| Two kinds of documentation: |
| Reference (Normal JavaDoc) |
| Dynamic Client System (Booklet) |
| Writing client-side applications |
| Writing server-side support code |
| Translatable Java Libraries |
| <!-- Each topic must specify a simple text-only title --> |
| <!-- HTML fragment content --> |
| topic/@id (string) A unique id for the topic |
| topic/@title (string) A simple string the user will see as the title of the topic |
| topic/content/text() Text or HTML chunks |
| topic/content/link A link |
| topic/content/link/@idref Which topic to link to |
| topic/topic A nested topic |
| <package name="com.innuvo.dcs.doc"> |
| <class name="TestOuter.TestInner1"> |
| <method name="method" type="void"> |
| <param name="param1" type="int"> |
| <class name="TestOuter.TestInner2"> |
| <field name="field" type="int"> |