blob: 2ca6119df50a7379dba04579eeb8185a993701fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Tests autoboxing.
public class AutoboxTest extends GWTTestCase {
private Boolean boxedBoolean = Boolean.TRUE;
private Byte boxedByte = new Byte((byte) 0xAB);
private Character boxedChar = new Character('c');
private Double boxedDouble = new Double(1.2323);
private Float boxedFloat = new Float(1.2F);
private Integer boxedInt = new Integer(20000000);
private Long boxedLong = new Long(1231231231231L);
private Short boxedShort = new Short((short) 6550);
private boolean unboxedBoolean = true;
private byte unboxedByte = (byte) 0xAB;
private char unboxedChar = 'c';
private double unboxedDouble = 1.2323;
private float unboxedFloat = 1.2F;
private int unboxedInt = 20000000;
private long unboxedLong = 1231231231231L;
private short unboxedShort = 6550;
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
public void testBoxing() {
Boolean boolean_ = unboxedBoolean;
assertTrue(boolean_.booleanValue() == unboxedBoolean);
Byte byte_ = unboxedByte;
assertTrue(byte_.byteValue() == unboxedByte);
Character char_ = unboxedChar;
assertTrue(char_.charValue() == unboxedChar);
Short short_ = unboxedShort;
assertTrue(short_.shortValue() == unboxedShort);
Integer int_ = unboxedInt;
assertTrue(int_.intValue() == unboxedInt);
Long long_ = unboxedLong;
assertTrue(long_.longValue() == unboxedLong);
Float float_ = unboxedFloat;
assertTrue(float_.floatValue() == unboxedFloat);
Double double_ = unboxedDouble;
assertTrue(double_.doubleValue() == unboxedDouble);
// test boxing of return values
assertTrue(box(unboxedBoolean).booleanValue() == unboxedBoolean);
assertTrue(box(unboxedByte).byteValue() == unboxedByte);
assertTrue(box(unboxedShort).shortValue() == unboxedShort);
assertTrue(box(unboxedChar).charValue() == unboxedChar);
assertTrue(box(unboxedInt).intValue() == unboxedInt);
assertTrue(box(unboxedLong).longValue() == unboxedLong);
assertTrue(box(unboxedFloat).floatValue() == unboxedFloat);
assertTrue(box(unboxedDouble).doubleValue() == unboxedDouble);
// test boxing of parameters
assertTrue(unbox(unboxedBoolean) == unboxedBoolean);
assertTrue(unbox(unboxedByte) == unboxedByte);
assertTrue(unbox(unboxedShort) == unboxedShort);
assertTrue(unbox(unboxedChar) == unboxedChar);
assertTrue(unbox(unboxedInt) == unboxedInt);
assertTrue(unbox(unboxedLong) == unboxedLong);
assertTrue(unbox(unboxedFloat) == unboxedFloat);
assertTrue(unbox(unboxedDouble) == unboxedDouble);
* JLS 5.2 has a special case for assignment of a constant to a variable of
* type Byte, Short, or Character. Such an assignment is allowed so long as
* the constant fits within the type's range. In such cases, the box type can
* be different from the type of the constant.
public void testBoxingDifferentType() {
Character c = 1;
assertEquals(Character.valueOf((char) 1), c);
Byte b = 2;
assertEquals(Byte.valueOf((byte) 2), b);
Short s = 3;
assertEquals(Short.valueOf((short) 3), s);
* Verify that .valueOf() methods return identical references for types within
* certain ranges.
public void testCaching() {
assertSame((byte) 3, (byte) 3);
assertSame('A', 'A');
assertSame((short) 120, (short) 120);
assertSame(-13, -13);
assertSame(7L, 7L);
* Test ++, --, and compound assignments like += when the left-hand side is a
* boxed Integer. Use assertNotSame to ensure that a new Integer is created
* instead of modifying the original integer in place. (Issue 2446).
public void testCompoundAssignmentsWithInteger() {
Integer operand, original, result;
original = operand = 0;
result = operand++;
// operand must be different object now.
assertNotSame("[o++] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[o++] original == result, ", original, result);
assertNotSame("[o++] result != operand, ", result, operand);
// checks against boxedvalues cached object.
assertSame("[o++] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 1, operand);
// checks cached object's value.
