blob: d40ea4a351d8fd9ed0f8b4480836be24318945fe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* This test verifies that the static evaluation performed by the compiler
* on constant string expressions is correct.
* TODO: this is just copied from the old StringTest before it was improved,
* but we need to go through and remove tests that do not actually
* test the compiler.
public class CompilerConstantStringTest extends GWTTestCase {
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
public void testCharAt() {
assertEquals("abc".charAt(1), 'b');
public void testConcat() {
assertEquals("abcdef", "abc" + "def");
assertEquals("abcdef", "abc".concat("def"));
assertEquals("".concat(""), "");
char c = 'd';
String s = "abc";
assertEquals("abcd", "abc" + 'd');
assertEquals("abcd", "abc" + c);
assertEquals("abcd", s + 'd');
assertEquals("abcd", s + c);
s += c;
assertEquals("abcd", s);
public void testConstructor() {
char[] chars = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};
String constant = "abcdef";
String shortString = "cde";
assertEquals(new String(constant), constant);
assertEquals(new String(chars), constant);
assertEquals(new String(chars, 2, 3), shortString);
assertEquals(new String(""), "");
assertEquals(new String(new String(new String(new String("")))), "");
assertEquals(new String(new char[] {}), "");
public void testContains() {
// at the beginning
assertTrue("abcdef".contains(new StringBuffer("ab")));
// at the end
assertTrue("abcdef".contains(new StringBuffer("ef")));
// in the middle
assertTrue("abcdef".contains(new StringBuffer("cd")));
// the same
assertTrue("abcdef".contains(new StringBuffer("abcdef")));
// not present
assertFalse("abcdef".contains(new StringBuffer("z")));
public void testEndsWith() {
String haystack = "abcdefghi";
assertTrue("a", haystack.endsWith("defghi"));
assertTrue("b", haystack.endsWith(haystack));
assertFalse("c", haystack.endsWith(haystack + "j"));
public void testEquals() {
public void testEqualsIgnoreCase() {
* Tests hashing with strings.
* The specific strings used in this test used to trigger failures because we
* use a JavaScript object as a hash map to cache the computed hash codes.
* This conflicts with built-in properties defined on objects -- see issue
* #631.
public void testHashCode() {
String[] testStrings = {
"watch", "unwatch", "toString", "toSource", "eval", "valueOf",
"constructor", "__proto__"};
int[] savedHash = new int[testStrings.length];
for (int i = 0; i < testStrings.length; ++i) {
savedHash[i] = testStrings[i].hashCode();
* Verify that the resulting hash code is numeric, since this is not
* enforced in Production Mode.
String str = Integer.toString(savedHash[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < str.length(); ++j) {
char ch = str.charAt(j);
assertTrue("Bad character '" + ch + "' (U+0" + Integer.toHexString(ch)
+ ")", ch == '-' || ch == ' ' || Character.isDigit(ch));
// verify the hash codes are constant for a given string
for (int i = 0; i < testStrings.length; ++i) {
assertEquals(savedHash[i], testStrings[i].hashCode());
public void testIndexOf() {
String haystack = "abcdefghi";
assertEquals(haystack.indexOf("q"), -1);
assertEquals(haystack.indexOf('q'), -1);
assertEquals(haystack.indexOf("a"), 0);
assertEquals(haystack.indexOf('a'), 0);
assertEquals(haystack.indexOf('a', 1), -1);
assertEquals(haystack.indexOf("bc"), 1);
assertEquals(haystack.indexOf(""), 0);
public void testLastIndexOf() {
String x = "abcdeabcdef";
assertEquals(9, x.lastIndexOf("e"));
assertEquals(10, x.lastIndexOf("f"));
assertEquals(-1, x.lastIndexOf("f", 1));
public void testLength() {
assertEquals(3, "abc".length());
String str = "x";
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
str = str + str;
assertEquals(1 << 16, str.length());
public void testLowerCase() {
assertEquals("abc", StringCase.toLower("AbC"));
assertEquals("abc", StringCase.toLower("abc"));
assertEquals("", StringCase.toLower(""));
public void testMatch() {
assertFalse("1f", "abbbbcd".matches("b*"));
assertFalse("2f", "abbbbcd".matches("b+"));
assertTrue("3t", "abbbbcd".matches("ab*bcd"));
assertTrue("4t", "abbbbcd".matches("ab+cd"));
assertTrue("5t", "abbbbcd".matches("ab+bcd"));
assertFalse("6f", "abbbbcd".matches(""));
assertTrue("7t", "abbbbcd".matches("a.*d"));
assertFalse("8f", "abbbbcd".matches("a.*e"));
public void testNull() {
* The ""+ is there because GWT currently does not translate a+b
* defensively enough to handle the case that both a and b are null.
* Revisit this test if that is ever changed.
