blob: 0a92e76bde42671b019a2d943e62f82d34358b61 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* <p>
* Low-level support to download an extra fragment of code. This should not be
* invoked directly by user code.
* </p>
* <p>
* The fragments are numbered as follows, assuming there are <em>m</em> split
* points:
* <ul>
* <li>0 -- the <em>base</em> fragment, which is initially downloaded
* <li>1..m -- fragments for each split point
* <li>m+1 -- the <em>leftovers</em> fragment of code that goes nowhere else
* </ul>
* <p>
* Since the precise way to load code depends on the linker, linkers should
* specify a rebind of {@link LoadingStrategy}.
public class AsyncFragmentLoader {
* A strategy for loading code fragments.
public interface LoadingStrategy {
void startLoadingFragment(int fragment, LoadTerminatedHandler loadTerminatedHandler);
* An interface for handlers of load completion. On a failed download, this
* callback should be invoked or else the requested download will hang
* indefinitely. On a successful download, it's optional to call this method.
* If it is called at all, it must be called after the downloaded code has
* been installed, so that {@link AsyncFragmentLoader} can distinguish
* successful from unsuccessful downloads.
public interface LoadTerminatedHandler {
void loadTerminated(Throwable reason);
* A strategy for logging progress.
public interface Logger {
* Log an event. The <code>fragment</code> and <code>size</code> are boxed
* so that they can be optional. A value of <code>null</code> for either one
* means that they are not specified.
void logEventProgress(String eventGroup, String type, int fragment, int size);
* Labels used for runAsync lightweight metrics.
public static class LwmLabels {
public static final String BEGIN = "begin";
public static final String END = "end";
private static final String LEFTOVERS_DOWNLOAD = "leftoversDownload";
private static String downloadGroupForExclusive(int splitPoint) {
return "download" + splitPoint;
* The standard logger used in a web browser. It uses the lightweight metrics
* system.
public static class StandardLogger implements Logger {
* Always use this as {@link #isStatsAvailable()} &amp;&amp;
* {@link #stats(JavaScriptObject)}.
private static native boolean stats(JavaScriptObject data) /*-{
return $stats(data);
public void logEventProgress(String eventGroup, String type, int fragment, int size) {
boolean toss =
isStatsAvailable() && stats(createStatsEvent(eventGroup, type, fragment, size));
private native JavaScriptObject createStatsEvent(String eventGroup,
String type, int fragment, int size) /*-{
var evt = {
sessionId: $sessionId,
subSystem: 'runAsync',
evtGroup: eventGroup,
millis: (new Date()).getTime(),
type: type
if (fragment >= 0) {
evt.fragment = fragment;
if (size >= 0) {
evt.size = size;
return evt;
private native boolean isStatsAvailable() /*-{
return !!$stats;
* An exception indicating than at HTTP download failed.
static class HttpDownloadFailure extends RuntimeException {
private final int statusCode;
public HttpDownloadFailure(String url, int statusCode, String statusText) {
super("Download of " + url + " failed with status " + statusCode + "(" + statusText + ")");
this.statusCode = statusCode;
public int getStatusCode() {
return statusCode;
* An exception indicating than at HTTP download succeeded, but installing its
* body failed.
static class HttpInstallFailure extends RuntimeException {
public HttpInstallFailure(String url, String text, Throwable rootCause) {
super("Install of " + url + " failed with text " + text, rootCause);
* A trivial queue of int's that should compile much better than a
* LinkedList&lt;Integer&gt;. It assumes that it has a bound on the number of
* items added to the queue. Removing items does not free up more space, but
* calling <code>clear()</code> does.
private static class BoundedIntQueue {
private final int[] array;
private int read = 0;
private int write = 0;
public BoundedIntQueue(int maxPuts) {
array = new int[maxPuts];
public void add(int x) {
assert (write < array.length);
array[write++] = x;
* Removes all elements, and also makes all space in the queue available
* again.
public void clear() {
read = 0;
write = 0;
public int peek() {
assert read < write;
return array[read];
public int remove() {
assert read < write;
return array[read++];
public int size() {
return write - read;
* Internal load error handler. This calls all user-provided error handlers
* and cancels all pending downloads.
private class ResetAfterDownloadFailure implements LoadTerminatedHandler {
private final int fragment;
public ResetAfterDownloadFailure(int myFragment) {
this.fragment = myFragment;
public void loadTerminated(Throwable reason) {
if (fragmentLoading != fragment) {
// fragment already loaded successfully
// Cancel all pending downloads.
