blob: f1787a50311a863aba29a240b9f43c488bfbe4e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public abstract class AbstractRequestFactory implements RequestFactory {
protected static final String EPHEMERAL_SEPARATOR = "@IS@";
protected static final String TOKEN_SEPARATOR = "@NO@";
protected static final int ID_TOKEN_INDEX = 0;
protected static final int TYPE_TOKEN_INDEX = 1;
private static final int MAX_VERSION_ENTRIES = 10000;
public static String getHistoryToken(EntityProxy proxy) {
AutoBean<EntityProxy> bean = AutoBeanUtils.getAutoBean(proxy);
String historyToken = EntityProxyCategory.requestFactory(bean).getHistoryToken(
return historyToken;
private EventBus eventBus;
* Maps ephemeral history tokens to an id object. This canonicalizing mapping
* resolves the problem of EntityProxyIds hashcodes changing after persist.
* Only ids that are created in the RequestFactory are stored here.
* All of the ephemeral id-tracking could be moved into RequestContext if we
* allowed ephemeral history tokens only to be used with the RequestConext
* where the create method was called.
private final Map<String, SimpleEntityProxyId<?>> ephemeralIds = new HashMap<String, SimpleEntityProxyId<?>>();
private final Map<String, Integer> version = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(
16, 0.75f, true) {
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<String, Integer> eldest) {
return size() > MAX_VERSION_ENTRIES;
private RequestTransport transport;
* Allocates an ephemeral proxy id. This object is only valid for the lifetime
* of the RequestFactory.
public <P extends EntityProxy> SimpleEntityProxyId<P> allocateId(
Class<P> clazz) {
SimpleEntityProxyId<P> toReturn = new SimpleEntityProxyId<P>(clazz,
ephemeralIds.size() + 1);
ephemeralIds.put(getHistoryToken(toReturn), toReturn);
return toReturn;
* Creates a new EntityProxy with an assigned ID.
public <T extends EntityProxy> AutoBean<T> createEntityProxy(Class<T> clazz,
SimpleEntityProxyId<T> id) {
AutoBean<T> created = getAutoBeanFactory().create(clazz);
if (created == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown EntityProxy type "
+ clazz.getName());
created.setTag(EntityProxyCategory.REQUEST_FACTORY, this);
created.setTag(EntityProxyCategory.STABLE_ID, id);
return created;
public <P extends EntityProxy> Request<P> find(final EntityProxyId<P> proxyId) {
if (((SimpleEntityProxyId<P>) proxyId).isEphemeral()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot fetch unpersisted entity");
AbstractRequestContext context = new AbstractRequestContext(
return new AbstractRequest<P>(context) {
protected void handleResult(Object result) {
succeed(decodeReturnObject(proxyId.getProxyClass(), result));
protected RequestData makeRequestData() {
return new RequestData(
new Object[] {getHistoryToken(proxyId)}, propertyRefs);
public EventBus getEventBus() {
return eventBus;
public String getHistoryToken(Class<? extends EntityProxy> clazz) {
return getTypeToken(clazz);
public String getHistoryToken(EntityProxyId<?> proxy) {
SimpleEntityProxyId<?> id = (SimpleEntityProxyId<?>) proxy;
if (id.isEphemeral()) {
return id.getClientId() + EPHEMERAL_SEPARATOR
+ getHistoryToken(proxy.getProxyClass());
} else {
return id.getServerId() + TOKEN_SEPARATOR
+ getHistoryToken(proxy.getProxyClass());
public Class<? extends EntityProxy> getProxyClass(String historyToken) {
String[] parts = historyToken.split(TOKEN_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 2) {
return getTypeFromToken(parts[TYPE_TOKEN_INDEX]);
parts = historyToken.split(EPHEMERAL_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 2) {
return getTypeFromToken(parts[TYPE_TOKEN_INDEX]);
return getTypeFromToken(historyToken);
public <P extends EntityProxy> SimpleEntityProxyId<P> getProxyId(
String historyToken) {
String[] parts = historyToken.split(TOKEN_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 2) {
return getId(parts[TYPE_TOKEN_INDEX], parts[ID_TOKEN_INDEX]);
parts = historyToken.split(EPHEMERAL_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 2) {
SimpleEntityProxyId<P> toReturn = (SimpleEntityProxyId<P>) ephemeralIds.get(historyToken);
* This is tested in FindServiceTest.testFetchUnpersistedFutureId. In
* order to get here, the user would have to get an unpersisted history
* token and attempt to use it with a different RequestFactory instance.
