blob: 2811bd27a2430a739a72fca628b9bb0e78e73f9a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javaemul.internal.annotations.DoNotInline;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsMethod;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsOverlay;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsPackage;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsProperty;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsType;
* Tests Miscelaneous fixes.
public class CompilerMiscRegressionTest extends GWTTestCase {
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
native double toNumber(String value) /*-{
return +value;
native double addAndConvert(double v1, String v2) /*-{
return v1 + +v2;
native double minusAndDecrement(double val) /*-{
var lhs = val;
return - --lhs;
* The array {@code map.get("one")[0]} gets normalized (by {@link ImplementCastsAndTypeChecks}) to
* {@code Cast.dynamicCast(map.get("one"), ...)[0]}. The expression resulting from dynamiCast
* would have type Object and that would not be a valid type for an array access operation.
public void testOverridingReturnType() {
Map<String, String[]> map = new HashMap();
map.put("one", new String[10]);
map.get("one")[0] = "one";
assertEquals("one", map.get("one")[0]);
* Test for issues 6373 and 3942.
public void testUnaryPlus() {
// With the unary + operator stripped the first assertion only fails in
// dev mode, in web mode the comparison made by assertEquals masks
// the error; whereas the second fails in both dev and web modes.
assertEquals(11.0, toNumber("11"));
assertEquals(12.0, toNumber("10") + toNumber("2"));
assertEquals(12.0, addAndConvert(10, "2"));
assertEquals(-10.0, minusAndDecrement(11));
private static float[] copy(float[] src, float[] dest) {
System.arraycopy(src, 0, dest, 0, Math.min(src.length, dest.length));
return dest;
private void throwE(String message) {
throw new RuntimeException(message);
* Test for issue 8243.
public void testAddAllLargeNumberOfElements() {
int dstLength = 10;
// Some browser have a limit on the number of parameters a function can have and 130000 barely
// exceeds Chrome limit (as of V34).
// This limit also applies when functions are called through apply().
int srcLength = 130000;
List<String> original = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < dstLength; i++) {
List<String> src = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < srcLength; i++) {
final int totalLength = srcLength + dstLength;
assertEquals(totalLength, original.size());
// Check the result sampling as iterating through large arrays seems costly in IE.
for (int i = 0; i < totalLength; i += 1000) {
if (i < dstLength) {
assertEquals("foo", original.get(i));
} else {
assertEquals("bar", original.get(i));
* Test for issue 7253.
public void testNestedTryFollowedByTry() {
try {
fail("Should have thrown RuntimeException");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
assertEquals("1", e.getMessage());
try {
fail("Should have thrown RuntimeException");
} catch (RuntimeException e2) {
assertEquals("2", e2.getMessage());
try {
fail("Should have thrown RuntimeException");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
assertEquals("3", e.getMessage());
* Test for issue 6638.
public void testNewArrayInlining() {
float[] src = new float[]{1,1,1};
float[] dest = copy(src, new float[3]);
assertEqualContents(src, dest);
* Tests complex overriding patterns involving package private methods.
* <p>
* Test for issue 8654.
public void testOverride() {
Caller aCaller = new Caller();
assertEquals("SomeParentParent", aCaller.callPackagePrivatem(new SomeParentParent()));
assertEquals("SomeParent", aCaller.callPackagePrivatem(new SomeParent()));
assertEquals("SomeParent", aCaller.callPackagePrivatem(
new SomeSubClassInAnotherPackage()));
SomeSubClassInAnotherPackage.pleaseCallm(new SomeSubClassInAnotherPackage()));
SomeSubClassInAnotherPackage.pleaseCallm(new SomeSubSubClassInAnotherPackage()));
aCaller.callPackagePrivatem(new ClassExposingM()));
SomeInterface i = new ClassExposingM();
assertEquals("ClassExposingM", i.m());
assertEquals("live at ClassExposingM", new ClassExposingM().f());
// Confirm that both calling m through SomeInterface and through SomeParentParentParent
// dispatch to the right implementation.
SomeInterface i1 = new SubClassExposingM();
assertEquals("SubClassExposingM", i1.m());
SomeParentParentParent.callSomeParentParentParentM(new SubClassExposingM()));
SomeParentParentParent.callSomeParentParentParentM(new SomeParentParentParent()));
SomeParentParentParent.callSomeParentParentParentM(new SomePackageConfusedParent()));
SomeParentParentParent.callSomeParentParentParentM(new SomeParentParent()));
SomeParentParentParent.callSomeParentParentParentM(new SomeParent()));
SomeParentParentParent.callSomeParentParentParentM(new SomeSubClassInAnotherPackage()));
SomeParentParentParent.callSomeParentParentParentM(new SomeSubSubClassInAnotherPackage()));
enum MyEnum {
public final static MyEnum[] VALUES = values();
public int getPriority() {
return VALUES.length - ordinal();
* Tests that enum ordinalizer does not incorrectly optimize {@code MyEnum}.
* <p>
* Test for issue 8846.
public void testMyEnum() {
assertEquals(2, MyEnum.B.getPriority());
enum OrderingProblem {
public static OrderingProblem getPriority1() {
if (new Integer(1).toString().isEmpty()) {
return B;
return A;
* Test for regression introduced in patch; where
* depending on the order in which references to the enum class were encountered, some instances
* were not correctly replaced .
public void testOrderingProblem() {
assertEquals(OrderingProblem.A.ordinal(), OrderingProblem.getPriority1().ordinal());
* Tests that regexes are not incorrectly internalized.