* Make a local list of the handlers to run, in case one of them calls
* another runAsync
LoadTerminatedHandler[] handlersToRun = pendingDownloadErrorHandlers;
pendingDownloadErrorHandlers = new LoadTerminatedHandler[numEntries + 1];
* Call clear() here so that requestedExclusives makes all of its space
* available for later requests.
fragmentLoading = -1;
* Run the handlers. If an exception is thrown while canceling any of
* them, remember and throw the last one.
RuntimeException lastException = null;
for (LoadTerminatedHandler handler : handlersToRun) {
if (handler != null) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
lastException = e;
if (lastException != null) {
throw lastException;
* The standard instance of AsyncFragmentLoader used in a web browser. Outside
* of GWT generated JavaScript (i.e our vanilla JUnit tests, or if referenced
* in a server context), this field is {@code null}. When compiled to
* JavaScript, the parameters to this call are rewritten by
* {@link}. So this must be a
* method call of exactly two arguments to succeed when invoked in web mode.
public static AsyncFragmentLoader BROWSER_LOADER = makeBrowserLoader(1, new int[]{});
* Called by compiler-generated code when a fragment is loaded.
* @param fragment the fragment number
public static void onLoad(int fragment) {
* Called by the compiler to implement {@link GWT#runAsync}.
* @param fragment the fragment number
* @param callback the callback to run
public static void runAsync(int fragment, RunAsyncCallback callback) {
BROWSER_LOADER.runAsyncImpl(fragment, callback);
* Creates the loader stored as {@link #BROWSER_LOADER}.
* @returns {@code null} if not in GWT client code, where
* {@link GWT#create(Class)} cannot be used, or a fragment loader for
* the user's application otherwise.
private static AsyncFragmentLoader makeBrowserLoader(int numFragments, int initialLoad[]) {
if (GWT.isClient()) {
return new AsyncFragmentLoader(numFragments, initialLoad,
(LoadingStrategy) GWT.create(LoadingStrategy.class), (Logger) GWT.create(Logger.class),
(OnSuccessExecutor) GWT.create(OnSuccessExecutor.class));
} else {
return null;
private final OnSuccessExecutor onSuccessExecutor;
* Callbacks indexed by fragment number.
private final Object[][] allCallbacks;
* The fragment currently loading, or -1 if there aren't any.
private int fragmentLoading = -1;
* The sequence of fragments to load initially, before anything else can be
* loaded. This array will hold the initial sequence of bases followed by the
* leftovers fragment. It is filled in by
* {@link} modifying the initializer
* to {@link #BROWSER_LOADER}. The list does <em>not</em> include the
* leftovers fragment, which must be loaded once all of these are finished.
private final int[] initialLoadSequence;
* This array indicates which fragments have been successfully loaded.
private final boolean[] isLoaded;
private final LoadingStrategy loadingStrategy;
private final Logger logger;
* The total number of entry points in the program, which is the number of
* split points plus one for the main entry point of the program.
private final int numEntries;
* Externally provided handlers for all outstanding and queued download
* requests.
private LoadTerminatedHandler[] pendingDownloadErrorHandlers;
* Whether prefetching is currently enabled.
private boolean prefetching = false;
* This queue has fragments that have been requested to be prefetched. If it's
* <code>null</code>, that indicates no prefetch requests, which should cause
* all of this class's prefetching code to drop out of the compiled output.
