blob: ad4542f85c35856ec26fb7a47ebebbfb2c25b685 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Root for the AST representing an entire Java program.
public class JProgram extends JNode {
private static final class ArrayTypeComparator implements Comparator<JArrayType>, Serializable {
public int compare(JArrayType o1, JArrayType o2) {
int comp = o1.getDims() - o2.getDims();
if (comp != 0) {
return comp;
return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
public static final Set<String> CODEGEN_TYPES_SET = new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
"", "",
"", "",
"", "", ""));
* Types which are not referenced by any Java code, but are required to exist
* after Java optimizations have run in order to be used by backend
* code-generation. These classes and their members, are considered live
* by ControlFlowAnalysis, at all times. Immortal types always live in the
* initial fragment and their definitions are hoisted to appear before all
* other types. Only static methods and fields are allowed, and no clinits
* are run. Field initializers must be primitives, literals, or one of
* JSO.createObject() or JSO.createArray().
* Classes are inserted into the JsAST in the order they appear in the Set.
public static final Set<String> IMMORTAL_CODEGEN_TYPES_SET = new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
public static final Set<String> INDEX_TYPES_SET = new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
"", "java.lang.Object", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.Class",
"java.lang.CharSequence", "java.lang.Cloneable", "java.lang.Comparable", "java.lang.Enum",
"java.lang.Iterable", "java.util.Iterator", "java.lang.AssertionError", "java.lang.Boolean",
"java.lang.Byte", "java.lang.Character", "java.lang.Short", "java.lang.Integer",
"java.lang.Long", "java.lang.Float", "java.lang.Double", "java.lang.Throwable",
"", "",
"", "",
public static final String JAVASCRIPTOBJECT = "";
static final Map<String, Set<String>> traceMethods = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
private static final Comparator<JArrayType> ARRAYTYPE_COMPARATOR = new ArrayTypeComparator();
private static final int IS_ARRAY = 2;
private static final int IS_CLASS = 3;
private static final int IS_INTERFACE = 1;
private static final int IS_NULL = 0;
private static final Map<String, JPrimitiveType> primitiveTypes =
new HashMap<String, JPrimitiveType>();
private static final Map<String, JPrimitiveType> primitiveTypesDeprecated =
new HashMap<String, JPrimitiveType>();
static {
if (System.getProperty("gwt.coverage") != null) {
* The format to trace methods is a colon-separated list of
* "className.methodName", such as "". You can
* fully-qualify a class to disambiguate classes, and you can also append
* the JSNI signature of the method to disambiguate overloads, ala
* "".
String toTrace = System.getProperty("gwt.jjs.traceMethods");
if (toTrace != null) {
String[] split = toTrace.split(":");
for (String str : split) {
int pos = str.lastIndexOf('.');
if (pos > 0) {
String className = str.substring(0, pos);
String methodName = str.substring(pos + 1);
Set<String> set = traceMethods.get(className);
if (set == null) {
set = new HashSet<String>();
traceMethods.put(className, set);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.BOOLEAN.getName(), JPrimitiveType.BOOLEAN);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.BYTE.getName(), JPrimitiveType.BYTE);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.CHAR.getName(), JPrimitiveType.CHAR);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.DOUBLE.getName(), JPrimitiveType.DOUBLE);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.FLOAT.getName(), JPrimitiveType.FLOAT);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.INT.getName(), JPrimitiveType.INT);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.LONG.getName(), JPrimitiveType.LONG);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.SHORT.getName(), JPrimitiveType.SHORT);
primitiveTypes.put(JPrimitiveType.VOID.getName(), JPrimitiveType.VOID);
primitiveTypesDeprecated.put(JPrimitiveType.BYTE.getJsniSignatureName(), JPrimitiveType.BYTE);
primitiveTypesDeprecated.put(JPrimitiveType.CHAR.getJsniSignatureName(), JPrimitiveType.CHAR);
primitiveTypesDeprecated.put(JPrimitiveType.FLOAT.getJsniSignatureName(), JPrimitiveType.FLOAT);
primitiveTypesDeprecated.put(JPrimitiveType.INT.getJsniSignatureName(), JPrimitiveType.INT);
primitiveTypesDeprecated.put(JPrimitiveType.LONG.getJsniSignatureName(), JPrimitiveType.LONG);
primitiveTypesDeprecated.put(JPrimitiveType.SHORT.getJsniSignatureName(), JPrimitiveType.SHORT);
primitiveTypesDeprecated.put(JPrimitiveType.VOID.getJsniSignatureName(), JPrimitiveType.VOID);
* Helper to create an assignment, used to initalize fields, etc.
