| // !$*UTF8*$! |
| { |
| archiveVersion = 1; |
| classes = { |
| }; |
| objectVersion = 45; |
| objects = { |
| |
| /* Begin PBXAggregateTarget section */ |
| 48547E030DD882170047AC8A /* symlinks */ = { |
| isa = PBXAggregateTarget; |
| buildConfigurationList = 48547E080DD8823B0047AC8A /* Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "symlinks" */; |
| buildPhases = ( |
| 48547E020DD882170047AC8A /* Make symlink */, |
| ); |
| comments = "This will create a symlink in ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins to the plugin"; |
| dependencies = ( |
| 48547E070DD8821D0047AC8A /* PBXTargetDependency */, |
| ); |
| name = symlinks; |
| productName = oophm.symlink; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXAggregateTarget section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXBuildFile section */ |
| 45283765103BCCB100153ABF /* CheckVersionsMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 45283764103BCCB100153ABF /* CheckVersionsMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 4528376F103BCCDF00153ABF /* ChooseTransportMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 45283767103BCCDF00153ABF /* ChooseTransportMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 45283770103BCCDF00153ABF /* FatalErrorMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 45283769103BCCDF00153ABF /* FatalErrorMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 45283771103BCCDF00153ABF /* ProtocolVersionMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4528376B103BCCDF00153ABF /* ProtocolVersionMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 45283772103BCCDF00153ABF /* SwitchTransportMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4528376D103BCCDF00153ABF /* SwitchTransportMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 480DDCAA0E381E22000711F4 /* AppController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48A23BB50DD0E688004EF5CA /* AppController.m */; }; |
| 480DDCAB0E381E23000711F4 /* BrowserWindow.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48A23C770DD0F545004EF5CA /* BrowserWindow.m */; }; |
| 480DDCAC0E381E28000711F4 /* main.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48A23BB60DD0E688004EF5CA /* main.m */; }; |
| 48108DDF0E2C15BD007FA76C /* AllowedConnections.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48108DDB0E2C15BD007FA76C /* AllowedConnections.cpp */; }; |
| 48108DE00E2C15BD007FA76C /* Socket.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48108DDD0E2C15BD007FA76C /* Socket.cpp */; }; |
| 48338DDF0E4A2CA7008ACF0F /* oophm_bypass.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48338DDB0E4A2C49008ACF0F /* oophm_bypass.plist */; }; |
| 48420D410DD51A3D001F3839 /* GTMNSString+HTML.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48420D3E0DD51A3D001F3839 /* GTMNSString+HTML.m */; }; |
| 4851A9D50DD1198300C577B2 /* JavaScriptCore.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48FD98A00DC62FD800E011A2 /* JavaScriptCore.framework */; }; |
| 48547F000DD889DA0047AC8A /* GTMSystemVersion.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48547EFF0DD889DA0047AC8A /* GTMSystemVersion.m */; }; |
| 48547F4B0DD88D110047AC8A /* NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48547F4A0DD88D110047AC8A /* NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.m */; }; |
| 485505ED0DCD475C0009536F /* SlowScriptProxy.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 485505EC0DCD475C0009536F /* SlowScriptProxy.m */; }; |
| 4856DF890DCF95B8000BF47C /* HostChannel.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4856DF750DCF95B8000BF47C /* HostChannel.cpp */; }; |
| 4856DF8A0DCF95B8000BF47C /* InvokeMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4856DF770DCF95B8000BF47C /* InvokeMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 4856DF8B0DCF95B8000BF47C /* LoadModuleMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4856DF790DCF95B8000BF47C /* LoadModuleMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 4856DF8E0DCF95B8000BF47C /* ReturnMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4856DF7F0DCF95B8000BF47C /* ReturnMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 4856DF8F0DCF95B8000BF47C /* README.google in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4856DF820DCF95B8000BF47C /* README.google */; }; |
| 4856DF900DCF95B8000BF47C /* ServerMethods.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4856DF840DCF95B8000BF47C /* ServerMethods.cpp */; }; |
| 485CCFF00DDDDEA400AEE666 /* CoreFoundation.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 485CCFEF0DDDDEA400AEE666 /* CoreFoundation.framework */; }; |
| 485CD0AA0DDDEAF300AEE666 /* Debug.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 485CD0A90DDDEAF300AEE666 /* Debug.mm */; }; |
| 486DA8F50DD22BD50065980B /* crash.html in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 486DA8F40DD22BD50065980B /* crash.html */; }; |
| 48A237D10DCFB46D004EF5CA /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1058C7ADFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */; }; |
| 48A23BC60DD0E6EE004EF5CA /* browser.nib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48A23BC50DD0E6EE004EF5CA /* browser.nib */; }; |
| 48A23BE00DD0E8B1004EF5CA /* WebKit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48FD98A10DC62FD800E011A2 /* WebKit.framework */; }; |
| 48A23BE10DD0E8B6004EF5CA /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1058C7ADFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */; }; |
| 48A23C510DD0F2D6004EF5CA /* Browser-Info.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48A23C500DD0F2D6004EF5CA /* Browser-Info.plist */; }; |
