blob: 8ed81652bffc2edbdcd9fb229ace6ff98b9aaeff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* The data source for contact information used in the sample.
public class ContactDatabase {
* A contact category.
public static class Category {
private final String displayName;
private Category(String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
* Information about a contact.
public static class ContactInfo implements Comparable<ContactInfo> {
* The key provider that provides the unique ID of a contact.
public static final ProvidesKey<ContactInfo> KEY_PROVIDER = new ProvidesKey<ContactInfo>() {
public Object getKey(ContactInfo item) {
return item == null ? null : item.getId();
private static int nextId = 0;
private String address;
private int age;
private Date birthday;
private Category category;
private String firstName;
private final int id;
private String lastName;
public ContactInfo(Category category) { = nextId;
public int compareTo(ContactInfo o) {
return (o == null || o.firstName == null) ? -1 : -o.firstName.compareTo(firstName);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof ContactInfo) {
return id == ((ContactInfo) o).id;
return false;
* @return the contact's address
public String getAddress() {
return address;
* @return the contact's age
public int getAge() {
return age;
* @return the contact's birthday
public Date getBirthday() {
return birthday;
* @return the category of the conteact
public Category getCategory() {
return category;
* @return the contact's firstName
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
* @return the contact's full name
public final String getFullName() {
return firstName + " " + lastName;
* @return the unique ID of the contact
public int getId() {
* @return the contact's lastName
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public int hashCode() {
return id;
* Set the contact's address.
* @param address the address
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
* Set the contact's birthday.
* @param birthday the birthday
public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {
this.birthday = birthday;
// Recalculate the age.
Date today = new Date();
this.age = today.getYear() - birthday.getYear();
if (today.getMonth() > birthday.getMonth()
|| (today.getMonth() == birthday.getMonth() && today.getDate() > birthday.getDate())) {
* Set the contact's category.
* @param category the category to set
public void setCategory(Category category) {
assert category != null : "category cannot be null";
this.category = category;
* Set the contact's first name.
* @param firstName the firstName to set
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
* Set the contact's last name.
* @param lastName the lastName to set
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
* The constants used in this Content Widget.
static interface DatabaseConstants extends Constants {
String[] contactDatabaseCategories();
private static final String[] FEMALE_FIRST_NAMES = {
"Mary", "Patricia", "Linda", "Barbara", "Elizabeth", "Jennifer", "Maria", "Susan",
"Margaret", "Dorothy", "Lisa", "Nancy", "Karen", "Betty", "Helen", "Sandra", "Donna",
"Carol", "Ruth", "Sharon", "Michelle", "Laura", "Sarah", "Kimberly", "Deborah", "Jessica",