assertEquals("[o++] n == operand.value, ", 1, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original, result;
original = operand = 2;
result = ++operand;
assertNotSame("[++o] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertNotSame("[++o] original != result, ", original, result);
assertSame("[++o] result == operand, ", result, operand);
assertSame("[++o] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 3, operand);
assertEquals("[++o] n == operand.value, ", 3, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original, result;
original = operand = 5;
result = operand--;
assertNotSame("[o--] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[o--] original == result, ", original, result);
assertNotSame("[o--] result != operand, ", result, operand);
assertSame("[o--] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 4, operand);
assertEquals("[o--] n == operand.value, ", 4, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original, result;
original = operand = 7;
result = --operand;
assertNotSame("[--o] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertNotSame("[--o] original != result, ", original, result);
assertSame("[--o] result == operand, ", result, operand);
assertSame("[--o] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 6, operand);
assertEquals("[--o] n == operand.value, ", 6, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 8;
operand += 2;
assertNotSame("[+=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[+=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 10, operand);
assertEquals("[+=] n == operand.value, ", 10, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 11;
operand -= 2;
assertNotSame("[-=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[-=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 9, operand);
assertEquals("[-=] n == operand.value, ", 9, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 21;
operand *= 2;
assertNotSame("[*=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[*=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 42, operand);
assertEquals("[*=] n == operand.value, ", 42, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 30;
operand /= 2;
assertNotSame("[/=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[/=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 15, operand);
assertEquals("[/=] n == operand.value, ", 15, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 123;
operand %= 100;
assertNotSame("[%=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[%=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 23, operand);
assertEquals("[%=] n == operand.value, ", 23, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 0x55;
operand &= 0xF;
assertNotSame("[&=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[&=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 0x5, operand);
assertEquals("[&=] n == operand.value, ", 0x5, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 0x55;
operand |= 0xF;
assertNotSame("[|=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[|=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 0x5F, operand);
assertEquals("[|=] n == operand.value, ", 0x5F, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 0x55;
operand ^= 0xF;
assertNotSame("[&=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[&=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 0x5A, operand);
assertEquals("[&=] n == operand.value, ", 0x5A, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = 0x3F;
operand <<= 1;
assertNotSame("[<<=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[<<=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", 0x7E, operand);
assertEquals("[<<=] n == operand.value, ", 0x7E, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = -16;
operand >>= 1;
assertNotSame("[>>=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertSame("[>>=] valueOf(n) == operand, ", -8, operand);
assertEquals("[>>=] n == operand.value, ", -8, operand.intValue());
Integer operand, original;
original = operand = -1;
operand >>>= 1;
assertNotSame("[>>>=] original != operand, ", original, operand);
assertEquals("[>>>=] valueOf(n).equals(operand), ",
Integer.valueOf(0x7FFFFFFF), operand);
assertEquals("[>>>=] n == operand.value, ", 0x7FFFFFFF,
* Tests operations like += and *= where the left-hand side is a boxed Long.
public void testCompoundAssignmentsWithLong() {
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 += 5;
assertEquals(10L, (long) long1);
assertEquals(15L, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 += 1;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(11, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 -= 1;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(9, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 *= 2;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(20, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 /= 2;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(5, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 %= 3;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(1, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 <<= 1;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(20, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 >>= 1;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(5, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 >>>= 1;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(5, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 &= 8;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(8, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 |= 1;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(11, (long) long2);
Long long1 = 10L;
Long long2 = long1;
long2 ^= 1;
assertEquals(10, (long) long1);
assertEquals(11, (long) long2);
* Tests ++ and -- on all boxed types. Use assertNotSame to ensure that a new
* wrapper is created instead of modifying the original boxed value in place.
* (Issue 2446).
