blob: fb429627f924adcbaba9cf8b70bbd9d95da42ac9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Safari implementation of {@link}.
class DOMImplSafari extends DOMImplStandard {
private static class ClientRect extends JavaScriptObject {
protected ClientRect() {
public final native int getLeft() /*-{
return this.left;
public final native int getTop() /*-{
private static native int getAbsoluteLeftUsingOffsets(Element elem) /*-{
// Unattached elements and elements (or their ancestors) with style
// 'display: none' have no offsetLeft.
if (elem.offsetLeft == null) {
return 0;
var left = 0;
var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
var curr = elem.parentNode;
if (curr) {
// This intentionally excludes body which has a null offsetParent.
while (curr.offsetParent) {
left -= curr.scrollLeft;
// In RTL mode, offsetLeft is relative to the left edge of the
// scrollable area when scrolled all the way to the right, so we need
// to add back that difference.
if (doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(curr, '').getPropertyValue('direction') == 'rtl') {
left += (curr.scrollWidth - curr.clientWidth);
curr = curr.parentNode;
while (elem) {
left += elem.offsetLeft;
if (doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, '')['position'] == 'fixed') {
left += doc.body.scrollLeft;
return left;
// Safari 3 does not include borders with offsetLeft, so we need to add
// the borders of the parent manually.
var parent = elem.offsetParent;
if (parent && $wnd.devicePixelRatio) {
left += parseInt(doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(parent, '').getPropertyValue('border-left-width'));
// Safari bug: a top-level absolutely positioned element includes the
// body's offset position already.
if (parent && (parent.tagName == 'BODY') &&
( == 'absolute')) {
elem = parent;
return left;
private static native int getAbsoluteTopUsingOffsets(Element elem) /*-{
// Unattached elements and elements (or their ancestors) with style
// 'display: none' have no offsetTop.
if (elem.offsetTop == null) {
return 0;
var top = 0;
var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
var curr = elem.parentNode;
if (curr) {
// This intentionally excludes body which has a null offsetParent.
while (curr.offsetParent) {
top -= curr.scrollTop;
curr = curr.parentNode;
while (elem) {
top += elem.offsetTop;
if (doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, '')['position'] == 'fixed') {
top += doc.body.scrollTop;
return top;
// Safari 3 does not include borders with offsetTop, so we need to add the
// borders of the parent manually.
var parent = elem.offsetParent;
if (parent && $wnd.devicePixelRatio) {
top += parseInt(doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(parent, '').getPropertyValue('border-top-width'));
// Safari bug: a top-level absolutely positioned element includes the
// body's offset position already.
if (parent && (parent.tagName == 'BODY') &&
( == 'absolute')) {
elem = parent;
return top;
private static native ClientRect getBoundingClientRect(Element element) /*-{
return element.getBoundingClientRect && element.getBoundingClientRect();
* The type property on a button element is read-only in safari, so we need to
* set it using setAttribute.
public native ButtonElement createButtonElement(Document doc, String type) /*-{
var e = doc.createElement("BUTTON");
e.setAttribute('type', type);
return e;
public native NativeEvent createKeyCodeEvent(Document doc, String type,
boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey,
int keyCode) /*-{
var evt =;Ljava/lang/String;ZZZZZZ)(doc, type, true, true, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey)
evt.keyCode = keyCode;
return evt;
public native NativeEvent createKeyEvent(Document doc, String type,
boolean canBubble, boolean cancelable, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey,
boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey, int keyCode, int charCode) /*-{
var evt =;Ljava/lang/String;ZZZZZZ)(doc, type, canBubble, cancelable, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey)
evt.keyCode = keyCode;
evt.charCode = charCode;
return evt;
public native NativeEvent createKeyPressEvent(Document doc,
boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey,
int charCode) /*-{
var evt =;Ljava/lang/String;ZZZZZZ)(doc, 'keypress', true, true, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey)
evt.charCode = charCode;
return evt;
* Safari 2 does not support {@link ScriptElement#setText(String)}.
public ScriptElement createScriptElement(Document doc, String source) {
ScriptElement elem = (ScriptElement) createElement(doc, "script");
return elem;
public native EventTarget eventGetCurrentTarget(NativeEvent event) /*-{
return event.currentTarget || $wnd;
public native int eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY(NativeEvent evt) /*-{
return Math.round(-evt.wheelDelta / 40) || 0;
public int getAbsoluteLeft(Element elem) {
ClientRect rect = getBoundingClientRect(elem);
return rect != null ? rect.getLeft()
+ elem.getOwnerDocument().getBody().getScrollLeft()
: getAbsoluteLeftUsingOffsets(elem);
public int getAbsoluteTop(Element elem) {
ClientRect rect = getBoundingClientRect(elem);
return rect != null ? rect.getTop()
+ elem.getOwnerDocument().getBody().getScrollTop()
: getAbsoluteTopUsingOffsets(elem);
public int getScrollLeft(Document doc) {
// Safari always applies document scrolling to the body element, even in
// strict mode.
return doc.getBody().getScrollLeft();
public int getScrollLeft(Element elem) {
if (isRTL(elem)) {
return super.getScrollLeft(elem)
- (elem.getScrollWidth() - elem.getClientWidth());
return super.getScrollLeft(elem);
public int getScrollTop(Document doc) {
// Safari always applies document scrolling to the body element, even in
// strict mode.
return doc.getBody().getScrollTop();
public native boolean isOrHasChild(Node parent, Node child) /*-{
while (child) {
if (parent == child) {
return true;
child = child.parentNode;
if (child && (child.nodeType != 1)) {
child = null;
return false;
* The 'options' array cannot be used due to a bug in the version of WebKit
* that ships with GWT ( The
* 'children' array, which is common for all DOM elements in Safari, does not
* suffer from the same problem. Ideally, the 'children' array should be used
* in all of the traversal methods in the DOM classes. Unfortunately, due to a
* bug in Safari 2 (, this will
* not work. However, this bug does not cause problems in the case of <SELECT>
* elements, because their descendent elements are only one level deep.
public void selectClear(SelectElement select) {
public native int selectGetLength(SelectElement select) /*-{
return select.children.length;
public native NodeList<OptionElement> selectGetOptions(SelectElement select) /*-{
return select.children;
public native void selectRemoveOption(SelectElement select, int index) /*-{
public void setScrollLeft(Document doc, int left) {
// Safari always applies document scrolling to the body element, even in
// strict mode.
public void setScrollLeft(Element elem, int left) {
if (isRTL(elem)) {
left += elem.getScrollWidth() - elem.getClientWidth();
super.setScrollLeft(elem, left);
public void setScrollTop(Document doc, int top) {
// Safari always applies document scrolling to the body element, even in
// strict mode.
private native NativeEvent createKeyEvent(Document doc, String type,
boolean canBubble, boolean cancelable, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey,
boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey) /*-{
// WebKit's KeyboardEvent cannot set or even initialize charCode, keyCode, etc.
// And UIEvent's charCode and keyCode are read-only.
// So we "fake" an event using a raw Event and expandos
var evt = doc.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable);
evt.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
evt.altKey = altKey;
evt.shiftKey = shiftKey;
evt.metaKey = metaKey;
return evt;
private native boolean isRTL(Element elem) /*-{
return elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, '').direction == 'rtl';