"Shirley", "Cynthia", "Angela", "Melissa", "Brenda", "Amy", "Anna", "Rebecca", "Virginia",
"Kathleen", "Pamela", "Martha", "Debra", "Amanda", "Stephanie", "Carolyn", "Christine",
"Marie", "Janet", "Catherine", "Frances", "Ann", "Joyce", "Diane", "Alice", "Julie",
"Heather", "Teresa", "Doris", "Gloria", "Evelyn", "Jean", "Cheryl", "Mildred", "Katherine",
"Joan", "Ashley", "Judith", "Rose", "Janice", "Kelly", "Nicole", "Judy", "Christina",
"Kathy", "Theresa", "Beverly", "Denise", "Tammy", "Irene", "Jane", "Lori", "Rachel",
"Marilyn", "Andrea", "Kathryn", "Louise", "Sara", "Anne", "Jacqueline", "Wanda", "Bonnie",
"Julia", "Ruby", "Lois", "Tina", "Phyllis", "Norma", "Paula", "Diana", "Annie", "Lillian",
"Emily", "Robin", "Peggy", "Crystal", "Gladys", "Rita", "Dawn", "Connie", "Florence",
"Tracy", "Edna", "Tiffany", "Carmen", "Rosa", "Cindy", "Grace", "Wendy", "Victoria", "Edith",
"Kim", "Sherry", "Sylvia", "Josephine", "Thelma", "Shannon", "Sheila", "Ethel", "Ellen",
"Elaine", "Marjorie", "Carrie", "Charlotte", "Monica", "Esther", "Pauline", "Emma",
"Juanita", "Anita", "Rhonda", "Hazel", "Amber", "Eva", "Debbie", "April", "Leslie", "Clara",
"Lucille", "Jamie", "Joanne", "Eleanor", "Valerie", "Danielle", "Megan", "Alicia", "Suzanne",
"Michele", "Gail", "Bertha", "Darlene", "Veronica", "Jill", "Erin", "Geraldine", "Lauren",
"Cathy", "Joann", "Lorraine", "Lynn", "Sally", "Regina", "Erica", "Beatrice", "Dolores",
"Bernice", "Audrey", "Yvonne", "Annette", "June", "Samantha", "Marion", "Dana", "Stacy",
"Ana", "Renee", "Ida", "Vivian", "Roberta", "Holly", "Brittany", "Melanie", "Loretta",
"Yolanda", "Jeanette", "Laurie", "Katie", "Kristen", "Vanessa", "Alma", "Sue", "Elsie",
"Beth", "Jeanne"};
private static final String[] MALE_FIRST_NAMES = {
"James", "John", "Robert", "Michael", "William", "David", "Richard", "Charles", "Joseph",
"Thomas", "Christopher", "Daniel", "Paul", "Mark", "Donald", "George", "Kenneth", "Steven",
"Edward", "Brian", "Ronald", "Anthony", "Kevin", "Jason", "Matthew", "Gary", "Timothy",
"Jose", "Larry", "Jeffrey", "Frank", "Scott", "Eric", "Stephen", "Andrew", "Raymond",
"Gregory", "Joshua", "Jerry", "Dennis", "Walter", "Patrick", "Peter", "Harold", "Douglas",
"Henry", "Carl", "Arthur", "Ryan", "Roger", "Joe", "Juan", "Jack", "Albert", "Jonathan",
"Justin", "Terry", "Gerald", "Keith", "Samuel", "Willie", "Ralph", "Lawrence", "Nicholas",
"Roy", "Benjamin", "Bruce", "Brandon", "Adam", "Harry", "Fred", "Wayne", "Billy", "Steve",
"Louis", "Jeremy", "Aaron", "Randy", "Howard", "Eugene", "Carlos", "Russell", "Bobby",
"Victor", "Martin", "Ernest", "Phillip", "Todd", "Jesse", "Craig", "Alan", "Shawn",
"Clarence", "Sean", "Philip", "Chris", "Johnny", "Earl", "Jimmy", "Antonio", "Danny",
"Bryan", "Tony", "Luis", "Mike", "Stanley", "Leonard", "Nathan", "Dale", "Manuel", "Rodney",
"Curtis", "Norman", "Allen", "Marvin", "Vincent", "Glenn", "Jeffery", "Travis", "Jeff",
"Chad", "Jacob", "Lee", "Melvin", "Alfred", "Kyle", "Francis", "Bradley", "Jesus", "Herbert",
"Frederick", "Ray", "Joel", "Edwin", "Don", "Eddie", "Ricky", "Troy", "Randall", "Barry",
"Alexander", "Bernard", "Mario", "Leroy", "Francisco", "Marcus", "Micheal", "Theodore",