public void testIncrDecr() {
// these initial tests are miscellaneous one-off tests
Byte originalBoxedByte = boxedByte;
assertEquals(unboxedByte, (byte) boxedByte++);
assertEquals(unboxedByte + 1, (byte) boxedByte);
boxedByte = originalBoxedByte;
Integer[] ary = new Integer[] {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
Integer idx = 2;
assertEquals(20, (int) ary[idx++]++);
assertEquals(21, (int) ary[2]);
assertEquals(3, (int) idx);
assertEquals(40, (int) ary[idx += 1]);
assertEquals(4, (int) idx);
// the rest of this method tests all boxed types under ++ and --
Byte originalBoxedByte = boxedByte;
assertNotSame("Boxed byte modified in place", boxedByte,
assertEquals(unboxedByte + 1, (byte) boxedByte);
boxedByte = originalBoxedByte;
assertNotSame("Boxed byte modified in place", boxedByte,
assertEquals(unboxedByte + 1, (byte) boxedByte);
boxedByte = originalBoxedByte;
assertNotSame("Boxed byte modified in place", boxedByte,
assertEquals(unboxedByte - 1, (byte) boxedByte);
boxedByte = originalBoxedByte;
assertNotSame("Boxed byte modified in place", boxedByte,
assertEquals(unboxedByte - 1, (byte) boxedByte);
boxedByte = originalBoxedByte;
Character originalBoxedChar = boxedChar;
assertNotSame("Boxed character modified in place", boxedChar,
assertEquals(unboxedChar + 1, (char) boxedChar);
boxedChar = originalBoxedChar;
assertNotSame("Boxed character modified in place", boxedChar,
assertEquals(unboxedChar + 1, (char) boxedChar);
boxedChar = originalBoxedChar;
assertNotSame("Boxed character modified in place", boxedChar,
assertEquals(unboxedChar - 1, (char) boxedChar);
boxedChar = originalBoxedChar;
assertNotSame("Boxed character modified in place", boxedChar,
assertEquals(unboxedChar - 1, (char) boxedChar);
boxedChar = originalBoxedChar;
Short originalBoxedShort = boxedShort;
assertNotSame("Boxed short modified in place", boxedShort,
assertEquals(unboxedShort + 1, (short) boxedShort);
boxedShort = originalBoxedShort;
assertNotSame("Boxed short modified in place", boxedShort,
assertEquals(unboxedShort + 1, (short) boxedShort);
boxedShort = originalBoxedShort;
assertNotSame("Boxed short modified in place", boxedShort,
assertEquals(unboxedShort - 1, (short) boxedShort);
boxedShort = originalBoxedShort;
assertNotSame("Boxed short modified in place", boxedShort,
assertEquals(unboxedShort - 1, (short) boxedShort);
boxedShort = originalBoxedShort;
Integer originalBoxedInt = boxedInt;
assertNotSame("Boxed int modified in place", boxedInt, originalBoxedInt);
assertEquals(unboxedInt + 1, (int) boxedInt);
boxedInt = originalBoxedInt;
assertNotSame("Boxed int modified in place", boxedInt, originalBoxedInt);
assertEquals(unboxedInt + 1, (int) boxedInt);
boxedInt = originalBoxedInt;
assertNotSame("Boxed int modified in place", boxedInt, originalBoxedInt);
assertEquals(unboxedInt - 1, (int) boxedInt);
boxedInt = originalBoxedInt;
assertNotSame("Boxed int modified in place", boxedInt, originalBoxedInt);
assertEquals(unboxedInt - 1, (int) boxedInt);
boxedInt = originalBoxedInt;
Long originalBoxedLong = boxedLong;
assertNotSame("Boxed long modified in place", boxedLong,
assertEquals(unboxedLong + 1, (long) boxedLong);
boxedLong = originalBoxedLong;
assertNotSame("Boxed long modified in place", boxedLong,
assertEquals(unboxedLong + 1, (long) boxedLong);
boxedLong = originalBoxedLong;
assertNotSame("Boxed long modified in place", boxedLong,
assertEquals(unboxedLong - 1, (long) boxedLong);
boxedLong = originalBoxedLong;
assertNotSame("Boxed long modified in place", boxedLong,
assertEquals(unboxedLong - 1, (long) boxedLong);
boxedLong = originalBoxedLong;
Float originalBoxedFloat = boxedFloat;
assertNotSame("Boxed float modified in place", boxedFloat,
assertEquals(unboxedFloat + 1, (float) boxedFloat);
boxedFloat = originalBoxedFloat;
assertNotSame("Boxed float modified in place", boxedFloat,
assertEquals(unboxedFloat + 1, (float) boxedFloat);
boxedFloat = originalBoxedFloat;
assertNotSame("Boxed float modified in place", boxedFloat,
assertEquals(unboxedFloat - 1, (float) boxedFloat);
boxedFloat = originalBoxedFloat;