private BoundedIntQueue prefetchQueue = null;
* Base fragments that remain to be downloaded. It is lazily initialized in
* the first call to {@link #startLoadingNextFragment()}. It does include the
* leftovers fragment.
private BoundedIntQueue remainingInitialFragments = null;
* Exclusive fragments that have been requested but that are not yet
* downloading.
private final BoundedIntQueue requestedExclusives;
public AsyncFragmentLoader(int numEntries, int[] initialLoadSequence,
LoadingStrategy loadingStrategy, Logger logger, OnSuccessExecutor executor) {
this.numEntries = numEntries;
this.initialLoadSequence = initialLoadSequence;
this.loadingStrategy = loadingStrategy;
this.logger = logger;
this.onSuccessExecutor = executor;
int numEntriesPlusOne = numEntries + 1;
this.allCallbacks = new Object[numEntriesPlusOne][];
this.requestedExclusives = new BoundedIntQueue(numEntriesPlusOne);
this.isLoaded = new boolean[numEntriesPlusOne];
this.pendingDownloadErrorHandlers = new LoadTerminatedHandler[numEntriesPlusOne];
public boolean isAlreadyLoaded(int splitPoint) {
return isLoaded[splitPoint];
* Request that a sequence of split points be prefetched. Code for the split
* points in <code>splitPoints</code> will be downloaded and installed
* whenever there is nothing else to download. Each call to this method
* overwrites the entire prefetch queue with the newly specified one.
public void setPrefetchQueue(int... runAsyncSplitPoints) {
if (prefetchQueue == null) {
prefetchQueue = new BoundedIntQueue(numEntries);
for (int sp : runAsyncSplitPoints) {
public void startPrefetching() {
prefetching = true;
public void stopPrefetching() {
prefetching = false;
* Inform the loader that a fragment has now finished loading.
void fragmentHasLoaded(int fragment) {
if (fragment < pendingDownloadErrorHandlers.length) {
pendingDownloadErrorHandlers[fragment] = null;
if (isInitial(fragment)) {
assert (fragment == remainingInitialFragments.peek());
assert (fragment == fragmentLoading);
fragmentLoading = -1;
assert !isLoaded[fragment];
isLoaded[fragment] = true;
* Requests a load of the code for the specified split point. If the load
* fails, <code>loadErrorHandler</code> will be invoked. If it succeeds, then
* the code will be installed, and the code is expected to invoke its own
* on-success hooks, including a call to either
* {@link #leftoversFragmentHasLoaded()} or {@link #fragmentHasLoaded(int)}.
* @param splitPoint the split point whose code needs to be loaded
void inject(int splitPoint, LoadTerminatedHandler loadErrorHandler) {
pendingDownloadErrorHandlers[splitPoint] = loadErrorHandler;
if (!isInitial(splitPoint)) {
void leftoversFragmentHasLoaded() {
private boolean anyPrefetchesRequested() {
return prefetching && prefetchQueue != null && prefetchQueue.size() > 0;
* Clear out any inject and prefetch requests that are already loaded. Only
* remove items from the head of each queue; any stale entries later in the
* queue will be removed later.
private void clearRequestsAlreadyLoaded() {
while (requestedExclusives.size() > 0 && isLoaded[requestedExclusives.peek()]) {
int offset = requestedExclusives.remove();
if (offset < pendingDownloadErrorHandlers.length) {
pendingDownloadErrorHandlers[offset] = null;
if (prefetchQueue != null) {
while (prefetchQueue.size() > 0 && isLoaded[prefetchQueue.peek()]) {
private String downloadGroup(int fragment) {
return (fragment == leftoversFragment()) ? LwmLabels.LEFTOVERS_DOWNLOAD : LwmLabels
* Return whether all initial fragments have completed loading.
private boolean haveInitialFragmentsLoaded() {
return remainingInitialFragments != null && remainingInitialFragments.size() == 0;
* Initialize {@link #remainingInitialFragments} if it isn't already.