| 48A23C530DD0F302004EF5CA /* gwtlogo.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48C4D72D0DCA2B6900C34919 /* gwtlogo.icns */; }; |
| 48ABDDC50DCBA04800B0159A /* WebScriptSessionHandler.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48ABDDC40DCBA04800B0159A /* WebScriptSessionHandler.cpp */; }; |
| 48C4D72E0DCA2B6900C34919 /* gwtlogo.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48C4D72D0DCA2B6900C34919 /* gwtlogo.icns */; }; |
| 48C9EA4A0E37863700E691C6 /* FreeValueMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48C9EA440E37863700E691C6 /* FreeValueMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 48C9EA4B0E37863700E691C6 /* InvokeSpecialMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48C9EA460E37863700E691C6 /* InvokeSpecialMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 48C9EA4C0E37863700E691C6 /* LoadJsniMessage.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48C9EA480E37863700E691C6 /* LoadJsniMessage.cpp */; }; |
| 48EF692D0E318E200050F5D6 /* ObjectFunctions.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48EF692C0E318E200050F5D6 /* ObjectFunctions.cpp */; }; |
| 48FD98900DC62E7400E011A2 /* OophmPlugin.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48FD988F0DC62E7400E011A2 /* OophmPlugin.mm */; }; |
| 48FD98A20DC62FD800E011A2 /* JavaScriptCore.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48FD98A00DC62FD800E011A2 /* JavaScriptCore.framework */; }; |
| 48FD98A30DC62FD800E011A2 /* WebKit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48FD98A10DC62FD800E011A2 /* WebKit.framework */; }; |
| 48FD99540DC6349F00E011A2 /* OophmWebScriptObject.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 48FD99530DC6349F00E011A2 /* OophmWebScriptObject.mm */; }; |
| 8D5B49B0048680CD000E48DA /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */; }; |
| /* End PBXBuildFile section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */ |
| 48547E060DD8821D0047AC8A /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = { |
| isa = PBXContainerItemProxy; |
| containerPortal = 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */; |
| proxyType = 1; |
| remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA; |
| remoteInfo = oophm; |
| }; |
| 485CD0C40DDDED1700AEE666 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = { |
| isa = PBXContainerItemProxy; |
| containerPortal = 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */; |
| proxyType = 1; |
| remoteGlobalIDString = 48547E030DD882170047AC8A; |
| remoteInfo = symlinks; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXFileReference section */ |
| 089C1672FE841209C02AAC07 /* Foundation.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Foundation.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; }; |
| 089C167EFE841241C02AAC07 /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 10; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = English; path = English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 089C167FFE841241C02AAC07 /* AppKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AppKit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; }; |
| 1058C7ADFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Cocoa.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; }; |
| 32DBCF630370AF2F00C91783 /* oophm_Prefix.pch */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = oophm_Prefix.pch; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 45283764103BCCB100153ABF /* CheckVersionsMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CheckVersionsMessage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 45283766103BCCDF00153ABF /* CheckVersionsMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CheckVersionsMessage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 45283767103BCCDF00153ABF /* ChooseTransportMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ChooseTransportMessage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 45283768103BCCDF00153ABF /* ChooseTransportMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ChooseTransportMessage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 45283769103BCCDF00153ABF /* FatalErrorMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = FatalErrorMessage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 4528376A103BCCDF00153ABF /* FatalErrorMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FatalErrorMessage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 4528376B103BCCDF00153ABF /* ProtocolVersionMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ProtocolVersionMessage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 4528376C103BCCDF00153ABF /* ProtocolVersionMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ProtocolVersionMessage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 4528376D103BCCDF00153ABF /* SwitchTransportMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SwitchTransportMessage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 4528376E103BCCDF00153ABF /* SwitchTransportMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SwitchTransportMessage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48108DDB0E2C15BD007FA76C /* AllowedConnections.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AllowedConnections.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48108DDC0E2C15BD007FA76C /* AllowedConnections.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AllowedConnections.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48108DDD0E2C15BD007FA76C /* Socket.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = Socket.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48108DDE0E2C15BD007FA76C /* Socket.