| <project name="common"> |
| <!-- it's okay for this not to exist, but it gives a place to store |
| "your" property settings, if any, persistently. For example, you |
| might use it to set gwt.junit.testcase.includes to a narrower subset |
| of test cases to exercise. --> |
| <property file="local.ant.properties" /> |
| |
| <!-- gwt.build.iscasesensitivefs is true if the filesystem of the |
| build machine is case-sensitive, false otherwise. Update with |
| new lines for any supported platforms with case-insensitive |
| filesystems |
| --> |
| <condition property="gwt.build.iscasesensitivefs" else="false"> |
| <not> |
| <or> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| </or> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <property name="test.ant.file" location="${gwt.root}/${project.tail}/build.xml" /> |
| <condition property="project.valid"> |
| <equals arg1="${ant.file}" arg2="${test.ant.file}" |
| casesensitive="${gwt.build.iscasesensitivefs}"/> |
| </condition> |
| <fail unless="project.valid" message="This build file is in an inconsistent state (${ant.file} != ${test.ant.file})." /> |
| |
| <!-- Global Properties --> |
| <property environment="env" /> |
| <condition property="gwt.version" value="${env.GWT_VERSION}" else="0.0.0"> |
| <isset property="env.GWT_VERSION" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="gwt.tools.check" value="${env.GWT_TOOLS}" else="${gwt.root}/../tools"> |
| <isset property="env.GWT_TOOLS" /> |
| </condition> |
| <property name="gwt.tools" location="${gwt.tools.check}" /> |
| <property name="gwt.tools.lib" location="${gwt.tools}/lib" /> |
| <property name="gwt.tools.antlib" location="${gwt.tools}/antlib" /> |
| <property name="gwt.tools.redist" location="${gwt.tools}/redist" /> |
| <property name="gwt.build" location="${gwt.root}/build" /> |
| <property name="gwt.build.out" location="${gwt.build}/out" /> |
| <property name="gwt.build.lib" location="${gwt.build}/lib" /> |
| <property name="gwt.build.jni" location="${gwt.build}/jni" /> |
| <property name="gwt.build.staging" location="${gwt.build}/staging" /> |
| <property name="gwt.build.dist" location="${gwt.build}/dist" /> |
| <property name="gwt.threadsPerProcessor" value="1" /> |
| <property name="project.build" location="${gwt.build.out}/${project.tail}" /> |
| <property name="project.lib" location="${gwt.build.lib}/gwt-${ant.project.name}.jar" /> |
| <property name="project.jni" location="${gwt.build}/${project.tail}" /> |
| <property name="javac.out" location="${project.build}/bin" /> |
| <property name="javac.junit.out" location="${project.build}/bin-test" /> |
| <property name="javac.debug" value="true" /> |
| <property name="javac.debuglevel" value="lines,vars,source" /> |
| <property name="javac.encoding" value="utf-8" /> |
| <property name="javac.source" value="1.5" /> |
| <property name="javac.target" value="1.5" /> |
| <property name="javac.nowarn" value="true" /> |
| <property name="junit.out" location="${project.build}/test" /> |
| |
| <!-- Sanity check --> |
| <available file="${gwt.tools}" type="dir" property="gwt.tools.exists" /> |
| <fail unless="gwt.tools.exists" message="Cannot find '${gwt.tools}' tools directory; perhaps you should define the GWT_TOOLS environment variable" /> |
| |
| <!-- Platform identification --> |
| <condition property="build.host.islinux"> |
| <and> |
| <os family="unix" /> |
| <not> |
| <contains string="${os.name}" substring="mac" casesensitive="false" /> |
| </not> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="build.host.platform" value="linux"> |
| <isset property="build.host.islinux" /> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="build.host.ismac"> |
| <and> |
| <os family="unix" /> |
| <contains string="${os.name}" substring="mac" casesensitive="false" /> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="build.host.platform" value="mac"> |
| <isset property="build.host.ismac" /> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="build.host.iswindows"> |
| <os family="windows" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="build.host.platform" value="windows"> |
| <isset property="build.host.iswindows" /> |
| </condition> |
| <fail unless="build.host.platform" message="Building on ${os.name} is not supported" /> |
| |
| <condition property="junit.platform.args" value="-XstartOnFirstThread" else=""> |
| <isset property="build.host.ismac" /> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <!-- JUnit support --> |
| <property name="gwt.dev.staging.jar" location="${gwt.build.staging}/gwt-${build.host.platform}-${gwt.version}/gwt-dev-${build.host.platform}.jar" /> |
| <property name="gwt.junit.port" value="8888" /> |