private void initializeRemainingInitialFragments() {
if (remainingInitialFragments == null) {
remainingInitialFragments = new BoundedIntQueue(initialLoadSequence.length + 1);
for (int sp : initialLoadSequence) {
* Returns <code>true</code> if array contains only <code>null</code>
* elements.
private boolean isEmpty(Object[] array) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] != null) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean isInitial(int splitPoint) {
if (splitPoint == leftoversFragment()) {
return true;
for (int sp : initialLoadSequence) {
if (sp == splitPoint) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isLoading(int splitPoint) {
return pendingDownloadErrorHandlers[splitPoint] != null;
private int leftoversFragment() {
return numEntries;
private void logDownloadStart(int fragment) {
logEventProgress(downloadGroup(fragment), LwmLabels.BEGIN, fragment, -1);
* Log an event with the {@Logger} this instance was provided.
private void logEventProgress(String eventGroup, String type) {
logEventProgress(eventGroup, type, -1, -1);
* Log event progress via the {@link Logger} this instance was provided. The
* <code>fragment</code> and <code>size</code> objects are allowed to be
* <code>null</code>.
private void logEventProgress(String eventGroup, String type, int fragment, int size) {
logger.logEventProgress(eventGroup, type, fragment, size);
private void logFragmentLoaded(int fragment) {
String logGroup = downloadGroup(fragment);
logEventProgress(logGroup, LwmLabels.END, fragment, -1);
private void onLoadImpl(int fragment) {
Object[] callbacks = allCallbacks[fragment];
if (callbacks != null) {
logEventProgress("runCallbacks" + fragment, "begin");
allCallbacks[fragment] = null;
GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler();
for (Object callback : callbacks) {
if (handler == null) {
((RunAsyncCallback) callback).onSuccess();
} else {
try {
((RunAsyncCallback) callback).onSuccess();
} catch (Throwable t) {
logEventProgress("runCallbacks" + fragment, "end");
private void runAsyncImpl(final int fragment, RunAsyncCallback callback) {
if (isLoaded[fragment]) {
assert allCallbacks[fragment] == null;
this.onSuccessExecutor.execute(this, callback);
Object[] callbacks = allCallbacks[fragment];
if (callbacks == null) {
callbacks = allCallbacks[fragment] = new RunAsyncCallback[0];
// Take advantage of no range checking in web mode.
assert GWT.isScript();
callbacks[callbacks.length] = callback;
if (!isLoading(fragment)) {
inject(fragment, new AsyncFragmentLoader.LoadTerminatedHandler() {
public void loadTerminated(Throwable reason) {
Object[] callbacks = allCallbacks[fragment];
if (callbacks != null) {
allCallbacks[fragment] = null;
for (Object callback : callbacks) {
((RunAsyncCallback) callback).onFailure(reason);
void executeOnSuccess0(RunAsyncCallback callback) {
* Calls on {@link RunAsyncCallback#onSuccess} from {@link AsyncFragmentLoader} is special
* treated (See RescueVisitor in ControlFlowAnalyzer) so that code splitter will not follow them
* on fragment analysis. That is, if don't call onSuccess from here and instead call it directly
* from the scheduled command, then it will make the code splitter put the split point code in
* the initial fragment.
private void startLoadingFragment(int fragment) {
assert (fragmentLoading < 0);
fragmentLoading = fragment;
loadingStrategy.startLoadingFragment(fragment, new ResetAfterDownloadFailure(fragment));
* Start downloading the next fragment queued up, if there are any.
private void startLoadingNextFragment() {
if (fragmentLoading >= 0) {
// Already loading something
if (isEmpty(pendingDownloadErrorHandlers) && !anyPrefetchesRequested()) {
* Don't load anything if there aren't any requests outstanding.
// Check if an initial needs downloading
if (remainingInitialFragments.size() > 0) {
assert (haveInitialFragmentsLoaded());
// Check if an exclusive is pending
if (requestedExclusives.size() > 0) {
// Check the prefetch queue
if (anyPrefetchesRequested()) {
// Nothing needed downloading after all?!
assert false;