public static JExpressionStatement createAssignmentStmt(SourceInfo info, JExpression lhs,
JExpression rhs) {
JBinaryOperation assign =
new JBinaryOperation(info, lhs.getType(), JBinaryOperator.ASG, lhs, rhs);
return assign.makeStatement();
public static JLocal createLocal(SourceInfo info, String name, JType type, boolean isFinal,
JMethodBody enclosingMethodBody) {
assert (name != null);
assert (type != null);
assert (enclosingMethodBody != null);
JLocal x = new JLocal(info, name, type, isFinal, enclosingMethodBody);
return x;
public static JParameter createParameter(SourceInfo info, String name, JType type,
boolean isFinal, boolean isThis, JMethod enclosingMethod) {
assert (name != null);
assert (type != null);
assert (enclosingMethod != null);
JParameter x = new JParameter(info, name, type, isFinal, isThis, enclosingMethod);
return x;
public static List<JDeclaredType> deserializeTypes(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
List<JDeclaredType> types = (List<JDeclaredType>) stream.readObject();
for (JDeclaredType type : types) {
for (JDeclaredType type : types) {
return types;
public static String getJsniSig(JMethod method) {
return getJsniSig(method, true);
public static String getJsniSig(JMethod method, boolean addReturnType) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < method.getOriginalParamTypes().size(); ++i) {
JType type = method.getOriginalParamTypes().get(i);
if (addReturnType) {
return sb.toString();
public static boolean isClinit(JMethod method) {
JDeclaredType enclosingType = method.getEnclosingType();
if ((enclosingType != null) && (method == enclosingType.getMethods().get(0))) {
assert (method.getName().equals("$clinit"));
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static boolean isTracingEnabled() {
return traceMethods.size() > 0;
* The same as {@link #lastFragmentLoadingBefore(int, int...)}, except that
* all of the parameters must be passed explicitly. The instance method should
* be preferred whenever a JProgram instance is available.
* @param initialSeq The initial split point sequence of the program
* @param result The fragment partitioning result, null if it hasn't be partitioned.
* @param numSps The number of split points in the program
* @param firstFragment The first fragment to consider
* @param restFragments The rest of the fragments to consider
public static int lastFragmentLoadingBefore(List<Integer> initialSeq,
FragmentPartitioningResult result, int numSps, int firstFragment, int... restFragments) {
int latest = firstFragment;
for (int frag : restFragments) {
latest = pairwiseLastFragmentLoadingBefore(initialSeq, result, numSps, latest, frag);
return latest;
public static int lastFragmentLoadingBefore(List<Integer> initialSeq,
int numSps, int firstFragment, int... restFragments) {
int latest = firstFragment;
for (int frag : restFragments) {
latest = pairwiseLastFragmentLoadingBefore(initialSeq, null, numSps, latest, frag);
return latest;
public static void serializeTypes(List<JDeclaredType> types, ObjectOutputStream stream)
throws IOException {
for (JDeclaredType type : types) {
for (JDeclaredType type : types) {
* The main logic behind {@link #lastFragmentLoadingBefore(int, int...)} and
* {@link #lastFragmentLoadingBefore(List, int, int, int...)}.
private static int pairwiseLastFragmentLoadingBefore(List<Integer> initialSeq,
FragmentPartitioningResult result, int numSps, int frag1, int frag2) {
if (frag1 == frag2) {
return frag1;
if (frag1 == 0) {
return 0;
if (frag2 == 0) {
return 0;
// TODO(acleung): While the logic for this is correct, the terminology used
// in the code is not correct when fragment partitioning is on.