assertNotSame("Boxed float modified in place", boxedFloat,
assertEquals(unboxedFloat - 1, (float) boxedFloat);
boxedFloat = originalBoxedFloat;
Double originalBoxedDouble = boxedDouble;
assertNotSame("Boxed double modified in place", boxedDouble,
assertEquals(unboxedDouble + 1, (double) boxedDouble);
boxedDouble = originalBoxedDouble;
assertNotSame("Boxed double modified in place", boxedDouble,
assertEquals(unboxedDouble + 1, (double) boxedDouble);
boxedDouble = originalBoxedDouble;
assertNotSame("Boxed double modified in place", boxedDouble,
assertEquals(unboxedDouble - 1, (double) boxedDouble);
boxedDouble = originalBoxedDouble;
assertNotSame("Boxed double modified in place", boxedDouble,
assertEquals(unboxedDouble - 1, (double) boxedDouble);
boxedDouble = originalBoxedDouble;
public void testUnboxing() {
boolean boolean_ = boxedBoolean;
assertTrue(boolean_ == boxedBoolean.booleanValue());
byte byte_ = boxedByte;
assertTrue(byte_ == boxedByte.byteValue());
char char_ = boxedChar;
assertTrue(char_ == boxedChar.charValue());
short short_ = boxedShort;
assertTrue(short_ == boxedShort.shortValue());
int int_ = boxedInt;
assertTrue(int_ == boxedInt.intValue());
long long_ = boxedLong;
assertTrue(long_ == boxedLong.longValue());
float float_ = boxedFloat;
assertTrue(float_ == boxedFloat.floatValue());
double double_ = boxedDouble;
assertTrue(double_ == boxedDouble.doubleValue());
// test unboxing of return values
assertTrue(unbox(boxedBoolean) == unboxedBoolean);
assertTrue(unbox(boxedByte) == unboxedByte);
assertTrue(unbox(boxedShort) == unboxedShort);
assertTrue(unbox(boxedChar) == unboxedChar);
assertTrue(unbox(boxedInt) == unboxedInt);
assertTrue(unbox(boxedLong) == unboxedLong);
assertTrue(unbox(boxedFloat) == unboxedFloat);
assertTrue(unbox(boxedDouble) == unboxedDouble);
// test unboxing of parameters
assertTrue(box(boxedBoolean).booleanValue() == unboxedBoolean);
assertTrue(box(boxedByte).byteValue() == unboxedByte);
assertTrue(box(boxedShort).shortValue() == unboxedShort);
assertTrue(box(boxedChar).charValue() == unboxedChar);
assertTrue(box(boxedInt).intValue() == unboxedInt);
assertTrue(box(boxedLong).longValue() == unboxedLong);
assertTrue(box(boxedFloat).floatValue() == unboxedFloat);
assertTrue(box(boxedDouble).doubleValue() == unboxedDouble);
public void testUnboxingDifferentType() {
short short_ = boxedByte;
assertTrue(short_ == boxedByte.byteValue());
int int_ = boxedByte;
assertTrue(int_ == boxedByte.byteValue());
long long_ = boxedByte;
assertTrue(long_ == boxedByte.byteValue());
float float_ = boxedByte;
assertTrue(float_ == boxedByte.byteValue());
double double_ = boxedByte;
assertTrue(double_ == boxedByte.byteValue());
int int_ = boxedShort;
assertTrue(int_ == boxedShort.shortValue());
long long_ = boxedShort;
assertTrue(long_ == boxedShort.shortValue());
float float_ = boxedShort;
assertTrue(float_ == boxedShort.shortValue());
double double_ = boxedShort;
assertTrue(double_ == boxedShort.shortValue());
int int_ = boxedChar;
assertTrue(int_ == boxedChar.charValue());
long long_ = boxedChar;
assertTrue(long_ == boxedChar.charValue());
float float_ = boxedChar;
assertTrue(float_ == boxedChar.charValue());
double double_ = boxedChar;
assertTrue(double_ == boxedChar.charValue());
long long_ = boxedInt;
assertTrue(long_ == boxedInt.intValue());
float float_ = boxedInt;
assertTrue(float_ == boxedInt.intValue());
double double_ = boxedInt;
assertTrue(double_ == boxedInt.intValue());
private Boolean box(boolean b) {
return b;
private Byte box(byte b) {
return b;
private Character box(char c) {
return c;
private Double box(double d) {
return d;
private Float box(float f) {
return f;
private Integer box(int i) {
return i;
private Long box(long l) {
return l;
private Short box(short s) {
return s;
private boolean unbox(Boolean b) {
return b;
private byte unbox(Byte b) {
return b;
private char unbox(Character c) {
return c;
private double unbox(Double d) {
return d;
private float unbox(Float f) {
return f;
private int unbox(Integer i) {
return i;
private long unbox(Long l) {
return l;
private short unbox(Short s) {
return s;