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Socket.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48338DDB0E4A2C49008ACF0F /* oophm_bypass.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = oophm_bypass.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48420D3C0DD51A23001F3839 /* GTMDefines.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = GTMDefines.h; path = GTM/GTMDefines.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48420D3D0DD51A3D001F3839 /* GTMNSString+HTML.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = "GTMNSString+HTML.h"; path = "GTM/Foundation/GTMNSString+HTML.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48420D3E0DD51A3D001F3839 /* GTMNSString+HTML.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = "GTMNSString+HTML.m"; path = "GTM/Foundation/GTMNSString+HTML.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48547EFE0DD889DA0047AC8A /* GTMSystemVersion.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = GTMSystemVersion.h; path = GTM/Foundation/GTMSystemVersion.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48547EFF0DD889DA0047AC8A /* GTMSystemVersion.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = GTMSystemVersion.m; path = GTM/Foundation/GTMSystemVersion.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48547F490DD88D110047AC8A /* NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48547F4A0DD88D110047AC8A /* NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = "NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 485505EB0DCD475C0009536F /* SlowScriptProxy.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SlowScriptProxy.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 485505EC0DCD475C0009536F /* SlowScriptProxy.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SlowScriptProxy.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 4856DF740DCF95B8000BF47C /* BrowserChannel.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = BrowserChannel.h; path = ../common/BrowserChannel.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF750DCF95B8000BF47C /* HostChannel.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = HostChannel.cpp; path = ../common/HostChannel.cpp; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF760DCF95B8000BF47C /* HostChannel.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = HostChannel.h; path = ../common/HostChannel.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF770DCF95B8000BF47C /* InvokeMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = InvokeMessage.cpp; path = ../common/InvokeMessage.cpp; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF780DCF95B8000BF47C /* InvokeMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = InvokeMessage.h; path = ../common/InvokeMessage.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF790DCF95B8000BF47C /* LoadModuleMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = LoadModuleMessage.cpp; path = ../common/LoadModuleMessage.cpp; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF7A0DCF95B8000BF47C /* LoadModuleMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = LoadModuleMessage.h; path = ../common/LoadModuleMessage.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF7D0DCF95B8000BF47C /* Message.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = Message.h; path = ../common/Message.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF7E0DCF95B8000BF47C /* QuitMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = QuitMessage.h; path = ../common/QuitMessage.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF7F0DCF95B8000BF47C /* ReturnMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = ReturnMessage.cpp; path = ../common/ReturnMessage.cpp; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF800DCF95B8000BF47C /* ReturnMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = ReturnMessage.h; path = ../common/ReturnMessage.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF820DCF95B8000BF47C /* README.google */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; name = README.google; path = ../common/scoped_ptr/README.google; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF830DCF95B8000BF47C /* scoped_ptr.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = scoped_ptr.h; path = ../common/scoped_ptr/scoped_ptr.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF840DCF95B8000BF47C /* ServerMethods.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = ServerMethods.cpp; path = ../common/ServerMethods.cpp; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF850DCF95B8000BF47C /* ServerMethods.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = ServerMethods.h; path = ../common/ServerMethods.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF860DCF95B8000BF47C /* SessionHandler.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SessionHandler.h; path = ../common/SessionHandler.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 4856DF880DCF95B8000BF47C /* Value.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = Value.h; path = ../common/Value.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; |
| 485CCE650DDDC5E900AEE666 /* HashMap.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = HashMap.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 485CCFEF0DDDDEA400AEE666 /* CoreFoundation.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = CoreFoundation.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; }; |
| 485CD0A90DDDEAF300AEE666 /* Debug.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = Debug.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 486DA8ED0DD22B850065980B /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.html; name = English; path = English.lproj/crash.html; sourceTree = "<group>"; wrapsLines = 0; }; |
