blob: 0ca17f3c4762a6529fe9693595f7b234f965bc5a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# Description:
# The GWT compiler and dev mode.
# Google owns the copyright
default_visibility = [
# This target logically corresponds to gwt-dev.jar but doesn't
# actually create it, for faster builds after a compiler change.
name = "dev",
jars = [
# Files needed by the ant tests
name = "ant",
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
# Classes needed by the requestfactory annotation processor
name = "requestfactory-apt-deps",
srcs = [
# Dependencies of gwt-servlet.jar. (Included in server run-time classpaths.)
name = "servlet-deps",
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
deps = [
# GWTBridge & UnsafeNativeLong
# Builds gwt-dev-deps.jar, which contains third-party deps for gwt-dev.jar.
# (This is a separate jar for better build caching.)
name = "gwt-dev-deps",
srcs = [],
added_jars = [
constraints = [],
dojarjar = 1,
wrap_javalibrary = 0,
# Builds gwt-dev-only.jar, which contains the GWT compiler and tools.
# Relies on gwt-dev-deps.jar being in the classpath.
name = "gwt-dev-only",
srcs = [],
added_jars = [
constraints = [],
dojarjar = 1,
resources = ["//tools/gwt:gwt_google_defaults"],
wrap_javalibrary = 0,
# All the dev classes before jarjaring.
# This should only be used in code that will itself be jarjar-ed
# or in internal tests.
# (Exposed because it helps other targets build faster than
# if they waited for gwt-dev to be jarjar-ed.)
# TODO: split up.
name = "gwt-dev-classes",
srcs = glob(
exclude = ["**/"],
deps = [
# Resource files in core/src.
# (Includes .java files.)
name = "gwt-dev-resources.jar",
srcs = glob(
exclude = ["**/"],
root = "core/src",
name = "compiler.standalone",
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
javacopts = [
"-encoding utf8",
"-source 5",
"-target 5",
deps = [
# This is a bootstrap library; it will later be stripped out of the classpath
# chain, since the "real" versions are super-source not class files.
# TODO(scottb): this thing may be completely obsolete.
name = "compiler.standalone.super",
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
javacopts = [
"-encoding utf8",
"-source 5",
"-target 5",
# Resource files in core/super (including Java source)
name = "super-resources.jar",
srcs = glob(
exclude = ["**/"],
root = "core/super",
# A minimal library for annotations not likely to otherwise need gwt-user.jar
# (so i18n annotations are out, they'd need i18n classes and interfaces, but
# @GwtScriptOnly is in). The test is that this target is for POJO Java work
# that happens to want a bit of annotations to hint GWT what to do.
# CAUTION: Most internal Google code ends up depending on this, via
# //j/c/g/common/collect:collect-gwt. You really don't want it to be big!
name = "interop-annotations",
srcs = [
constraints = [
gwtxml = ":interop-annotations-gwtxml",
javacopts = [
"-encoding utf8",
"-source 5",
"-target 5",
# (This is a genrule so that it won't be mirrored to svn and git.)
name = "interop-annotations-gwtxml",
outs = ["Gwt-dev-interop-annotations.gwt.xml"],
cmd = "$(ECHO) '<module></module>' > $(@)",
# All test code in dev.
# TODO: split up.
name = "dev-test-code",
srcs = glob([
added_jars = [
# for soycTest
added_roots = [
build_deps = [
"//third_party/java_src/gwt/svn/tools:dev_deps", # for pre-jarjar imports
constraints = [],
dojarjar = 1,
export_deps = [
":dev", # for the post-jarjar names
deps = [
# The "dev" directory is tested by loose tests. Some of them fail because of
# classpath expectations that are invalid in Google's distributed build
# environment.
# TODO(fabbott): These fail due to classpath differences,
# because the distributed build's classpath is jar'ed not loose
exclude = [
name = "tests",
jvm_flags = ["-ea"],
srcjars = [":dev-test-code"],
tests = GWT_DEV_TESTS,