// Once the new code splitter is the default. This function needs to be
// rewritten.
int sp1 = frag1;
int sp2 = frag2;
// If there were some fragment merging.
if (result != null) {
sp1 = result.getSplitPointFromFragment(sp1);
sp2 = result.getSplitPointFromFragment(sp2);
int initPos1 = initialSeq.indexOf(sp1);
int initPos2 = initialSeq.indexOf(sp2);
// If both are in the initial sequence, then pick the earlier
if (initPos1 >= 0 && initPos2 >= 0) {
if (initPos1 < initPos2) {
return frag1;
return frag2;
// If exactly one is in the initial sequence, then it's the earlier one
if (initPos1 >= 0) {
return frag1;
if (initPos2 >= 0) {
return frag2;
assert (initPos1 < 0 && initPos2 < 0);
assert (frag1 != frag2);
if (result != null) {
return result.getLeftoverFragmentIndex();
} else {
return CodeSplitter.getLeftoversFragmentNumber(numSps);
public final List<JClassType> codeGenTypes = new ArrayList<JClassType>();
public final List<JClassType> immortalCodeGenTypes = new ArrayList<JClassType>();
public final JTypeOracle typeOracle = new JTypeOracle(this);
* Special serialization treatment.
private transient List<JDeclaredType> allTypes = new ArrayList<JDeclaredType>();
private final HashMap<JType, JArrayType> arrayTypes = new HashMap<JType, JArrayType>();
private IdentityHashMap<JReferenceType, JsCastMap> castMaps;
private Map<JType, JField> classLiteralFields;
private final List<JMethod> entryMethods = new ArrayList<JMethod>();
private final Map<String, JField> indexedFields = new HashMap<String, JField>();
private final Map<String, JMethod> indexedMethods = new HashMap<String, JMethod>();
private final Map<String, JDeclaredType> indexedTypes = new HashMap<String, JDeclaredType>();
private final Map<JMethod, JMethod> instanceToStaticMap = new IdentityHashMap<JMethod, JMethod>();
private Map<JReferenceType, Integer> queryIdsByType;
* Filled in by ReplaceRunAsync, once the numbers are known.
private List<JRunAsync> runAsyncs = Lists.create();
private List<Integer> splitPointInitialSequence = Lists.create();
private final Map<JMethod, JMethod> staticToInstanceMap = new IdentityHashMap<JMethod, JMethod>();
private JClassType typeClass;
private JInterfaceType typeJavaIoSerializable;
private JInterfaceType typeJavaLangCloneable;
private JClassType typeJavaLangEnum;
private JClassType typeJavaLangObject;
private final Map<String, JDeclaredType> typeNameMap = new HashMap<String, JDeclaredType>();
private List<JReferenceType> typesByQueryId;
private JClassType typeSpecialClassLiteralHolder;
private JClassType typeSpecialJavaScriptObject;
private JClassType typeString;
private FragmentPartitioningResult fragmentPartitioninResult;
* Constructor.
* @param correlator Controls whether or not SourceInfo nodes created via the
* JProgram will record descendant information. Enabling this feature
* will collect extra data during the compilation cycle, but at a
* cost of memory and object allocations.
public JProgram() {
public void addEntryMethod(JMethod entryPoint) {
assert !entryMethods.contains(entryPoint);
public void addType(JDeclaredType type) {
String name = type.getName();
putIntoTypeMap(name, type);
if (CODEGEN_TYPES_SET.contains(name)) {
codeGenTypes.add((JClassType) type);
if (IMMORTAL_CODEGEN_TYPES_SET.contains(name)) {
immortalCodeGenTypes.add((JClassType) type);
if (INDEX_TYPES_SET.contains(name)) {
indexedTypes.put(type.getShortName(), type);
for (JMethod method : type.getMethods()) {
if (!method.isPrivate()) {
indexedMethods.put(type.getShortName() + '.' + method.getName(), method);
for (JField field : type.getFields()) {
indexedFields.put(type.getShortName() + '.' + field.getName(), field);
if (name.equals("java.lang.Object")) {
typeJavaLangObject = (JClassType) type;
} else if (name.equals("java.lang.String")) {
typeString = (JClassType) type;
} else if (name.equals("java.lang.Enum")) {
typeJavaLangEnum = (JClassType) type;
} else if (name.equals("java.lang.Class")) {
typeClass = (JClassType) type;
} else if (name.equals(JAVASCRIPTOBJECT)) {
typeSpecialJavaScriptObject = (JClassType) type;
} else if (name.equals("")) {
typeSpecialClassLiteralHolder = (JClassType) type;
} else if (name.equals("java.lang.Cloneable")) {
typeJavaLangCloneable = (JInterfaceType) type;
} else if (name.equals("")) {
typeJavaIoSerializable = (JInterfaceType) type;
* Return the least upper bound of a set of types. That is, the smallest type
* that is a supertype of all the input types.
