blob: a1c0569c34460f15da18b73534e0e00ca5d8aa96 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Class that handles all touch events and uses them to interpret higher level
* gestures and behaviors.
* Examples of higher level gestures this class is intended to support - click,
* double click, long click - dragging, swiping, zooming
* Touch Behavior: Use this class to make your elements 'touchable' (see
* touchable.js). Intended to work with all webkit browsers, tested only on
* iPhone 3.x so far.
* Drag Behavior: Use this class to make your elements 'draggable' (see
* draggable.js). This behavior will handle all of the required events and
* report the properties of the drag to you while the touch is happening and at
* the end of the drag sequence. This behavior will NOT perform the actual
* dragging (redrawing the element) for you, this responsibility is left to the
* client code. This behavior contains a work around for a mobile safari but
* where the 'touchend' event is not dispatched when the touch goes past the
* bottom of the browser window. This is intended to work well in iframes.
* Intended to work with all webkit browsers, tested only on iPhone 3.x so far.
public class TouchHandler implements EventListener {
* Delegate to receive drag events.
public interface DragDelegate {
* The object's drag sequence is now complete.
* @param e The touchend event.
void onDragEnd(TouchEvent e);
* The object has been dragged to a new position.
* @param e The touchmove event.
void onDragMove(TouchEvent e);
* The object has started dragging.
* @param e The touchmove event.
void onDragStart(TouchEvent e);
* Delegate to receive touch events.
public interface TouchDelegate {
* The object has received a touchend event.
* @param e The touchend event.
void onTouchEnd(TouchEvent e);
* The object has received a touchstart event.
* @param e The touchstart event.
* @return true if you want to allow a drag sequence to begin,
* false you want to disable dragging for the duration of this touch.
boolean onTouchStart(TouchEvent e);
* Whether or not the browser supports touches.
private static final boolean SUPPORTS_TOUCHES = supportsTouch();
* Cancel event name.
private static final String CANCEL_EVENT = "touchcancel";
* Threshold in pixels within which to bust clicks.
private static final int CLICK_BUST_THRESHOLD = 25;
* End event name.
private static final String END_EVENT = SUPPORTS_TOUCHES ? "touchend"
: "mouseup";
* The number of ms to wait during a drag before updating the reported start
* position of the drag.
private static final double MAX_TRACKING_TIME = 200;
* Minimum movement of touch required to be considered a drag.
private static final double MIN_TRACKING_FOR_DRAG = 5;
* Move event name.
private static final String MOVE_EVENT = SUPPORTS_TOUCHES ? "touchmove"
: "mousemove";
* Start event name.
private static final String START_EVENT = SUPPORTS_TOUCHES ? "touchstart"
: "mousedown";
* The threshold for when to start tracking whether a touch has left the
* bottom of the browser window. Used to implement a workaround for a mobile
* safari bug on the iPhone where a touchend event will never be fired if the
* touch goes past the bottom of the window.
private static final double TOUCH_END_WORKAROUND_THRESHOLD = 20;
* Get touch from event. Supports desktop events by returning the event that
* is passed in as a parameter.
* @param e the event
* @return the touch object
public static Touch getTouchFromEvent(TouchEvent e) {
return e.getTouches().get(0);
// This is cheating a little bit, but it turns out that the Touch interface
// overlays nicely on the regular NativeEvent interface.
return e.cast();
* Determines whether the current platform supports touch events.
* TODO(jgw): This should probably be implemented using deferred binding.
public static native boolean supportsTouch() /*-{
// document.createTouch doesn't exist on Android, even though touch works.
var android = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') != -1;
return android || !!('createTouch' in document);
* This would not be safe on all browsers, but none of the WebKit browsers
* that actually support touch events have the kinds of memory leak problems
* that this would trigger. And they all support event capture.
private static native void addEventListener(Element elem, String name,
EventListener listener, boolean capture) /*-{
elem.addEventListener(name, function(e) {;)(e);
}, capture);
private boolean bustNextClick;
private DragDelegate dragDelegate;
private Element element;
* Start/end time of the touchstart event.
private double endTime;
* The touch position of the last event before the touchend event.
private Point endTouchPosition;
private TouchEvent lastEvent;
private Point lastTouchPosition;
* The time of the most recent relevant occurence. For most drag sequences
* this will be the same as the startTime. If the touch gesture changes
* direction significantly or pauses for a while this time will be updated to
* the time of the last touchmove event.
private double recentTime;
* The coordinate of the most recent relevant touch event. For most drag
* sequences this will be the same as the startCoordinate. If the touch
* gesture changes direction significantly or pauses for a while this
* coordinate will be updated to the coordinate of the last touchmove event.
private Point recentTouchPosition;
private Timer scrollOffTimer;
private Point startTouchPosition;
* The absolute sum of all touch x/y deltas.
private double totalMoveX, totalMoveY = 0;
private TouchDelegate touchDelegate;
private boolean touching, tracking, dragging;
public TouchHandler(Element elem) {
this.element = elem;
this.totalMoveY = 0;
this.totalMoveX = 0;
* Start listenting for events.
public void enable() {
addEventListener(element, START_EVENT, this, false);
addEventListener(element, MOVE_EVENT, this, false);
addEventListener(element, CANCEL_EVENT, this, false);
addEventListener(element, END_EVENT, this, false);
// Capture click so we can properly bust it, no matter what order handlers
// get fired in.
addEventListener(element, "click", this, true);
* Get end velocity of the drag. This method is specific to drag behavior, so
* if touch behavior and drag behavior is split then this should go with drag
* behavior. End velocity is defined as deltaXY / deltaTime where deletaXY is
* the difference between endPosition and recentPosition, and deltaTime is the
* difference between endTime and recentTime.