| 48A23BA20DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Browser.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = Browser.app; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; |
| 48A23BB40DD0E688004EF5CA /* AppController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AppController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48A23BB50DD0E688004EF5CA /* AppController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = AppController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48A23BB60DD0E688004EF5CA /* main.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = main.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48A23BC50DD0E6EE004EF5CA /* browser.nib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.nib; path = browser.nib; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48A23C500DD0F2D6004EF5CA /* Browser-Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "Browser-Info.plist"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48A23C760DD0F545004EF5CA /* BrowserWindow.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = BrowserWindow.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48A23C770DD0F545004EF5CA /* BrowserWindow.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = BrowserWindow.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48ABDDC30DCBA04800B0159A /* WebScriptSessionHandler.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = WebScriptSessionHandler.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48ABDDC40DCBA04800B0159A /* WebScriptSessionHandler.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = WebScriptSessionHandler.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48ABDDC80DCBA09D00B0159A /* TrackingData.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TrackingData.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48ABE1050DCBB67600B0159A /* SessionData.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SessionData.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48C4D72D0DCA2B6900C34919 /* gwtlogo.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = gwtlogo.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48C9EA440E37863700E691C6 /* FreeValueMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = FreeValueMessage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48C9EA450E37863700E691C6 /* FreeValueMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FreeValueMessage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48C9EA460E37863700E691C6 /* InvokeSpecialMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = InvokeSpecialMessage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48C9EA470E37863700E691C6 /* InvokeSpecialMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = InvokeSpecialMessage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48C9EA480E37863700E691C6 /* LoadJsniMessage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LoadJsniMessage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48C9EA490E37863700E691C6 /* LoadJsniMessage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LoadJsniMessage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48D5795D0DDB8C03005A3498 /* Debug.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Debug.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48D5795E0DDB8C03005A3498 /* DebugLevel.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DebugLevel.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48EF692B0E318E200050F5D6 /* ObjectFunctions.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ObjectFunctions.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48EF692C0E318E200050F5D6 /* ObjectFunctions.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ObjectFunctions.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48FD988E0DC62E7400E011A2 /* OophmPlugin.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = OophmPlugin.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48FD988F0DC62E7400E011A2 /* OophmPlugin.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = OophmPlugin.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48FD989B0DC62F8800E011A2 /* WebFrameNonTigerHeaders.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = WebFrameNonTigerHeaders.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48FD98A00DC62FD800E011A2 /* JavaScriptCore.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = JavaScriptCore.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; }; |
| 48FD98A10DC62FD800E011A2 /* WebKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = WebKit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; }; |
| 48FD99520DC6349F00E011A2 /* OophmWebScriptObject.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = OophmWebScriptObject.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48FD99530DC6349F00E011A2 /* OophmWebScriptObject.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = OophmWebScriptObject.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 48FFCFC80DD35DA900805659 /* Platform.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Platform.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA /* gwt-dev.webplugin */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = "gwt-dev.webplugin"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; |
| 8D5B49B7048680CD000E48DA /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; |
| D2F7E65807B2D6F200F64583 /* CoreData.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = CoreData.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; }; |