String a = "" + returnNull() + returnNull();
assertEquals("nullnull", a);
public void testReplace() {
assertEquals("axax".replace('x', 'a'), "aaaa");
assertEquals("aaaa".replace('x', 'a'), "aaaa");
for (char from = 32; from < 250; ++from) {
char to = (char) (from + 5);
assertEquals(toS(to), toS(from).replace(from, to));
for (char to = 32; to < 250; ++to) {
char from = (char) (to + 5);
assertEquals(toS(to), toS(from).replace(from, to));
// issue 1480
assertEquals("example xd", "example xd".replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' '));
assertEquals("dog food", "dog\u0120food".replace('\u0120', ' '));
assertEquals("ABABAB", "\u1111B\u1111B\u1111B".replace('\u1111', 'A'));
public void testReplaceAll() {
assertEquals("abcdef", "xxxxabcxxdexf".replaceAll("x*", ""));
assertEquals("1\\1abc123\\123de1234\\1234f", "1abc123de1234f".replaceAll(
"([1234]+)", "$1\\\\$1"));
assertEquals("\n \n", "x x".replaceAll("x", "\n"));
assertEquals("x x", "\n \n".replaceAll("\\\n", "x"));
assertEquals("x\"\\", "x".replaceAll("x", "\\x\\\"\\\\"));
assertEquals("$$x$", "x".replaceAll("(x)", "\\$\\$$1\\$"));
public void testSplit() {
compareList("fullSplit", new String[] {"abc", "", "", "de", "f"},
compareList("emptyRegexSplit", new String[] {
"", "a", "b", "c", "x", "x", "d", "e", "x", "f", "x"},
compareList("2:", "boo:and:foo".split(":", 2), new String[] {
"boo", "and:foo"});
compareList("5:", "boo:and:foo".split(":", 5), new String[] {
"boo", "and", "foo"});
compareList("-2:", "boo:and:foo".split(":", -2), new String[] {
"boo", "and", "foo"});
compareList("5o", "boo:and:foo".split("o", 5), new String[] {
"b", "", ":and:f", "", ""});
compareList("-2o", "boo:and:foo".split("o", -2), new String[] {
"b", "", ":and:f", "", ""});
compareList("0o", "boo:and:foo".split("o", 0), new String[] {
"b", "", ":and:f"});
compareList("0:", "boo:and:foo".split(":", 0), new String[] {
"boo", "and", "foo"});
public void testStartsWith() {
String haystack = "abcdefghi";
assertTrue(haystack.startsWith("bc", 1));
assertFalse(haystack.startsWith(haystack + "j"));
public void testSubstring() {
String haystack = "abcdefghi";
assertEquals("cd", haystack.substring(2, 4));
assertEquals("bc", "abcdef".substring(1, 3));
assertEquals("bcdef", "abcdef".substring(1));
public void testToCharArray() {
char[] a1 = "abc".toCharArray();
char[] a2 = new char[] {'a', 'b', 'c'};
for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
assertEquals(a1[i], a2[i]);
public void testTrim() {
trimRightAssertEquals("abc", " \t abc \n ");
trimRightAssertEquals("abc", "abc".trim());
trimRightAssertSame("abc", "abc");
String s = '\u0023' + "hi";
trimRightAssertSame(s, s);
trimRightAssertEquals("abc", " abc".trim());
trimRightAssertEquals("abc", "abc ".trim());
trimRightAssertEquals("", "".trim());
trimRightAssertEquals("", " \t ".trim());
public void testUpperCase() {
assertEquals("abc", StringCase.toLower("AbC"));
assertEquals("abc", StringCase.toLower("abc"));
assertEquals("", StringCase.toLower(""));
public void testValueOf() {
assertEquals(C.INT_STRING, String.valueOf(C.INT_VALUE));
assertEquals(C.LONG_STRING, String.valueOf(C.LONG_VALUE));
assertEquals(C.CHAR_STRING, String.valueOf(C.CHAR_VALUE));
assertEquals(C.CHAR_ARRAY_STRING, String.valueOf(C.CHAR_ARRAY_VALUE));
assertEquals(C.CHAR_ARRAY_STRING_SUB, String.valueOf(C.CHAR_ARRAY_VALUE, 1,
assertEquals(C.FALSE_STRING, String.valueOf(C.FALSE_VALUE));
assertEquals(C.TRUE_STRING, String.valueOf(C.TRUE_VALUE));
* Helper method for testTrim to avoid compiler optimizations.
public void trimRightAssertEquals(String left, String right) {
assertEquals(left, right.trim());
* Helper method for testTrim to avoid compiler optimizations.
public void trimRightAssertSame(String left, String right) {
assertSame(left, right.trim());
private void compareList(String category, String[] desired, String[] got) {
assertEquals(category + " length", desired.length, got.length);
for (int i = 0; i < desired.length; i++) {
assertEquals(category + " " + i, desired[i], got[i]);
private String returnNull() {
return null;
private String toS(char from) {
return Character.toString(from);