public JReferenceType generalizeTypes(Collection<? extends JReferenceType> types) {
assert (types != null);
assert (!types.isEmpty());
Iterator<? extends JReferenceType> it = types.iterator();
JReferenceType curType =;
while (it.hasNext()) {
curType = generalizeTypes(curType,;
return curType;
* Return the least upper bound of two types. That is, the smallest type that
* is a supertype of both types.
public JReferenceType generalizeTypes(JReferenceType type1, JReferenceType type2) {
if (type1 == type2) {
return type1;
if (type1 instanceof JNonNullType && type2 instanceof JNonNullType) {
// Neither can be null.
type1 = type1.getUnderlyingType();
type2 = type2.getUnderlyingType();
return generalizeTypes(type1, type2).getNonNull();
} else if (type1 instanceof JNonNullType) {
// type2 can be null, so the result can be null
type1 = type1.getUnderlyingType();
} else if (type2 instanceof JNonNullType) {
// type1 can be null, so the result can be null
type2 = type2.getUnderlyingType();
assert !(type1 instanceof JNonNullType);
assert !(type2 instanceof JNonNullType);
int classify1 = classifyType(type1);
int classify2 = classifyType(type2);
if (classify1 == IS_NULL) {
return type2;
if (classify2 == IS_NULL) {
return type1;
if (classify1 == classify2) {
// same basic kind of type
if (classify1 == IS_INTERFACE) {
if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(type1, type2)) {
return type2;
if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(type2, type1)) {
return type1;
// unrelated
return typeJavaLangObject;
} else if (classify1 == IS_ARRAY) {
JArrayType aType1 = (JArrayType) type1;
JArrayType aType2 = (JArrayType) type2;
int dims1 = aType1.getDims();
int dims2 = aType2.getDims();
int minDims = Math.min(dims1, dims2);
* At a bare minimum, any two arrays generalize to an Object array with
* one less dim than the lesser of the two; that is, int[][][][] and
* String[][][] generalize to Object[][]. If minDims is 1, then they
* just generalize to Object.
JReferenceType minimalGeneralType;
if (minDims > 1) {
minimalGeneralType = getTypeArray(typeJavaLangObject, minDims - 1);
} else {
minimalGeneralType = typeJavaLangObject;
if (dims1 == dims2) {
// Try to generalize by leaf types
JType leafType1 = aType1.getLeafType();
JType leafType2 = aType2.getLeafType();
if (!(leafType1 instanceof JReferenceType) || !(leafType2 instanceof JReferenceType)) {
return minimalGeneralType;
* Both are reference types; the result is the generalization of the
* leaf types combined with the number of dims; that is, Foo[] and
* Bar[] generalize to X[] where X is the generalization of Foo and
* Bar.
JReferenceType leafRefType1 = (JReferenceType) leafType1;
JReferenceType leafRefType2 = (JReferenceType) leafType2;
JReferenceType leafGeneralization = generalizeTypes(leafRefType1, leafRefType2);
return getTypeArray(leafGeneralization, dims1);
} else {
// Conflicting number of dims
// int[][] and Object[] generalize to Object[]
JArrayType lesser = dims1 < dims2 ? aType1 : aType2;
if (lesser.getLeafType() == typeJavaLangObject) {
return lesser;
// Totally unrelated
return minimalGeneralType;
} else {
assert (classify1 == IS_CLASS);
JClassType class1 = (JClassType) type1;
JClassType class2 = (JClassType) type2;
* see how far each type is from object; walk the one who's farther up
* until they're even; then walk them up together until they meet (worst
* case at Object)
int distance1 = countSuperTypes(class1);
int distance2 = countSuperTypes(class2);
for (; distance1 > distance2; --distance1) {
class1 = class1.getSuperClass();
for (; distance1 < distance2; --distance2) {
class2 = class2.getSuperClass();
while (class1 != class2) {
class1 = class1.getSuperClass();
class2 = class2.getSuperClass();
return class1;
} else {
// different kinds of types
int lesser = Math.min(classify1, classify2);
int greater = Math.max(classify1, classify2);
JReferenceType tLesser = classify1 < classify2 ? type1 : type2;
JReferenceType tGreater = classify1 > classify2 ? type1 : type2;
if (lesser == IS_INTERFACE && greater == IS_CLASS) {
// just see if the class implements the interface
if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(tGreater, tLesser)) {
return tLesser;
// unrelated
return typeJavaLangObject;
} else if (greater == IS_ARRAY
&& ((tLesser == typeJavaLangCloneable) || (tLesser == typeJavaIoSerializable))) {
return tLesser;
} else {
// unrelated: the best commonality between an interface and array, or
// between an array and a class is Object
return typeJavaLangObject;
* Returns a sorted list of array types, so the returned set can be iterated
* over without introducing nondeterminism.