| /* End PBXFileReference section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ |
| 48A23BA00DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Frameworks */ = { |
| isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; |
| buildActionMask = 2147483647; |
| files = ( |
| 48A23BE00DD0E8B1004EF5CA /* WebKit.framework in Frameworks */, |
| 48A23BE10DD0E8B6004EF5CA /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */, |
| 4851A9D50DD1198300C577B2 /* JavaScriptCore.framework in Frameworks */, |
| ); |
| runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; |
| }; |
| 8D5B49B3048680CD000E48DA /* Frameworks */ = { |
| isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; |
| buildActionMask = 2147483647; |
| files = ( |
| 48FD98A20DC62FD800E011A2 /* JavaScriptCore.framework in Frameworks */, |
| 48FD98A30DC62FD800E011A2 /* WebKit.framework in Frameworks */, |
| 48A237D10DCFB46D004EF5CA /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */, |
| 485CCFF00DDDDEA400AEE666 /* CoreFoundation.framework in Frameworks */, |
| ); |
| runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXGroup section */ |
| 089C166AFE841209C02AAC07 /* oophm */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 485506C90DCD54180009536F /* Classes */, |
| 48420D3B0DD51A0F001F3839 /* GTM */, |
| 32C88E010371C26100C91783 /* Other Sources */, |
| 089C167CFE841241C02AAC07 /* Resources */, |
| 089C1671FE841209C02AAC07 /* Frameworks and Libraries */, |
| 19C28FB8FE9D52D311CA2CBB /* Products */, |
| ); |
| comments = "/*\n * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.\n * \n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not\n * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of\n * the License at\n * \n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n * \n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT\n * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the\n * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under\n * the License.\n */\n"; |
| name = oophm; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 089C1671FE841209C02AAC07 /* Frameworks and Libraries */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 1058C7ACFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Linked Frameworks */, |
| 1058C7AEFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Other Frameworks */, |
| ); |
| name = "Frameworks and Libraries"; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 089C167CFE841241C02AAC07 /* Resources */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 48338DDB0E4A2C49008ACF0F /* oophm_bypass.plist */, |
| 486DA8F40DD22BD50065980B /* crash.html */, |
| 48C4D72D0DCA2B6900C34919 /* gwtlogo.icns */, |
| 8D5B49B7048680CD000E48DA /* Info.plist */, |
| 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */, |
| ); |
| name = Resources; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 1058C7ACFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Linked Frameworks */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 485CCFEF0DDDDEA400AEE666 /* CoreFoundation.framework */, |
| 48FD98A00DC62FD800E011A2 /* JavaScriptCore.framework */, |
| 48FD98A10DC62FD800E011A2 /* WebKit.framework */, |
| 1058C7ADFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */, |
| ); |
| name = "Linked Frameworks"; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 1058C7AEFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Other Frameworks */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 089C167FFE841241C02AAC07 /* AppKit.framework */, |
| D2F7E65807B2D6F200F64583 /* CoreData.framework */, |
| 089C1672FE841209C02AAC07 /* Foundation.framework */, |
| ); |
| name = "Other Frameworks"; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 19C28FB8FE9D52D311CA2CBB /* Products */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA /* gwt-dev.webplugin */, |
| 48A23BA20DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Browser.app */, |
| ); |
| name = Products; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 32C88E010371C26100C91783 /* Other Sources */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 4856DF730DCF95B8000BF47C /* common */, |
| 32DBCF630370AF2F00C91783 /* oophm_Prefix.pch */, |
| ); |
| name = "Other Sources"; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 48420D3B0DD51A0F001F3839 /* GTM */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 48547EFE0DD889DA0047AC8A /* GTMSystemVersion.h */, |
| 48547EFF0DD889DA0047AC8A /* GTMSystemVersion.m */, |
| 48420D3D0DD51A3D001F3839 /* GTMNSString+HTML.h */, |
| 48420D3E0DD51A3D001F3839 /* GTMNSString+HTML.m */, |
| 48420D3C0DD51A23001F3839 /* GTMDefines.h */, |
| ); |
| comments = "We just need a subset of the functionality available in GTM, so we'll pull in only the files we need as opposed to creating a cross-project dependency and having to package the framework in the plugin."; |
| name = GTM; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 485506C90DCD54180009536F /* Classes */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 48A23B9D0DD0E57E004EF5CA /* Browser */, |
| 4856DFFB0DCFAEFD000BF47C /* Plugin */, |
| 4856DFFA0DCFAEBC000BF47C /* Core */, |
| ); |
| name = Classes; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 4856DF730DCF95B8000BF47C /* common */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 45283766103BCCDF00153ABF /* CheckVersionsMessage.h */, |
| 45283767103BCCDF00153ABF /* ChooseTransportMessage.cpp */, |
| 45283768103BCCDF00153ABF /* ChooseTransportMessage.h */, |
| 45283769103BCCDF00153ABF /* FatalErrorMessage.cpp */, |
| 4528376A103BCCDF00153ABF /* FatalErrorMessage.h */, |