| <property name="gwt.junit.testcase.includes" value="**/*Suite.class"/> |
| |
| <!-- Headless mode keeps the hosted mode browser and log window |
| from popping up during a unit test run. This is usually desirable, |
| but the WebKit layout engine performs some optimizations in |
| headless mode that causes some GWT unit tests to break. The |
| solution for the time being is to turn off headless mode on |
| the mac. |
| --> |
| <condition property="junit.headless"> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="build.host.ismac" /> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="junit.notheadless.arg" value="-notHeadless" else=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="junit.headless" /> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <!-- Pulls in tasks defined in ant-contrib, i.e. foreach --> |
| <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"> |
| <classpath> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.antlib}/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" /> |
| </classpath> |
| </taskdef> |
| |
| <!-- Global Custom Tasks --> |
| <presetdef name="gwt.ant"> |
| <ant inheritall="false" target="${target}"> |
| <propertyset> |
| <propertyref name="gwt.version" /> |
| <propertyref name="gwt.junit.port" /> |
| <propertyref name="gwt.remote.browsers" /> |
| </propertyset> |
| </ant> |
| </presetdef> |
| |
| <presetdef name="gwt.javac"> |
| <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${javac.out}" debug="${javac.debug}" debuglevel="${javac.debuglevel}" source="${javac.source}" target="${javac.target}" nowarn="${javac.nowarn}" encoding="${javac.encoding}" /> |
| </presetdef> |
| |
| <macrodef name="gwt.jar"> |
| <attribute name="destfile" default="${project.lib}"/> |
| <attribute name="duplicate" default="fail"/> |
| <attribute name="update" default="true"/> |
| <element name="jarcontents" implicit="true"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <taskdef name="jar.bydate" |
| classname="com.google.gwt.ant.taskdefs.LatestTimeJar" |
| classpath="${gwt.build.lib}/ant-gwt.jar" /> |
| |
| <jar.bydate destfile="@{destfile}" duplicate="@{duplicate}" filesonly="false" |
| index="true" update="@{update}"> |
| <jarcontents/> |
| </jar.bydate> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <macrodef name="gwt.junit"> |
| <!-- TODO: make this more generic / refactor so it can be used from dev/core --> |
| <attribute name="test.args" default="" /> |
| <attribute name="test.out" default="" /> |
| <attribute name="test.reports" default="@{test.out}/reports" /> |
| <attribute name="test.cases" default="" /> |
| <element name="extraclasspaths" optional="true" /> |
| <sequential> |
| <taskdef name="junit" classname="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTask"> |
| <classpath> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.lib}/junit/junit-3.8.1.jar" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.antlib}/ant-junit-1.6.5.jar" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.lib}/selenium/selenium-java-client-driver.jar" /> |
| </classpath> |
| </taskdef> |
| |
| <echo message="Writing test results to @{test.reports} for @{test.cases}" /> |
| <mkdir dir="@{test.reports}" /> |
| |
| <echo message="${javac.out} ${javac.junit.out}" /> |
| <junit dir="@{test.out}" fork="yes" printsummary="yes" |
| failureproperty="junit.failure" tempdir="@{test.out}" > |
| <jvmarg line="${junit.platform.args}" /> |
| <jvmarg line="-Xmx768m" /> |
| <sysproperty key="gwt.args" value="${junit.notheadless.arg} @{test.args}" /> |
| <sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="${junit.headless}" /> |
| <sysproperty key="gwt.devjar" value="${gwt.dev.staging.jar}" /> |
| <classpath> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.root}/${project.tail}/src" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.root}/${project.tail}/super" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.root}/${project.tail}/test" /> |
| <pathelement location="${javac.junit.out}" /> |
| <pathelement location="${javac.out}" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.dev.staging.jar}" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.lib}/junit/junit-3.8.1.jar" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.lib}/selenium/selenium-java-client-driver.jar" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.lib}/w3c/sac/sac-1.3.jar" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.lib}/w3c/flute/flute-1.3.jar" /> |
| <extraclasspaths /> |
| </classpath> |
| |
| <formatter type="plain" /> |
| <formatter type="xml" /> |
| |
| <batchtest todir="@{test.reports}"> |
| <fileset refid="@{test.cases}" /> |
