blob: fd2af9fa91ccb7fc1f8408e4715a4ca4b56f3bf9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
#include "JavaObject.h"
#include "FFSessionHandler.h"
#include "SessionData.h"
#include "ServerMethods.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "XpcomDebug.h"
#include "HostChannel.h"
#include "InvokeMessage.h"
#include "ReturnMessage.h"
#include "scoped_ptr/scoped_ptr.h"
static JSClass JavaObjectClass = {
"GWTJavaObject", /* class name */
JS_PropertyStub, /* add property */
JS_PropertyStub, /* delete property */
JavaObject::getProperty, /* get property */
JavaObject::setProperty, /* set property */
reinterpret_cast<JSEnumerateOp>(JavaObject::enumerate), /* enumerate */
JS_ResolveStub, /* resolve */
JS_ConvertStub, // JavaObject::convert, /* convert */
JavaObject::finalize, /* finalize */ //TODO
NULL, /* object hooks */
NULL, /* check access */
JavaObject::call, /* call */ //TODO
NULL, /* construct */
NULL, /* object serialization */
NULL, /* has instance */
NULL, /* mark */
NULL /* reserve slots */
int JavaObject::getObjectId(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj) {
jsval val;
JSClass* jsClass = JS_GET_CLASS(ctx, obj);
#if 1
if (jsClass != &JavaObjectClass) {
<< "JavaObject::getObjectId called on non-JavaObject: " << jsClass->name
<< Debug::flush;
return -1;
if (JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(jsClass) < 1) {
<< "JavaObject::getObjectId -- " << static_cast<void*>(obj)
<< " has only " << (JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(jsClass))
<< " reserved slots, no objectId present" << Debug::flush;
return -1;
if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(ctx, obj, 0, &val)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error getting reserved slot" << Debug::flush;
return -1;
// TODO: assert JSVAL_IS_INT(val)
return JSVAL_TO_INT(val);
SessionData* JavaObject::getSessionData(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj) {
void* data = JS_GetInstancePrivate(ctx, obj, &JavaObjectClass, NULL);
return static_cast<SessionData*>(data);
bool JavaObject::isJavaObject(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj) {
return JS_GET_CLASS(ctx, obj) == &JavaObjectClass;
JSObject* JavaObject::construct(JSContext* ctx, SessionData* data, int objectRef) {
// TODO: prototype? parent?
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::construct objectId=" << objectRef << Debug::flush;
JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(ctx, &JavaObjectClass, NULL, NULL);
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << " obj=" << obj << Debug::flush;
if (!obj) {
return NULL;
// set the session data
if (!JS_SetPrivate(ctx, obj, data)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Could not set private data" << Debug::flush;
return NULL;
// set the objectId
if (!JS_SetReservedSlot(ctx, obj, 0, INT_TO_JSVAL(objectRef))) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Could not set reserved slot" << Debug::flush;
return NULL;
// define toString (TODO: some way to avoid doing this each time)
#if 1
if (!JS_DefineFunction(ctx, obj, "toString", JavaObject::toString, 0, 0)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Could not define toString method on object"
<< Debug::flush;
return obj;
JSBool JavaObject::getProperty(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj, jsval id,
jsval* rval) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::getProperty obj=" << obj << Debug::flush;
SessionData* data = JavaObject::getSessionData(ctx, obj);
if (!data) {
// TODO: replace the frame with an error page instead?