| 4528376B103BCCDF00153ABF /* ProtocolVersionMessage.cpp */, |
| 4528376C103BCCDF00153ABF /* ProtocolVersionMessage.h */, |
| 4528376D103BCCDF00153ABF /* SwitchTransportMessage.cpp */, |
| 4528376E103BCCDF00153ABF /* SwitchTransportMessage.h */, |
| 48C9EA440E37863700E691C6 /* FreeValueMessage.cpp */, |
| 48C9EA450E37863700E691C6 /* FreeValueMessage.h */, |
| 48C9EA460E37863700E691C6 /* InvokeSpecialMessage.cpp */, |
| 48C9EA470E37863700E691C6 /* InvokeSpecialMessage.h */, |
| 48C9EA480E37863700E691C6 /* LoadJsniMessage.cpp */, |
| 48C9EA490E37863700E691C6 /* LoadJsniMessage.h */, |
| 48108DDB0E2C15BD007FA76C /* AllowedConnections.cpp */, |
| 48108DDC0E2C15BD007FA76C /* AllowedConnections.h */, |
| 48108DDD0E2C15BD007FA76C /* Socket.cpp */, |
| 48108DDE0E2C15BD007FA76C /* Socket.h */, |
| 485CCE650DDDC5E900AEE666 /* HashMap.h */, |
| 48D5795D0DDB8C03005A3498 /* Debug.h */, |
| 48D5795E0DDB8C03005A3498 /* DebugLevel.h */, |
| 48FFCFC80DD35DA900805659 /* Platform.h */, |
| 4856DF740DCF95B8000BF47C /* BrowserChannel.h */, |
| 4856DF750DCF95B8000BF47C /* HostChannel.cpp */, |
| 4856DF760DCF95B8000BF47C /* HostChannel.h */, |
| 4856DF770DCF95B8000BF47C /* InvokeMessage.cpp */, |
| 4856DF780DCF95B8000BF47C /* InvokeMessage.h */, |
| 4856DF790DCF95B8000BF47C /* LoadModuleMessage.cpp */, |
| 4856DF7A0DCF95B8000BF47C /* LoadModuleMessage.h */, |
| 4856DF7D0DCF95B8000BF47C /* Message.h */, |
| 4856DF7E0DCF95B8000BF47C /* QuitMessage.h */, |
| 4856DF7F0DCF95B8000BF47C /* ReturnMessage.cpp */, |
| 4856DF800DCF95B8000BF47C /* ReturnMessage.h */, |
| 4856DF810DCF95B8000BF47C /* scoped_ptr */, |
| 4856DF840DCF95B8000BF47C /* ServerMethods.cpp */, |
| 4856DF850DCF95B8000BF47C /* ServerMethods.h */, |
| 4856DF860DCF95B8000BF47C /* SessionHandler.h */, |
| 4856DF880DCF95B8000BF47C /* Value.h */, |
| 45283764103BCCB100153ABF /* CheckVersionsMessage.cpp */, |
| ); |
| name = common; |
| path = ../common; |
| sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; |
| }; |
| 4856DF810DCF95B8000BF47C /* scoped_ptr */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 4856DF820DCF95B8000BF47C /* README.google */, |
| 4856DF830DCF95B8000BF47C /* scoped_ptr.h */, |
| ); |
| name = scoped_ptr; |
| path = ../common/scoped_ptr; |
| sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; |
| }; |
| 4856DFFA0DCFAEBC000BF47C /* Core */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 48ABDDC30DCBA04800B0159A /* WebScriptSessionHandler.h */, |
| 48ABDDC40DCBA04800B0159A /* WebScriptSessionHandler.cpp */, |
| 48ABDDC80DCBA09D00B0159A /* TrackingData.h */, |
| 48ABE1050DCBB67600B0159A /* SessionData.h */, |
| 48EF692B0E318E200050F5D6 /* ObjectFunctions.h */, |
| 48EF692C0E318E200050F5D6 /* ObjectFunctions.cpp */, |
| ); |
| path = Core; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 4856DFFB0DCFAEFD000BF47C /* Plugin */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 485CD0A90DDDEAF300AEE666 /* Debug.mm */, |
| 48FD988E0DC62E7400E011A2 /* OophmPlugin.h */, |
| 48FD988F0DC62E7400E011A2 /* OophmPlugin.mm */, |
| 48FD99520DC6349F00E011A2 /* OophmWebScriptObject.h */, |
| 485505EB0DCD475C0009536F /* SlowScriptProxy.h */, |
| 48FD99530DC6349F00E011A2 /* OophmWebScriptObject.mm */, |
| 485505EC0DCD475C0009536F /* SlowScriptProxy.m */, |
| 48FD989B0DC62F8800E011A2 /* WebFrameNonTigerHeaders.h */, |
| 48547F490DD88D110047AC8A /* NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.h */, |
| 48547F4A0DD88D110047AC8A /* NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.m */, |
| ); |
| path = Plugin; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 48A23B9D0DD0E57E004EF5CA /* Browser */ = { |
| isa = PBXGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 48A23C760DD0F545004EF5CA /* BrowserWindow.h */, |
| 48A23C770DD0F545004EF5CA /* BrowserWindow.m */, |
| 48A23C500DD0F2D6004EF5CA /* Browser-Info.plist */, |
| 48A23BB40DD0E688004EF5CA /* AppController.h */, |
| 48A23BB50DD0E688004EF5CA /* AppController.m */, |
| 48A23BB60DD0E688004EF5CA /* main.m */, |
| 48A23BC50DD0E6EE004EF5CA /* browser.nib */, |
| ); |
| path = Browser; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXGroup section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ |
| 48A23BA10DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Browser */ = { |
| isa = PBXNativeTarget; |
| buildConfigurationList = 48A23BA70DD0E5B5004EF5CA /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Browser" */; |
| buildPhases = ( |
| 48A23B9E0DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Resources */, |
| 48A23B9F0DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Sources */, |
| 48A23BA00DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Frameworks */, |
| ); |
| buildRules = ( |
| ); |
| dependencies = ( |
| 485CD0C50DDDED1700AEE666 /* PBXTargetDependency */, |
| ); |
| name = Browser; |
| productName = Browser; |
| productReference = 48A23BA20DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Browser.app */; |
| productType = "com.apple.product-type.application"; |
| }; |
| 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA /* gwt-dev */ = { |
| isa = PBXNativeTarget; |
| buildConfigurationList = 1DEB913A08733D840010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "gwt-dev" */; |
| buildPhases = ( |
| 8D5B49AF048680CD000E48DA /* Resources */, |
| 8D5B49B1048680CD000E48DA /* Sources */, |
| 8D5B49B3048680CD000E48DA /* Frameworks */, |
| ); |
| buildRules = ( |
| ); |
| dependencies = ( |
| ); |
| name = "gwt-dev"; |
| productInstallPath = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles"; |
| productName = oophm; |
| productReference = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA /* gwt-dev.webplugin */; |