"Clifford", "Miguel", "Oscar", "Jay", "Jim", "Tom", "Calvin", "Alex", "Jon", "Ronnie",
"Bill", "Lloyd", "Tommy", "Leon", "Derek", "Warren", "Darrell", "Jerome", "Floyd", "Leo",
"Alvin", "Tim", "Wesley", "Gordon", "Dean", "Greg", "Jorge", "Dustin", "Pedro", "Derrick",
"Dan", "Lewis", "Zachary", "Corey", "Herman", "Maurice", "Vernon", "Roberto", "Clyde",
"Glen", "Hector", "Shane", "Ricardo", "Sam", "Rick", "Lester", "Brent", "Ramon", "Charlie",
"Tyler", "Gilbert", "Gene"};
private static final String[] LAST_NAMES = {
"Smith", "Johnson", "Williams", "Jones", "Brown", "Davis", "Miller", "Wilson", "Moore",
"Taylor", "Anderson", "Thomas", "Jackson", "White", "Harris", "Martin", "Thompson", "Garcia",
"Martinez", "Robinson", "Clark", "Rodriguez", "Lewis", "Lee", "Walker", "Hall", "Allen",
"Young", "Hernandez", "King", "Wright", "Lopez", "Hill", "Scott", "Green", "Adams", "Baker",
"Gonzalez", "Nelson", "Carter", "Mitchell", "Perez", "Roberts", "Turner", "Phillips",
"Campbell", "Parker", "Evans", "Edwards", "Collins", "Stewart", "Sanchez", "Morris",
"Rogers", "Reed", "Cook", "Morgan", "Bell", "Murphy", "Bailey", "Rivera", "Cooper",
"Richardson", "Cox", "Howard", "Ward", "Torres", "Peterson", "Gray", "Ramirez", "James",
"Watson", "Brooks", "Kelly", "Sanders", "Price", "Bennett", "Wood", "Barnes", "Ross",
"Henderson", "Coleman", "Jenkins", "Perry", "Powell", "Long", "Patterson", "Hughes",
"Flores", "Washington", "Butler", "Simmons", "Foster", "Gonzales", "Bryant", "Alexander",
"Russell", "Griffin", "Diaz", "Hayes", "Myers", "Ford", "Hamilton", "Graham", "Sullivan",
"Wallace", "Woods", "Cole", "West", "Jordan", "Owens", "Reynolds", "Fisher", "Ellis",
"Harrison", "Gibson", "Mcdonald", "Cruz", "Marshall", "Ortiz", "Gomez", "Murray", "Freeman",
"Wells", "Webb", "Simpson", "Stevens", "Tucker", "Porter", "Hunter", "Hicks", "Crawford",
"Henry", "Boyd", "Mason", "Morales", "Kennedy", "Warren", "Dixon", "Ramos", "Reyes", "Burns",
"Gordon", "Shaw", "Holmes", "Rice", "Robertson", "Hunt", "Black", "Daniels", "Palmer",
"Mills", "Nichols", "Grant", "Knight", "Ferguson", "Rose", "Stone", "Hawkins", "Dunn",
"Perkins", "Hudson", "Spencer", "Gardner", "Stephens", "Payne", "Pierce", "Berry",
"Matthews", "Arnold", "Wagner", "Willis", "Ray", "Watkins", "Olson", "Carroll", "Duncan",
"Snyder", "Hart", "Cunningham", "Bradley", "Lane", "Andrews", "Ruiz", "Harper", "Fox",
"Riley", "Armstrong", "Carpenter", "Weaver", "Greene", "Lawrence", "Elliott", "Chavez",
"Sims", "Austin", "Peters", "Kelley", "Franklin", "Lawson"};
private static final String[] STREET_NAMES =
"Peachtree", "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", "Sixth", "Tenth",
"Fourteenth", "Spring", "Techwood", "West Peachtree", "Juniper", "Cypress", "Fowler",
"Piedmont", "Juniper", "Main", "Central", "Currier", "Courtland", "Williams",
"Centennial", "Olympic", "Baker", "Highland", "Pryor", "Decatur", "Bell", "Edgewood",
"Mitchell", "Forsyth", "Capital"};
private static final String[] STREET_SUFFIX = {
"St", "Rd", "Ln", "Blvd", "Way", "Pkwy", "Cir", "Ave"};
* The singleton instance of the database.
private static ContactDatabase instance;
* Get the singleton instance of the contact database.