public List<JArrayType> getAllArrayTypes() {
ArrayList<JArrayType> result = new ArrayList<JArrayType>(arrayTypes.values());
Collections.sort(result, ARRAYTYPE_COMPARATOR);
return result;
public JsCastMap getCastMap(JReferenceType referenceType) {
// ensure jsonCastableTypeMaps has been initialized
// it might not have been if the CastNormalizer has not been run
if (castMaps == null) {
return castMaps.get(referenceType);
public JField getClassLiteralField(JType type) {
return classLiteralFields.get(isJavaScriptObject(type) ? getJavaScriptObject() : type);
public String getClassLiteralName(JType type) {
return type.getJavahSignatureName() + "_classLit";
public List<JDeclaredType> getDeclaredTypes() {
return allTypes;
public List<JMethod> getEntryMethods() {
return entryMethods;
public int getFragmentCount() {
// Initial fragment is the +1.
return runAsyncs.size() + 1;
public FragmentPartitioningResult getFragmentPartitioningResult() {
return fragmentPartitioninResult;
public JDeclaredType getFromTypeMap(String qualifiedBinaryOrSourceName) {
String srcTypeName = qualifiedBinaryOrSourceName.replace('$', '.');
return typeNameMap.get(srcTypeName);
public JField getIndexedField(String string) {
JField field = indexedFields.get(string);
if (field == null) {
throw new InternalCompilerException("Unable to locate index field: " + string);
return field;
public Collection<JField> getIndexedFields() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(indexedFields.values());
public JMethod getIndexedMethod(String string) {
JMethod method = indexedMethods.get(string);
if (method == null) {
throw new InternalCompilerException("Unable to locate index method: " + string);
return method;
public Collection<JMethod> getIndexedMethods() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(indexedMethods.values());
public JDeclaredType getIndexedType(String string) {
JDeclaredType type = indexedTypes.get(string);
if (type == null) {
throw new InternalCompilerException("Unable to locate index type: " + string);
return type;
public JClassType getJavaScriptObject() {
return typeSpecialJavaScriptObject;
public JExpression getLiteralAbsentArrayDimension() {
return JAbsentArrayDimension.INSTANCE;
public JBooleanLiteral getLiteralBoolean(boolean value) {
return JBooleanLiteral.get(value);
public JCharLiteral getLiteralChar(char value) {
return JCharLiteral.get(value);
public JDoubleLiteral getLiteralDouble(double d) {
return JDoubleLiteral.get(d);
public JFloatLiteral getLiteralFloat(float f) {
return JFloatLiteral.get(f);
public JIntLiteral getLiteralInt(int value) {
return JIntLiteral.get(value);
public JLongLiteral getLiteralLong(long value) {
return JLongLiteral.get(value);
public JNullLiteral getLiteralNull() {
return JNullLiteral.INSTANCE;
public JStringLiteral getLiteralString(SourceInfo sourceInfo, char[] s) {
return getLiteralString(sourceInfo, String.valueOf(s));
public JStringLiteral getLiteralString(SourceInfo sourceInfo, String s) {
return new JStringLiteral(sourceInfo, s, typeString);
public JField getNullField() {
return JField.NULL_FIELD;
public JMethod getNullMethod() {
return JMethod.NULL_METHOD;
public int getQueryId(JReferenceType elementType) {
assert (elementType == elementType.getUnderlyingType());
Integer integer = queryIdsByType.get(elementType);
if (integer == null) {
return 0;
return integer.intValue();
public List<JRunAsync> getRunAsyncs() {
return runAsyncs;
public List<Integer> getSplitPointInitialSequence() {
return splitPointInitialSequence;
public JMethod getStaticImpl(JMethod method) {
return instanceToStaticMap.get(method);
public JArrayType getTypeArray(JType elementType) {
JArrayType arrayType = arrayTypes.get(elementType);
if (arrayType == null) {
arrayType = new JArrayType(elementType);
arrayTypes.put(elementType, arrayType);
return arrayType;
public JArrayType getTypeArray(JType leafType, int dimensions) {
assert dimensions > 0;
assert (!(leafType instanceof JArrayType));
JArrayType result = getTypeArray(leafType);
while (dimensions > 1) {
result = getTypeArray(result);
return result;
public JClassType getTypeClassLiteralHolder() {
return typeSpecialClassLiteralHolder;
* Returns the JType corresponding to a JSNI type reference.