| productType = "com.apple.product-type.bundle"; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXNativeTarget section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXProject section */ |
| 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */ = { |
| isa = PBXProject; |
| buildConfigurationList = 1DEB913E08733D840010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "oophm" */; |
| compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 3.1"; |
| hasScannedForEncodings = 1; |
| mainGroup = 089C166AFE841209C02AAC07 /* oophm */; |
| projectDirPath = ""; |
| projectRoot = ""; |
| targets = ( |
| 48A23BA10DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Browser */, |
| 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA /* gwt-dev */, |
| 48547E030DD882170047AC8A /* symlinks */, |
| ); |
| }; |
| /* End PBXProject section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ |
| 48A23B9E0DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Resources */ = { |
| isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; |
| buildActionMask = 2147483647; |
| files = ( |
| 48A23BC60DD0E6EE004EF5CA /* browser.nib in Resources */, |
| 48A23C510DD0F2D6004EF5CA /* Browser-Info.plist in Resources */, |
| 48A23C530DD0F302004EF5CA /* gwtlogo.icns in Resources */, |
| ); |
| runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; |
| }; |
| 8D5B49AF048680CD000E48DA /* Resources */ = { |
| isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; |
| buildActionMask = 2147483647; |
| files = ( |
| 8D5B49B0048680CD000E48DA /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */, |
| 48C4D72E0DCA2B6900C34919 /* gwtlogo.icns in Resources */, |
| 4856DF8F0DCF95B8000BF47C /* README.google in Resources */, |
| 486DA8F50DD22BD50065980B /* crash.html in Resources */, |
| 48338DDF0E4A2CA7008ACF0F /* oophm_bypass.plist in Resources */, |
| ); |
| runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ |
| 48547E020DD882170047AC8A /* Make symlink */ = { |
| isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; |
| buildActionMask = 2147483647; |
| files = ( |
| ); |
| inputPaths = ( |
| "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/{$PluginShortName}.webplugin", |
| ); |
| name = "Make symlink"; |
| outputPaths = ( |
| "$(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/Internet Plug-Ins/${PluginShortName}.webplugin/Contents", |
| ); |
| runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; |
| shellPath = /bin/sh; |
| shellScript = "set -x\nrm -r \"${USER_LIBRARY_DIR}/Internet Plug-Ins/${PluginShortName}.webplugin\"\nln -sf \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PluginShortName}.webplugin\" \"${USER_LIBRARY_DIR}/Internet Plug-Ins/.\""; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ |
| 48A23B9F0DD0E5B4004EF5CA /* Sources */ = { |
| isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; |
| buildActionMask = 2147483647; |
| files = ( |
| 480DDCAA0E381E22000711F4 /* AppController.m in Sources */, |
| 480DDCAB0E381E23000711F4 /* BrowserWindow.m in Sources */, |
| 480DDCAC0E381E28000711F4 /* main.m in Sources */, |
| ); |
| runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; |
| }; |
| 8D5B49B1048680CD000E48DA /* Sources */ = { |
| isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; |
| buildActionMask = 2147483647; |
| files = ( |
| 48FD98900DC62E7400E011A2 /* OophmPlugin.mm in Sources */, |
| 48FD99540DC6349F00E011A2 /* OophmWebScriptObject.mm in Sources */, |
| 48ABDDC50DCBA04800B0159A /* WebScriptSessionHandler.cpp in Sources */, |
| 485505ED0DCD475C0009536F /* SlowScriptProxy.m in Sources */, |
| 4856DF890DCF95B8000BF47C /* HostChannel.cpp in Sources */, |
| 4856DF8A0DCF95B8000BF47C /* InvokeMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 4856DF8B0DCF95B8000BF47C /* LoadModuleMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 4856DF8E0DCF95B8000BF47C /* ReturnMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 4856DF900DCF95B8000BF47C /* ServerMethods.cpp in Sources */, |
| 48420D410DD51A3D001F3839 /* GTMNSString+HTML.m in Sources */, |
| 48547F000DD889DA0047AC8A /* GTMSystemVersion.m in Sources */, |
| 48547F4B0DD88D110047AC8A /* NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.m in Sources */, |
| 485CD0AA0DDDEAF300AEE666 /* Debug.mm in Sources */, |
| 48108DDF0E2C15BD007FA76C /* AllowedConnections.cpp in Sources */, |
| 48108DE00E2C15BD007FA76C /* Socket.cpp in Sources */, |
| 48EF692D0E318E200050F5D6 /* ObjectFunctions.cpp in Sources */, |
| 48C9EA4A0E37863700E691C6 /* FreeValueMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 48C9EA4B0E37863700E691C6 /* InvokeSpecialMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 48C9EA4C0E37863700E691C6 /* LoadJsniMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 45283765103BCCB100153ABF /* CheckVersionsMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 4528376F103BCCDF00153ABF /* ChooseTransportMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 45283770103BCCDF00153ABF /* FatalErrorMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 45283771103BCCDF00153ABF /* ProtocolVersionMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| 45283772103BCCDF00153ABF /* SwitchTransportMessage.cpp in Sources */, |
| ); |
| runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXTargetDependency section */ |
| 48547E070DD8821D0047AC8A /* PBXTargetDependency */ = { |
| isa = PBXTargetDependency; |
| target = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA /* gwt-dev */; |
| targetProxy = 48547E060DD8821D0047AC8A /* PBXContainerItemProxy */; |
| }; |
| 485CD0C50DDDED1700AEE666 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = { |
