatedStrictLabel"> |
| <ui:attribute name="text" description="Arbitrary text"/> |
| </demo:AnnotatedStrictLabel></p> |
| <p><demo:StrictLabel text="More of the same." ui:field="veryStrictLabel"/></p> |
| <p><demo:StrictLabel text="Likewise, again translated this time." ui:field="translatedVeryStrictLabel"> |
| <ui:attribute name="text" description="Arbitrary text"/> |
| </demo:StrictLabel></p> |
| <p><demo:NeedlesslyAnnotatedLabel ui:field="needlessLabel" |
| text="Sometimes people do things they don't need to do. Don't punish them."/></p> |
| <demo:FooLabel ui:field='theFoo' pojo="{values.pojo}"/> |
| |
| <h2>How to use the debugId, addStyleNames, addDependentStyleNames attributes</h2> |
| <p>You can use the <strong>debugId</strong>, <strong>addStyleNames</strong>, and <strong>addDependentStyleNames</strong> |
| attributes on any widget that extends UIObject. |
| <ul> |
| <li><b>debugId</b> will set an <em>id</em> on the element prefixed with <em>gwt-debug</em></li> |
| <li><b>addStyleNames</b> (comma separated) will add all class names to the existing style (space separated)</li> |
| <li><b>addDependentStyleNames</b> (comma separated) will concatenate all class names to the existing style with a "-" as a separator</li> |
| </ul> |
| You can/should use FireBug or a simple view source to see the attributes that were created. |
| <br /> |
| </p> |
| |
| <b>Template:</b> |
| <pre style="border: 1px dashed #666; padding: 5px 0;"> |
| <ui:UiBinder |
| xmlns:ui='urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder' |
| xmlns:gwt='urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui'> |
| |
| <gwt:FlowPanel> |
| <gwt:Label ui:field="lblDebugId" debugId="joe" |
| addStyleNames="newStyle, anotherStyle" |
| addStyleDependentNames="dependentStyle, anotherDependentStyle" |
| text="a label with debug id" /> |
| |
| <!-- A button that only adds a single style name, no comma's needed --> |
| <gwt:Button ui:field="btnGo" debugId="myButton" |
| addStyleNames="buttonStyle" text="a button with extra attributes" /> |
| </gwt:FlowPanel> |
| |
| </ui:UiBinder></pre> |
| |
| <b>HTML:</b> |
| <pre style="border: 1px dashed #666; padding: 5px 0;"> |
| <div id="gwt-debug-joe" |
| class="gwt-Label newStyle anotherStyle gwt-Label-dependentStyle |
| gwt-Label-anotherDependentStyle"> |
| A label with a debug id |
| </div> |
| <button id="gwt-debug-myButton" class="gwt-Button buttonStyle" tabindex="0" |
| type="button">Go</button></pre> |
| |
| <gwt:FlowPanel> |
| <gwt:Label ui:field="lblDebugId" debugId="joe" addStyleNames="newStyle, anotherStyle" addStyleDependentNames="dependentStyle, anotherDependentStyle"> |
| A label with a debug id |
| </gwt:Label> |
| <gwt:Button ui:field="btnGo" debugId="myButton" addStyleNames="buttonStyle">Go</gwt:Button> |
| </gwt:FlowPanel> |
| |
| <h2>How to tie handlers automatically!!</h2> |
| <p>You can add event handlers to template widgets as long as they have |
| valid ui:field attributes. If the template is shared, each widget can |
| register listeners for the events it's interested in. In the example |
| below, we listen to MouseOver events on the status label and clicks |
| on the button.</p> |
| |
| <demo:HandlerDemo /> |
| |
| <b>Template:</b> |
| <pre style="border: 1px dashed #666; padding: 5px 0;"> |
| <ui:UiBinder |
| xmlns:ui='urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder' |
| xmlns:gwt='urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui'> |
| |
| <gwt:FlowPanel> |
| <gwt:Label ui:field="label" text="Looking for happiness?" /> |
| <gwt:Button ui:field="button" text="Click here to happiness!!" /> |
| <gwt:TextBox ui:field="textbox" /> |
| </gwt:FlowPanel> |
| |
| </ui:UiBinder></pre> |
| |
| <b>The code:</b> |
| <pre style="border: 1px dashed #666; padding: 5px 0;"> |
| public class HandlerDemo extends Composite { |
| |
| @UiTemplate("HandlerDemo.ui.xml") |
| interface MyUiBinder extends UiBinder<FlowPanel, HandlerDemo> {} |
| private static final MyUiBinder binder = GWT.create(MyUiBinder.class); |
| |
| @UiField Label label; |
| |
| // No need of declare button here via @UiField if it is not really used |
| // in the class. Just don't forget to "ui:field" it in the template. |
| |
| private int counter; |
| |
| public HandlerDemo() { |
| initWidget(binder.createAndBindUi(this)); |
| } |
| |
| @UiHandler({"label", "button"}) |
| protected void doClick(ClickEvent event) { |
| Window.alert("Yes, now I'm happy!"); |
| counter = 0; |
| label.setText("Don't mouse over, click me!!!"); |
| } |
| |
| @UiHandler("button") |
| protected void doMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { |
| ++counter; |
| label.setText(counter + ". Don't mouse over, click me!"); |
| } |
| |
| @UiHandler("textbox") |
| protected void doChangeValue(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { |
| label.setText("Typing = " + event.getValue()); |
| } |
| }</pre> |
| |
| |
| <h2>People write the darndest markup</h2> |
| <table border="1" bcolor="yellow" cellpadding="3" ui:field="widgetCrazyTable"> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementPanel tag="thead"> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="td">They have been known</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="td">to write widgets</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| </demo:ExplicitElementPanel> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementPanel tag="tr"> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="td">that masquerade</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="td">as table cells,</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| </demo:ExplicitElementPanel> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementPanel tag="tfoot"> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="td">just like these.</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="td">Burma Shave</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| </demo:ExplicitElementPanel> |
| </table> |
| <ul> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="li">You</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="li">can</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="li">imagine</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| </ul> |
| <ol ui:field="widgetCrazyOrderedList"> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="li">similar</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="li">things</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| </ol> |
| <dl ui:field="widgetCrazyDefinitionList"> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="dt">Being</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="dd">done</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="dd">with</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| <demo:ExplicitElementWidget tag="dd">lists</demo:ExplicitElementWidget> |
| </dl> |
| <gwt:HTMLPanel tag="table" ui:field="customTagHtmlPanel"> |
| <tr><td>Even HTMLPanel gets in on the game</td></tr> |
| <tr><td>Lately, anyway.</td></tr> |
| </gwt:HTMLPanel> |
| |
| </gwt:HTMLPanel> |
| </gwt:Dock> |
| </gwt:DockPanel> |
| </ui:UiBinder> |