* @return the singleton instance
public static ContactDatabase get() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ContactDatabase();
return instance;
* The provider that holds the list of contacts in the database.
private ListDataProvider<ContactInfo> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<ContactInfo>();
private final Category[] categories;
* The map of contacts to her friends.
private final Map<Integer, Set<ContactInfo>> friendsMap =
new HashMap<Integer, Set<ContactInfo>>();
* Construct a new contact database.
private ContactDatabase() {
// Initialize the categories.
DatabaseConstants constants = GWT.create(DatabaseConstants.class);
String[] catNames = constants.contactDatabaseCategories();
categories = new Category[catNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < catNames.length; i++) {
categories[i] = new Category(catNames[i]);
// Generate initial data.
* Add a new contact.
* @param contact the contact to add.
public void addContact(ContactInfo contact) {
List<ContactInfo> contacts = dataProvider.getList();
// Remove the contact first so we don't add a duplicate.
* Add a display to the database. The current range of interest of the display
* will be populated with data.
* @param display a {@Link HasData}.
public void addDataDisplay(HasData<ContactInfo> display) {
* Generate the specified number of contacts and add them to the data
* provider.
* @param count the number of contacts to generate.
public void generateContacts(int count) {
List<ContactInfo> contacts = dataProvider.getList();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
public ListDataProvider<ContactInfo> getDataProvider() {
return dataProvider;
* Get the categories in the database.
* @return the categories in the database
public Category[] queryCategories() {
return categories;
* Query all contacts for the specified category.
* @param category the category
* @return the list of contacts in the category
public List<ContactInfo> queryContactsByCategory(Category category) {
List<ContactInfo> matches = new ArrayList<ContactInfo>();
for (ContactInfo contact : dataProvider.getList()) {
if (contact.getCategory() == category) {
return matches;
* Query all contacts for the specified category that begin with the specified
* first name prefix.
* @param category the category
* @param firstNamePrefix the prefix of the first name
* @return the list of contacts in the category
public List<ContactInfo> queryContactsByCategoryAndFirstName(Category category,
String firstNamePrefix) {
List<ContactInfo> matches = new ArrayList<ContactInfo>();
for (ContactInfo contact : dataProvider.getList()) {
if (contact.getCategory() == category && contact.getFirstName().startsWith(firstNamePrefix)) {
return matches;
* Query the list of friends for the specified contact.
* @param contact the contact
* @return the friends of the contact
public Set<ContactInfo> queryFriends(ContactInfo contact) {
Set<ContactInfo> friends = friendsMap.get(contact.getId());
if (friends == null) {
// Assign some random friends.
friends = new HashSet<ContactInfo>();
int numContacts = dataProvider.getList().size();
int friendCount = 2 + Random.nextInt(8);
for (int i = 0; i < friendCount; i++) {
friendsMap.put(contact.getId(), friends);
return friends;
* Refresh all displays.
public void refreshDisplays() {
* Create a new random {@link ContactInfo}.
* @return the new {@link ContactInfo}.
private ContactInfo createContactInfo() {
ContactInfo contact = new ContactInfo(nextValue(categories));
if (Random.nextBoolean()) {
// Male.
} else {
// Female.
// Create a birthday between 20-80 years ago.
int year = (new Date()).getYear() - 21 - Random.nextInt(61);
contact.setBirthday(new Date(year, Random.nextInt(12), 1 + Random.nextInt(31)));
// Create an address.
int addrNum = 1 + Random.nextInt(999);
String addrStreet = nextValue(STREET_NAMES);
String addrSuffix = nextValue(STREET_SUFFIX);
contact.setAddress(addrNum + " " + addrStreet + " " + addrSuffix);
return contact;
* Get the next random value from an array.
* @param array the array
* @return a random value in the array
private <T> T nextValue(T[] array) {
return array[Random.nextInt(array.length)];