blob: ff8cbf615b842621ee799ad51564e47d60d919f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* An abstract {@link Widget} that implements {@link HasData}.
* @param <T> the data type of each row
public abstract class AbstractHasData<T> extends Widget
implements HasData<T>, HasKeyProvider<T> {
* Implementation of {@link HasDataPresenter.View} used by this widget.
* @param <T> the data type of the view
private static class View<T> implements HasDataPresenter.View<T> {
private final AbstractHasData<T> hasData;
public View(AbstractHasData<T> hasData) {
this.hasData = hasData;
public <H extends EventHandler> HandlerRegistration addHandler(
H handler, Type<H> type) {
return hasData.addHandler(handler, type);
public boolean dependsOnSelection() {
return hasData.dependsOnSelection();
public int getChildCount() {
return hasData.getChildCount();
public ElementIterator getChildIterator() {
return new HasDataPresenter.DefaultElementIterator(
this, hasData.getChildContainer().getFirstChildElement());
public void onUpdateSelection() {
public void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start,
SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) {
hasData.renderRowValues(sb, values, start, selectionModel);
public void replaceAllChildren(List<T> values, SafeHtml html) {
hasData.replaceAllChildren(values, html);
public void replaceChildren(List<T> values, int start, SafeHtml html) {
hasData.replaceChildren(values, start, html);
public void resetFocus() {
public void setLoadingState(LoadingState state) {
* Update an element to reflect its selected state.
* @param elem the element to update
* @param selected true if selected, false if not
public void setSelected(Element elem, boolean selected) {
hasData.setSelected(elem, selected);
* Fire a value change event.
private void fireValueChangeEvent() {
// Use an anonymous class to override ValueChangeEvents's protected
// constructor. We can't call because this class
// doesn't implement HasValueChangeHandlers.
new ValueChangeEvent<List<T>>(hasData.getDisplayedItems()) {
* The temporary element use to convert HTML to DOM.
private static tmpElem;
* Convenience method to convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and
* return the parent of the DOM elements.
* @param html the HTML to convert
* @param tmpElem a temporary element
* @return the parent element
static Element convertToElements(
Widget widget, tmpElem, SafeHtml html) {
// Attach an event listener so we can catch synchronous load events from
// cached images.
DOM.setEventListener(tmpElem, widget);
// Detach the event listener.
DOM.setEventListener(tmpElem, null);
return tmpElem;
* Convenience method to replace all children of a Widget.
* @param widget the widget who's contents will be replaced
* @param childContainer the container that holds the contents
* @param html the html to set
static void replaceAllChildren(
Widget widget, Element childContainer, SafeHtml html) {
// If the widget is not attached, attach an event listener so we can catch
// synchronous load events from cached images.
if (!widget.isAttached()) {
DOM.setEventListener(widget.getElement(), widget);
// Render the HTML.
// Detach the event listener.
if (!widget.isAttached()) {
DOM.setEventListener(widget.getElement(), null);
* Convenience method to convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and
* replace the existing elements starting at the specified index. If the
* number of children specified exceeds the existing number of children, the
* remaining children should be appended.
* @param widget the widget who's contents will be replaced
* @param childContainer the container that holds the contents
* @param newChildren an element containing the new children
* @param start the start index to replace
* @param html the HTML to convert
static void replaceChildren(Widget widget, Element childContainer,
Element newChildren, int start, SafeHtml html) {
// Get the first element to be replaced.
int childCount = childContainer.getChildCount();
Element toReplace = null;
if (start < childCount) {
toReplace = childContainer.getChild(start).cast();
// Replace the elements.
int count = newChildren.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (toReplace == null) {
// The child will be removed from tmpElem, so always use index 0.
} else {
Element nextSibling = toReplace.getNextSiblingElement();
childContainer.replaceChild(newChildren.getChild(0), toReplace);
toReplace = nextSibling;
* @return the temporary element used to create elements
private static getTmpElem() {
if (tmpElem == null) {
tmpElem = Document.get().createDivElement().cast();
return tmpElem;
* The presenter.
private final HasDataPresenter<T> presenter;
* If null, each T will be used as its own key.
private ProvidesKey<T> providesKey;
* Constructs an {@link AbstractHasData} with the given page size.
* @param pageSize the page size
public AbstractHasData(Element elem, final int pageSize) {
this.presenter = new HasDataPresenter<T>(this, new View<T>(this), pageSize);
public HandlerRegistration addRangeChangeHandler(
RangeChangeEvent.Handler handler) {
return presenter.addRangeChangeHandler(handler);
public HandlerRegistration addRowCountChangeHandler(
RowCountChangeEvent.Handler handler) {
return presenter.addRowCountChangeHandler(handler);
* Get the row value at the specified visible index. Index 0 corresponds to
* the first item on the page.