* @return The x and y velocity.
public Point getEndVelocity() {
assert recentTouchPosition != null : "Recent position not set";
assert endTouchPosition != null : "End position not set";
double time = endTime - recentTime;
return new Point(
(endTouchPosition.x - recentTouchPosition.x) / time,
(endTouchPosition.y - recentTouchPosition.y) / time);
* Is the touch manager currently tracking touch moves to detect a drag?
* @return True if currently tracking.
public boolean isTracking() {
return tracking;
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
TouchEvent e = event.cast();
String type = e.getType();
if (START_EVENT.equals(type)) {
} else if (MOVE_EVENT.equals(type)) {
} else if (END_EVENT.equals(type) || CANCEL_EVENT.equals(type)) {
} else if ("click".equals(type)) {
if (bustNextClick) {
bustNextClick = false;
* Sets the delegate to receive drag events.
public void setDragDelegate(DragDelegate dragDelegate) {
this.dragDelegate = dragDelegate;
* Sets the delegate to receive touch events.
public void setTouchDelegate(TouchDelegate touchDelegate) {
this.touchDelegate = touchDelegate;
* Begin tracking the touchable element, it is eligible for dragging.
private void beginTracking() {
tracking = true;
* Stop tracking the touchable element, it is no longer dragging.
private void endTracking() {
tracking = false;
dragging = false;
totalMoveY = 0;
totalMoveX = 0;
* Return the touch of the last event.
* @return the touch.
private Touch getLastTouch() {
assert lastEvent != null : "Last event not set";
return getTouchFromEvent(lastEvent);
* Touch end handler.
* @param e The touchend event.
private void onEnd(TouchEvent e) {
touching = false;
if (touchDelegate != null) {
if (!tracking || dragDelegate == null) {
Touch touch = getLastTouch();
Point touchCoordinate = new Point(touch.getPageX(),
if (dragging) {
endTime = e.getTimeStamp();
endTouchPosition = touchCoordinate;
if ((Math.abs(endTouchPosition.x - startTouchPosition.x) > CLICK_BUST_THRESHOLD)
|| (Math.abs(endTouchPosition.y - startTouchPosition.y) > CLICK_BUST_THRESHOLD)) {
bustNextClick = true;
* Touch move handler.
* @param e The touchmove event.
private void onMove(final TouchEvent e) {
if (!tracking || dragDelegate == null) {
// Prevent native scrolling.
Touch touch = getTouchFromEvent(e);
Point touchCoordinate = new Point(touch.getPageX(),
double moveX = lastTouchPosition.x - touchCoordinate.x;
double moveY = lastTouchPosition.y - touchCoordinate.y;
totalMoveX += Math.abs(moveX);
totalMoveY += Math.abs(moveY);
lastTouchPosition.x = touchCoordinate.x;
lastTouchPosition.y = touchCoordinate.y;
// Handle case where they are getting close to leaving the window.
// End events are unreliable when the touch is leaving the viewport area.
// If they are close to the bottom or the right, and we don't get any other
// touch events for another 100ms, assume they have left the screen. This
// does not seem to be a problem for scrolling off the top or left of the
// viewport area.
if (scrollOffTimer != null) {
if ((Window.getClientHeight() - touchCoordinate.y) < TOUCH_END_WORKAROUND_THRESHOLD
|| (Window.getClientWidth() - touchCoordinate.x) < TOUCH_END_WORKAROUND_THRESHOLD) {
scrollOffTimer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
boolean firstDrag;
if (!dragging) {
|| totalMoveX > MIN_TRACKING_FOR_DRAG) {
dragging = true;
firstDrag = true;
if (dragging) {
lastEvent = e;
// This happens when they are dragging slowly. If they are dragging slowly
// then we should reset the start time and position to where they are now.
// This will be important during the drag end when we report to the
// draggable delegate what kind of drag just happened.
if (e.getTimeStamp() - recentTime > MAX_TRACKING_TIME) {
recentTime = e.getTimeStamp();
recentTouchPosition = touchCoordinate;
* Touch start handler.
* @param e The touchstart event.
* @private
private void onStart(TouchEvent e) {
// Ignore the touch if it is manufactured or if there is already a
// touch happening.
if (touching) {
touching = true;
Touch touch = getTouchFromEvent(e);
Point touchCoordinate = new Point(touch.getPageX(),
// Do not start tracking if...
// - we already are tracking
// - the touchable delegate refuses to accept the start event at this time
// - there is no draggable delegate
if ((dragDelegate == null) ||
((touchDelegate != null) && !touchDelegate.onTouchStart(e))) {
startTouchPosition = touchCoordinate;
recentTouchPosition = touchCoordinate;
recentTime = e.getTimeStamp();
lastEvent = e;
lastTouchPosition = new Point(touchCoordinate);