*rval = JSVAL_VOID;
return JS_TRUE;
int objectRef = JavaObject::getObjectId(ctx, obj);
if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(id)) {
JSString* str = JSVAL_TO_STRING(id);
if ((JS_GetStringLength(str) == 8) && !strncmp("toString",
JS_GetStringBytes(str), 8)) {
*rval = data->getToStringTearOff();
return JS_TRUE;
if ((JS_GetStringLength(str) == 2) && !strncmp("id",
JS_GetStringBytes(str), 2)) {
*rval = INT_TO_JSVAL(objectRef);
return JS_TRUE;
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Getting unexpected string property "
<< dumpJsVal(ctx, id) << Debug::flush;
// TODO: throw a better exception here
return JS_FALSE;
if (!JSVAL_IS_INT(id)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Getting non-int/non-string property "
<< dumpJsVal(ctx, id) << Debug::flush;
// TODO: throw a better exception here
return JS_FALSE;
int dispId = JSVAL_TO_INT(id);
HostChannel* channel = data->getHostChannel();
SessionHandler* handler = data->getSessionHandler();
Value value = ServerMethods::getProperty(*channel, handler, objectRef, dispId);
data->makeJsvalFromValue(*rval, ctx, value);
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool JavaObject::setProperty(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj, jsval id,
jsval* vp) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::setProperty obj=" << obj << Debug::flush;
if (!JSVAL_IS_INT(id)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << " Error: setting string property id" << Debug::flush;
// TODO: throw a better exception here
return JS_FALSE;
SessionData* data = JavaObject::getSessionData(ctx, obj);
if (!data) {
return JS_TRUE;
int objectRef = JavaObject::getObjectId(ctx, obj);
int dispId = JSVAL_TO_INT(id);
Value value;
data->makeValueFromJsval(value, ctx, *vp);
HostChannel* channel = data->getHostChannel();
SessionHandler* handler = data->getSessionHandler();
if (!ServerMethods::setProperty(*channel, handler, objectRef, dispId, value)) {
// TODO: throw a better exception here
return JS_FALSE;
return JS_TRUE;
// TODO: can this be removed now?
JSBool JavaObject::convert(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj, JSType type, jsval* vp) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::convert obj=" << obj
<< " type=" << type << Debug::flush;
switch (type) {
return toString(ctx, obj, 0, NULL, vp);
return JS_TRUE;
return JS_TRUE;
*vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
return JS_TRUE;
return JS_FALSE;
* List of property names we want to fake on wrapped Java objects.
static const char* propertyNames[] = {
#define NUM_PROPERTY_NAMES (sizeof(propertyNames) / sizeof(propertyNames[0]))
JSBool JavaObject::enumerate(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj, JSIterateOp op,
jsval* statep, jsid* idp) {
int objectId = JavaObject::getObjectId(ctx, obj);
switch (op) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::enumerate(oid=" << objectId
<< ", INIT)" << Debug::flush;
*statep = JSVAL_ZERO;
if (idp) {
int idNum = JSVAL_TO_INT(*statep);
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::enumerate(oid=" << objectId
<< ", NEXT " << idNum << ")" << Debug::flush;
*statep = INT_TO_JSVAL(idNum + 1);
if (idNum >= NUM_PROPERTY_NAMES) {
*statep = JSVAL_NULL;
*idp = JSVAL_NULL;
} else {
const char* propName = propertyNames[idNum];
JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(ctx, propName);
return JS_ValueToId(ctx, STRING_TO_JSVAL(str), idp);
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::enumerate(oid=" << objectId
<< ", DESTROY)" << Debug::flush;
*statep = JSVAL_NULL;
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unknown Enumerate op " <<
static_cast<int>(op) << Debug::flush;
return JS_FALSE;
return JS_TRUE;
void JavaObject::finalize(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj) {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "JavaObject::finalize obj=" << obj
<< " objId=" << JavaObject::getObjectId(ctx, obj) << Debug::flush;
SessionData* data = JavaObject::getSessionData(ctx, obj);
if (data) {
int objectId = JavaObject::getObjectId(ctx, obj);
JS_SetPrivate(ctx, obj, NULL);
JSBool JavaObject::toString(JSContext* ctx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc,
jsval* argv, jsval* rval) {
SessionData* data = JavaObject::getSessionData(ctx, obj);
if (!data) {
*rval = JSVAL_VOID;
return JS_TRUE;
int oid = getObjectId(ctx, obj);
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::toString(id=" << oid << ")"
<< Debug::flush;
Value javaThis;
// we ignore any supplied parameters
return invokeJava(ctx, data, javaThis, InvokeMessage::TOSTRING_DISP_ID, 0,
NULL, rval);
* Called when the JavaObject is invoked as a function.