| </batchtest> |
| </junit> |
| <fail message="One or more junit tests failed" if="junit.failure" /> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <macrodef name="gwt.tgz.cat"> |
| <attribute name="destfile" /> |
| <attribute name="compression" default="gzip" /> |
| <element name="tar.elements" implicit="true" optional="true" /> |
| <sequential> |
| <taskdef name="tar.cat" classname="com.google.gwt.ant.taskdefs.TarCat" classpath="${gwt.build.lib}/ant-gwt.jar" /> |
| <tar.cat destfile="@{destfile}" compression="@{compression}" longfile="gnu"> |
| <tar.elements /> |
| </tar.cat> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <macrodef name="gwt.getsvninfo" description="Identifies the SVN info of a workspace"> |
| <sequential> |
| <taskdef name="svninfo" |
| classname="com.google.gwt.ant.taskdefs.SvnInfo" |
| classpath="${gwt.build.lib}/ant-gwt.jar" /> |
| <svninfo directory="${gwt.root}" outputproperty="gwt.svnrev" |
| outputfileproperty="gwt.svnrev.filename" /> |
| <!-- Generally, filtering requires a sentinel file so that changes to svn rev will |
| be noticed as invalidating the previously-generated filter output. This property |
| names where such a sentinel lives; it is tested with <available/> and created |
| with <touch/> --> |
| <mkdir dir="${project.build}/sentinels" /> |
| <property name="filter.sentinel" |
| location="${project.build}/sentinels/gwt-${gwt.version}-svn-${gwt.svnrev.filename}" /> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <macrodef name="gwt.revfilter" description="Filters files for versioning"> |
| <attribute name="todir" description="Destination for the filtered copy"/> |
| |
| <element name="src.fileset" implicit="true" |
| description="Source for the filtered copy"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <!-- These files must be filtered for versioning --> |
| <echo message="Branding as GWT version ${gwt.version}, SVN rev ${gwt.svnrev}"/> |
| <mkdir dir="@{todir}" /> |
| <copy todir="@{todir}" overwrite="true"> |
| <src.fileset/> |
| <filterset> |
| <filter token="GWT_VERSION" value="${gwt.version}" /> |
| <filter token="GWT_SVNREV" value="${gwt.svnrev}" /> |
| </filterset> |
| </copy> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <macrodef name="gwt.timer"> |
| <attribute name="name"/> |
| <element name="timer.elements" implicit="true" optional="false"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <taskdef name="timer" |
| classname="com.google.gwt.ant.taskdefs.Timer" |
| classpath="${gwt.build.lib}/ant-gwt.jar" /> |
| <timer name="@{name}"> |
| <timer.elements/> |
| </timer> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <macrodef name="gwt.checkstyle"> |
| <attribute name="outputdirectory" default="${project.build}"/> |
| <element name="sourcepath" implicit="yes" optional="true" /> |
| <sequential> |
| <taskdef resource="checkstyletask.properties" classpath="${gwt.tools.antlib}/checkstyle-all-4.2.jar;${gwt.build.lib}/gwt-customchecks.jar" /> |
| <mkdir dir="@{outputdirectory}"/> |
| <checkstyle config="${gwt.root}/eclipse/settings/code-style/gwt-checkstyle.xml" maxErrors="0" failOnViolation="false" failureProperty="gwt.checkstyle.failed"> |
| <formatter type="xml" toFile="@{outputdirectory}/checkstyle_log.xml"/> |
| <property key="checkstyle.header.file" file="${gwt.root}/eclipse/settings/code-style/google.header" /> |
| <sourcepath /> |
| </checkstyle> |
| <fail message="Checkstyle errors exist, and are reported in checkstyle_log.xml located at @{outputdirectory}" if="gwt.checkstyle.failed" /> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <macrodef name="property.ensure"> |
| <attribute name="name" /> |
| <attribute name="location" /> |
| <attribute name="message" default="Cannot find dependency ${@{name}}" /> |
| <attribute name="unless" default="__nonexistent_property__" /> |
| <sequential> |
| <property name="@{name}" location="@{location}" /> |
| <condition property="@{name}.exists"> |
| <or> |
| <available file="${@{name}}" /> |
| <isset property="@{unless}" /> |
| </or> |
| </condition> |
| <fail unless="@{name}.exists" message="@{message}" /> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- Default implementations of the required targets; projects should |
| override the ones that matter --> |
| <target name="all" depends="verify" /> |
| <target name="verify" depends="checkstyle, test" description="Runs tests and checkstyle static analysis" /> |
| <target name="checkstyle" /> |
| <target name="test" depends="build" /> |
| <target name="build" /> |
| |
| <target name="clean"> |
| <delete dir="${project.build}" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| </project> |