* This could occur if an ephemeral token was bookmarked. In this case,
* we'll create a token, however it will never match anything.
if (toReturn == null) {
Class<P> clazz = checkTypeToken(parts[TYPE_TOKEN_INDEX]);
toReturn = new SimpleEntityProxyId<P>(clazz, -1 * ephemeralIds.size());
ephemeralIds.put(historyToken, toReturn);
return toReturn;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(historyToken);
public RequestTransport getRequestTransport() {
return transport;
public void initialize(EventBus eventBus) {
initialize(eventBus, new DefaultRequestTransport(eventBus));
public void initialize(EventBus eventBus, RequestTransport transport) {
this.eventBus = eventBus;
this.transport = transport;
* Implementations of EntityProxies are provided by an AutoBeanFactory, which
* is itself a generated type.
protected abstract AutoBeanFactory getAutoBeanFactory();
* Create or retrieve a SimpleEntityProxyId.
protected <P extends EntityProxy> SimpleEntityProxyId<P> getId(
Class<P> clazz, String serverId) {
return getId(getTypeToken(clazz), serverId);
* Create or retrieve a SimpleEntityProxyId.
protected <P extends EntityProxy> SimpleEntityProxyId<P> getId(
String typeToken, String serverId) {
return getId(typeToken, serverId, null);
* Create or retrieve a SimpleEntityProxyId. If both the serverId and clientId
* are specified and the id is ephemeral, it will be updated with the server
* id.
protected <P extends EntityProxy> SimpleEntityProxyId<P> getId(
String typeToken, String serverId, String clientId) {
* If there's a clientId, that probably means we've just created a brand-new
* EntityProxy or have just persisted something on the server.
if (clientId != null) {
// Try a cache lookup for the ephemeral key
String ephemeralKey = clientId + EPHEMERAL_SEPARATOR + typeToken;
SimpleEntityProxyId<P> toReturn = (SimpleEntityProxyId<P>) ephemeralIds.get(ephemeralKey);
// Cache hit based on client id
if (toReturn != null) {
// If it's ephemeral, see if we have a serverId and save it
if (toReturn.isEphemeral()) {
// Sanity check
assert toReturn.getProxyClass().equals(getTypeFromToken(typeToken));
// TODO: This happens when objects fail to validate on create
if (!"null".equals(serverId)) {
* Record the server id so a later "find" operation will have an
* equal stableId.
String serverKey = serverId + TOKEN_SEPARATOR + typeToken;
ephemeralIds.put(serverKey, toReturn);
return toReturn;
// Should never get this far without a server id
assert serverId != null : "serverId";
String serverKey = serverId + TOKEN_SEPARATOR + typeToken;
SimpleEntityProxyId<P> toReturn = (SimpleEntityProxyId<P>) ephemeralIds.get(serverKey);
if (toReturn != null) {
// A cache hit for a locally-created object that has been persisted
return toReturn;
* No existing id, so it was never an ephemeral id created by this
* RequestFactory, so we don't need to record it. This should be the normal
* case for read-dominated applications.
Class<P> clazz = getTypeFromToken(typeToken);
return new SimpleEntityProxyId<P>(clazz, serverId);
protected abstract <P extends EntityProxy> Class<P> getTypeFromToken(
String typeToken);
protected abstract String getTypeToken(Class<?> clazz);
* Used by {@link AbstractRequestContext} to quiesce update events for objects
* that haven't truly changed.
protected boolean hasVersionChanged(SimpleEntityProxyId<?> id,
int observedVersion) {
Integer existingVersion = version.get(id.getServerId());
// Return true if we haven't seen this before or the versions differ
boolean toReturn = existingVersion == null
|| !existingVersion.equals(observedVersion);
if (toReturn) {
version.put(id.getServerId(), observedVersion);
return toReturn;
private <P> Class<P> checkTypeToken(String token) {
Class<P> clazz = (Class<P>) getTypeFromToken(token);
if (clazz == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknnown type");
return clazz;