* We ignore the JSObject* argument, which is the 'this' context, which is
* usually the window object. The JavaObject instance is in argv[-2].
* Returns a JS array, with the first element being a boolean indicating that
* an exception occured, and the second element is either the return value or
* the exception which was thrown. In this case, we always return false and
* raise the exception ourselves.
JSBool JavaObject::call(JSContext* ctx, JSObject*, uintN argc, jsval* argv,
jsval* rval) {
// Get the JavaObject called as a function
JSObject* obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[-2]);
if (argc < 2 || !JSVAL_IS_INT(argv[0]) || !JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(argv[1])) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "JavaObject::call incorrect arguments" << Debug::flush;
return JS_FALSE;
int dispId = JSVAL_TO_INT(argv[0]);
if (Debug::level(Debug::Spam)) {
Debug::DebugStream& dbg = Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "JavaObject::call oid="
<< JavaObject::getObjectId(ctx, obj) << ",dispId=" << dispId << " (";
for (unsigned i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
if (i > 2) {
dbg << ", ";
dbg << dumpJsVal(ctx, argv[i]);
dbg << ")" << Debug::flush;
SessionData* data = JavaObject::getSessionData(ctx, obj);
if (!data) {
*rval = JSVAL_VOID;
return JS_TRUE;
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "Data = " << data << Debug::flush;
Value javaThis;
if (!JSVAL_IS_NULL(argv[1])) {
JSObject* thisObj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[1]);
if (isJavaObject(ctx, thisObj)) {
javaThis.setJavaObject(getObjectId(ctx, thisObj));
} else {
data->makeValueFromJsval(javaThis, ctx, argv[1]);
} else {
int oid = getObjectId(ctx, obj);
return invokeJava(ctx, data, javaThis, dispId, argc - 2, &argv[2], rval);
* Calls a method on a Java object and returns a two-element JS array, with
* the first element being a boolean flag indicating an exception was thrown,
* and the second element is the actual return value or exception.
JSBool JavaObject::invokeJava(JSContext* ctx, SessionData* data,
const Value& javaThis, int dispId, int numArgs, const jsval* jsargs,
jsval* rval) {
HostChannel* channel = data->getHostChannel();
SessionHandler* handler = data->getSessionHandler();
scoped_array<Value> args(new Value[numArgs]);
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
data->makeValueFromJsval(args[i], ctx, jsargs[i]);
if (!InvokeMessage::send(*channel, javaThis, dispId, numArgs, args.get())) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "JavaObject::call failed to send invoke message" << Debug::flush;
return false;
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << " return from invoke" << Debug::flush;
scoped_ptr<ReturnMessage> retMsg(channel->reactToMessagesWhileWaitingForReturn(handler));
if (!retMsg.get()) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "JavaObject::call failed to get return value" << Debug::flush;
return false;
Value returnValue = retMsg->getReturnValue();
// Since we can set exceptions normally, we always return false to the
// wrapper function and set the exception ourselves if one occurs.
// TODO: cleanup exception case
jsval retvalArray[] = {JSVAL_FALSE, JSVAL_VOID};
JSObject* retval = JS_NewArrayObject(ctx, 2, retvalArray);
*rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(retval);
jsval retJsVal;
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << " result is " << returnValue << Debug::flush;
data->makeJsvalFromValue(retJsVal, ctx, returnValue);
if (retMsg->isException()) {
JS_SetPendingException(ctx, retJsVal);
return false;
if (!JS_SetElement(ctx, retval, 1, &retJsVal)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error setting return value element in array"
<< Debug::flush;
return false;
return true;