blob: ab2e98b005c0190ec5ae27cd6885e99a7d87ce27 [file] [log] [blame]
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
<g:HTMLPanel styleName='oneArea'>
<table><tr><td class='centered'>
GWT logging is configured separately from server-side logging.
Clicking this button will trigger a method on the server, which
uses loggers and handlers which are set up on the server.
<g:Button ui:field='serverMethodButton'>
Trigger Server Method
</td><td class='centered'>
In shared code libraries, the log messages will be handled by the loggers
and handlers of the calling code. Clicking these buttons will trigger
methods that call a shared library. The loggers and handlers used by the
shared library is determined by whether the library was called from the
server or client code.
<g:Button ui:field='serverSharedMethodButton'>
From Server
<g:Button ui:field='clientSharedMethodButton'>
From Client