| Elemental is a "to the metal" raw programming API designed to keep up with fast changing |
| HTML5 browsers, reduce the need for JSNI code, and melt away to as little overhead as possible. |
| It is particularly suited for situations where direct low level access and small code are important |
| Currently, Elemental is generated from the WebKit project's WebIDL binding definitions which are used also |
| by the Dart project. Because of this, vendor prefixed APIs also show up (webkit specific). These APIs are |
| often also available on Firefox, Opera, and IE. A future version of Elemental will generate these |
| as well, either as Mozilla/Opera/IE vendor prefixed calls, or as standardized non-prefix calls backed by |
| To see Elemental and SuperDevMode in action, run 'ant dist-dev' to build gwt-dev and gwt-user jars. Then |
| cd to examples/silvercomet and run 'ant demo' |
| Visit http://localhost:9876/SilverComet/SilverComet.html and enjoy. |