* @param indexOnPage the index on the page
* @return the row vaule
public T getDisplayedItem(int indexOnPage) {
return presenter.getRowData().get(indexOnPage);
* Get the row values that the widget is currently displaying.
public List<T> getDisplayedItems() {
return new ArrayList<T>(presenter.getRowData());
public ProvidesKey<T> getKeyProvider() {
return providesKey;
* @return the range size
* @see #getVisibleRange()
public final int getPageSize() {
return getVisibleRange().getLength();
* @return the range start
* @see #getVisibleRange()
public final int getPageStart() {
return getVisibleRange().getStart();
public int getRowCount() {
return presenter.getRowCount();
public SelectionModel<? super T> getSelectionModel() {
return presenter.getSelectionModel();
public Range getVisibleRange() {
return presenter.getVisibleRange();
public boolean isRowCountExact() {
return presenter.isRowCountExact();
* Redraw the widget using the existing data.
public void redraw() {
public void setKeyProvider(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider) {
this.providesKey = keyProvider;
* Set the number of rows per page and refresh the view.
* @param pageSize the page size
* @see #setVisibleRange(Range)
public final void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
setVisibleRange(getPageStart(), pageSize);
* Set the starting index of the current visible page. The actual page start
* will be clamped in the range [0, getSize() - 1].
* @param pageStart the index of the row that should appear at the start of
* the page
* @see #setVisibleRange(Range)
public final void setPageStart(int pageStart) {
setVisibleRange(pageStart, getPageSize());
public final void setRowCount(int count) {
setRowCount(count, true);
public void setRowCount(int size, boolean isExact) {
presenter.setRowCount(size, isExact);
public void setRowData(int start, List<T> values) {
presenter.setRowData(start, values);
public void setSelectionModel(SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) {
public final void setVisibleRange(int start, int length) {
setVisibleRange(new Range(start, length));
public void setVisibleRange(Range range) {
public void setVisibleRangeAndClearData(
Range range, boolean forceRangeChangeEvent) {
presenter.setVisibleRangeAndClearData(range, forceRangeChangeEvent);
* Checks that the row is within the correct bounds.
* @param row row index to check
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
protected void checkRowBounds(int row) {
int rowCount = getChildCount();
if ((row >= rowCount) || (row < 0)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
"Row index: " + row + ", Row size: " + rowCount);
* Render all row values into the specified {@link SafeHtmlBuilder}.
* @param sb the {@link SafeHtmlBuilder} to render into
* @param values the row values
* @param start the start index of the values
* @param selectionModel the {@link SelectionModel}
protected abstract void renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values,
int start, SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel);
* Add a {@link ValueChangeHandler} that is called when the display values
* change. Used by {@link CellBrowser} to detect when the displayed data
* changes.
* @param handler the handler
* @return a {@link HandlerRegistration} to remove the handler
final HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(
ValueChangeHandler<List<T>> handler) {
return addHandler(handler, ValueChangeEvent.getType());
* Convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and return the parent of the
* DOM elements.
* @param html the HTML to convert
* @return the parent element
// TODO(jlabanca): Which of the following methods should we expose.
Element convertToElements(SafeHtml html) {
return convertToElements(this, getTmpElem(), html);
* Check whether or not the cells in the view depend on the selection state.
* @return true if cells depend on selection, false if not
abstract boolean dependsOnSelection();
* @return the element that holds the rendered cells
abstract Element getChildContainer();
* @return the number of child elements
int getChildCount() {
return getChildContainer().getChildCount();
* Get the first index of a displayed item according to its key.
* @param value the value
* @return the index of the item, or -1 of not found
int indexOf(T value) {
ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider = getKeyProvider();
List<T> items = getDisplayedItems();
// If no key provider is present, just compare the objets.
if (keyProvider == null) {
return items.indexOf(value);
// Compare the keys of each object.
Object key = keyProvider.getKey(value);
if (key == null) {
return -1;
int itemCount = items.size();
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
if (key.equals(keyProvider.getKey(items.get(i)))) {
return i;
return -1;
* Called when selection changes.
void onUpdateSelection() {
* Replace all children with the specified html.
* @param values the values of the new children
* @param html the html to render in the child
void replaceAllChildren(List<T> values, SafeHtml html) {
replaceAllChildren(this, getChildContainer(), html);
* Convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and replace the existing
* elements starting at the specified index. If the number of children
* specified exceeds the existing number of children, the remaining children
* should be appended.
* @param values the values of the new children
* @param start the start index to be replaced
* @param html the HTML to convert
void replaceChildren(List<T> values, int start, SafeHtml html) {
Element newChildren = convertToElements(html);
replaceChildren(this, getChildContainer(), newChildren, start, html);
* Re-establish focus on an element within the view if desired.
void resetFocus() {
* Set the current loading state of the data.
* @param state the loading state
abstract void setLoadingState(LoadingState state);
* Update an element to reflect its selected state.
* @param elem the element to update
* @param selected true if selected, false if not
abstract void setSelected(Element elem, boolean selected);