* Test for issue 8865.
public native void testJavaScriptRegExps() /*-{
// Make regexes large enough so that the will be interned (if regex interning was enabled).
var regExp1 = /this is a string where the search/g;
var regExp2 = /this is a string where the search/g;
var str = "this is a string where the search occurs";
regExp1.test(str), regExp2.test(str));
private static final double MINUTES_IN_DAY = 24 * 60;
public void assertStaticEvaluationRegression(int hour, int minute) {
// Do not inline this method so that the problematic expression reaches JsStaticEval.
double expected = hour * 60 + minute;
expected /= MINUTES_IN_DAY;
expected *= 100;
assertEquals(expected , (hour * 60 + minute) / MINUTES_IN_DAY * 100);
* Test for issue 8934.
public void testStaticEvaluationRegression() {
// Perform two calls with different constant values to make sure the assertStaticEvaluation does
// not get the constant parameters propagated and statically evaluated in the Java AST.
assertStaticEvaluationRegression(10, 20);
assertStaticEvaluationRegression(20, 10);
* Test for issue 8909.
* <p>
* DevMode does not conform to JS arithmetic semantics and this method tests exactly that.
public void testStaticEvaluationSematics() {
float num = getRoundedValue(1.005f);
assertEquals(1.00, num, 0.001);
private float getRoundedValue(float parameter) {
float local = parameter;
local = local * 100f;
return Math.round(local) / 100f;
* Test for issue 9043.
public native void testMultipleClassLiteralReferences() /*-{
var a =;
var b =;
* Test for issue 9153.
* <p>
* Typetightener used to incorrectly tighten method calls marked with STATIC_DISPATCH_ONLY.
public void testIncorrectDispatch() {
state = new int[1];
new B().m();
assertEquals(1, state[0]);
static int[] state;
abstract static class A {
public void m() {
state[0] = 1;
static class B extends A {
public void m() {
private static void assertEqualContents(float[] expected, float[] actual) {
assertEquals("Array length mismatch", expected.length, actual.length);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
assertEquals("Array mismatch at element " + i , expected[i], actual[i]);
@JsType(isNative = true)
interface SomeNativeInterface {
String getTextContent();
@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "Object")
static abstract class AbstractNativeType implements SomeNativeInterface {
private static native AbstractNativeType createAbstractNativeType(String value) /*-{
return {textContent : value};
// Tests that methods that override native JsMethods are generated properly w.r.t
// JsMethod/JsProperty annotations even if the overridden method is not live.
// See bug #9358
// Make sure this method is part of a suite that is run with -nogenerateJsInteropExports.
public void testNativeJsMethodDispatch_unreferencedSupertypeMethod() {
final AbstractNativeType o = createAbstractNativeType("Hello");
assertEquals("Hello", o.getTextContent());
private static List<String> singletonFrom(int i, String... arguments) {
// Make the second parameter varargs and pass it as a whole to trigger the arguments copying
// preamble.
return Arrays.asList(arguments).subList(i,i + 1);
private static List<String> argumentsParameterClasher(int arguments, String... others) {
// Make the second parameter varargs and pass it as a whole to trigger the arguments copying
// preamble.
return Arrays.asList(others).subList(0, arguments);
private static List<String> argumentsVariableClasher(int i, String... others) {
// Make the second parameter varargs and pass it as a whole to trigger the arguments copying
// preamble.
int arguments = 3;
return Arrays.asList(others).subList(0, i);
public void testVarargsNamedArguments() {
assertEquals("GoodBye", singletonFrom(1, "Hello", "GoodBye").get(0));
assertEquals("Hello", argumentsParameterClasher(1, "Hello", "GoodBye").get(0));
assertEquals("Hello", argumentsVariableClasher(1, "Hello", "GoodBye").get(0));
@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "Array")
private static class NativeArray {
@JsProperty(name = "length")
public int len;
@JsMethod(name = "push")
public native void add(double element);
private static native Object newArray() /*-{
return @NativeArray::new()();
private static native int arrayLength(Object array) /*-{
return array.@NativeArray::len;
private static native void arrayAdd(Object array, double d) /*-{
return array;
private static native Object newArrayThroughCtorReference() /*-{
var ctor = @NativeArray::new();
return ctor();
private static native boolean isNan(double number) /*-{
return @Global::isNan(D)(number);
private static native double getNan() /*-{
return @Global::Nan;
@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "Object")
private static class Global {
@JsProperty(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "NaN")
public static double Nan;
@JsMethod(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "isNaN")
public static native boolean isNan(double number);
// Regression tests for issue #9520.
public void testNativeConstructorJSNI() {
Object nativeArray = newArray();
arrayAdd(nativeArray, 0);
arrayAdd(nativeArray, 1);
assertTrue(nativeArray instanceof NativeArray);
assertEquals(2, arrayLength(nativeArray));
assertTrue(newArrayThroughCtorReference() instanceof NativeArray);
@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "Object")
private static class NativeObjectWithOverlay {
public NativeObjectWithOverlay() { }
final NativeObjectWithOverlay getThis() {
return this;
public void testOveralyDispatchOnNull() {
// Define a variable where the compiler can not statically determine that it is actually null.
NativeObjectWithOverlay objectWithOverlay =
Math.random() > 1000 ? new NativeObjectWithOverlay() : null;
assertTrue(objectWithOverlay.getThis() == null);