| <h1>Fieldset examples</h1> |
| <h2>Fieldsets take HTML captions</h2> |
| Everything below is confirmed to work in FF 1.5, FF 2.0, IE 6, IE 7, Safari 3.1 |
| <legend><b>Bold</b> is supported</legend> |
| <legend><u>Underline</u> is supported</legend> |
| <legend><button>Buttons</button> are supported</legend> |
| <legend><img src="http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif"> (images are supported)</legend> |
| <tr><td colspan="2">Tables work</td></tr> |
| <tr><td>row 1, col 1</td><td>row 1, col 2</td></tr> |
| <tr><td>row 2, col 1</td><td>row 2, col 2</td></tr> |
| <span><input id="mycheckbox" type="checkbox"><label for="mycheckbox">GWT-structured checkboxes work</label></span> |
| <h2>Fieldsets without a <legend> element shows no gap</h2> |
| <h2>Fieldsets with an empty <legend> element show a gap in some browsers</h2> |