| isa = PBXTargetDependency; |
| target = 48547E030DD882170047AC8A /* symlinks */; |
| targetProxy = 485CD0C40DDDED1700AEE666 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXTargetDependency section */ |
| |
| /* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */ |
| 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */ = { |
| isa = PBXVariantGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 089C167EFE841241C02AAC07 /* English */, |
| ); |
| name = InfoPlist.strings; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| 486DA8F40DD22BD50065980B /* crash.html */ = { |
| isa = PBXVariantGroup; |
| children = ( |
| 486DA8ED0DD22B850065980B /* English */, |
| ); |
| name = crash.html; |
| path = Plugin; |
| sourceTree = "<group>"; |
| }; |
| /* End PBXVariantGroup section */ |
| |
| /* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */ |
| 1DEB913B08733D840010E9CD /* Debug */ = { |
| isa = XCBuildConfiguration; |
| buildSettings = { |
| GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = oophm_Prefix.pch; |
| INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist; |
| INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles"; |
| PRODUCT_NAME = "${PluginShortName}"; |
| WRAPPER_EXTENSION = webplugin; |
| }; |
| name = Debug; |
| }; |
| 1DEB913C08733D840010E9CD /* Release */ = { |
| isa = XCBuildConfiguration; |
| buildSettings = { |
| FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS_QUOTED_1 = "\"$(SRCROOT)/GTM/build/TigerOrLater-Release\""; |
| GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = oophm_Prefix.pch; |
| INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist; |
| INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles"; |
| PRODUCT_NAME = "${PluginShortName}"; |
| STRIP_STYLE = "non-global"; |
| WRAPPER_EXTENSION = webplugin; |
| }; |
| name = Release; |
| }; |
| 1DEB913F08733D840010E9CD /* Debug */ = { |
| isa = XCBuildConfiguration; |
| buildSettings = { |
| OTHER_CFLAGS = "-mmacosx-version-min=10.5"; |
| PluginShortName = "gwt-dev"; |
| SDKROOT = macosx10.5; |
| STRIP_STYLE = "non-global"; |
| SYMROOT = build; |
| }; |
| name = Debug; |
| }; |
| 1DEB914008733D840010E9CD /* Release */ = { |
| isa = XCBuildConfiguration; |
| buildSettings = { |
| ARCHS = "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_64_BIT)"; |
| OTHER_CFLAGS = "-mmacosx-version-min=10.5"; |
| PluginShortName = "gwt-dev"; |
| SDKROOT = macosx10.5; |
| STRIP_STYLE = "non-global"; |
| SYMROOT = build; |
| }; |
| name = Release; |
| }; |
| 48547E040DD882170047AC8A /* Debug */ = { |
| isa = XCBuildConfiguration; |
| buildSettings = { |
| PRODUCT_NAME = "${PluginShortName}.symlinks"; |
| }; |
| name = Debug; |
| }; |
| 48547E050DD882170047AC8A /* Release */ = { |
| isa = XCBuildConfiguration; |
| buildSettings = { |
| DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; |
| PRODUCT_NAME = "${PluginShortName}.symlinks"; |
| }; |
| name = Release; |
| }; |
| 48A23BA50DD0E5B5004EF5CA /* Debug */ = { |
| isa = XCBuildConfiguration; |
| buildSettings = { |
| GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = oophm_Prefix.pch; |
| INFOPLIST_FILE = "Browser/Browser-Info.plist"; |
| INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Applications"; |
| "-framework", |
| Foundation, |
| "-framework", |
| AppKit, |
| ); |
| PRODUCT_NAME = Browser; |
| }; |
| name = Debug; |
| }; |
| 48A23BA60DD0E5B5004EF5CA /* Release */ = { |
| isa = XCBuildConfiguration; |
| buildSettings = { |
| ARCHS = ( |
| i386, |
| ppc, |
| ); |
| DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; |
| GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = oophm_Prefix.pch; |
| INFOPLIST_FILE = "Browser/Browser-Info.plist"; |
| INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Applications"; |
| "-framework", |
| Foundation, |
| "-framework", |
| AppKit, |
| ); |
| PRODUCT_NAME = Browser; |
| STRIP_STYLE = "non-global"; |
| VALID_ARCHS = "ppc64 ppc7400 ppc970 i386 x86_64 ppc"; |
| }; |
| name = Release; |
| }; |
| /* End XCBuildConfiguration section */ |
| |
| /* Begin XCConfigurationList section */ |
| 1DEB913A08733D840010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "gwt-dev" */ = { |
| isa = XCConfigurationList; |
| buildConfigurations = ( |
| 1DEB913B08733D840010E9CD /* Debug */, |
| 1DEB913C08733D840010E9CD /* Release */, |
| ); |
| defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; |
| defaultConfigurationName = Release; |
| }; |
| 1DEB913E08733D840010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "oophm" */ = { |
| isa = XCConfigurationList; |
| buildConfigurations = ( |
| 1DEB913F08733D840010E9CD /* Debug */, |
| 1DEB914008733D840010E9CD /* Release */, |
| ); |
| defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; |
| defaultConfigurationName = Release; |
| }; |
| 48547E080DD8823B0047AC8A /* Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "symlinks" */ = { |
| isa = XCConfigurationList; |
| buildConfigurations = ( |
| 48547E040DD882170047AC8A /* Debug */, |
| 48547E050DD882170047AC8A /* Release */, |
| ); |
| defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; |
| defaultConfigurationName = Release; |
| }; |
| 48A23BA70DD0E5B5004EF5CA /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Browser" */ = { |
| isa = XCConfigurationList; |
| buildConfigurations = ( |
| 48A23BA50DD0E5B5004EF5CA /* Debug */, |
| 48A23BA60DD0E5B5004EF5CA /* Release */, |
| ); |
| defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; |
| defaultConfigurationName = Release; |
| }; |
| /* End XCConfigurationList section */ |
| }; |
| rootObject = 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */; |
| } |