public JType getTypeFromJsniRef(String className) {
int dim = 0;
while (className.endsWith("[]")) {
className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 2);
JType type = primitiveTypes.get(className);
if (type == null) {
type = getFromTypeMap(className);
// TODO(deprecation): remove support for this.
if (type == null) {
type = primitiveTypesDeprecated.get(className);
if (type == null || dim == 0) {
return type;
} else {
return getTypeArray(type, dim);
public JClassType getTypeJavaLangClass() {
return typeClass;
public JClassType getTypeJavaLangEnum() {
return typeJavaLangEnum;
public JClassType getTypeJavaLangObject() {
return typeJavaLangObject;
public JClassType getTypeJavaLangString() {
return typeString;
public JNullType getTypeNull() {
return JNullType.INSTANCE;
public JPrimitiveType getTypePrimitiveBoolean() {
return JPrimitiveType.BOOLEAN;
public JPrimitiveType getTypePrimitiveByte() {
return JPrimitiveType.BYTE;
public JPrimitiveType getTypePrimitiveChar() {
return JPrimitiveType.CHAR;
public JPrimitiveType getTypePrimitiveDouble() {
return JPrimitiveType.DOUBLE;
public JPrimitiveType getTypePrimitiveFloat() {
return JPrimitiveType.FLOAT;
public JPrimitiveType getTypePrimitiveInt() {
return JPrimitiveType.INT;
public JPrimitiveType getTypePrimitiveLong() {
return JPrimitiveType.LONG;
public JPrimitiveType getTypePrimitiveShort() {
return JPrimitiveType.SHORT;
public List<JReferenceType> getTypesByQueryId() {
return typesByQueryId;
public JPrimitiveType getTypeVoid() {
return JPrimitiveType.VOID;
public void initTypeInfo(IdentityHashMap<JReferenceType, JsCastMap> instantiatedCastableTypesMap) {
castMaps = instantiatedCastableTypesMap;
if (castMaps == null) {
castMaps = new IdentityHashMap<JReferenceType, JsCastMap>();
public boolean isJavaLangString(JType type) {
return type == typeString || type == typeString.getNonNull();
public boolean isJavaScriptObject(JType type) {
if (type instanceof JReferenceType && typeSpecialJavaScriptObject != null) {
return typeOracle.canTriviallyCast((JReferenceType) type, typeSpecialJavaScriptObject);
return false;
public boolean isStaticImpl(JMethod method) {
return staticToInstanceMap.containsKey(method);
* Given a sequence of fragment numbers, return the latest fragment number
* possible that does not load later than any of these. It might be one of the
* supplied fragments, or it might be a common predecessor.
public int lastFragmentLoadingBefore(int firstFragment, int... restFragments) {
return lastFragmentLoadingBefore(splitPointInitialSequence, fragmentPartitioninResult,
runAsyncs.size(), firstFragment, restFragments);
public void putIntoTypeMap(String qualifiedBinaryName, JDeclaredType type) {
// Make it into a source type name.
String srcTypeName = qualifiedBinaryName.replace('$', '.');
typeNameMap.put(srcTypeName, type);
public void putStaticImpl(JMethod method, JMethod staticImpl) {
instanceToStaticMap.put(method, staticImpl);
staticToInstanceMap.put(staticImpl, method);
if (method.isTrace()) {
public void recordClassLiteralFields(Map<JType, JField> classLiteralFields) {
this.classLiteralFields = classLiteralFields;
public void recordQueryIds(Map<JReferenceType, Integer> queryIdsByType,
List<JReferenceType> typesByQueryId) {
this.queryIdsByType = queryIdsByType;
this.typesByQueryId = typesByQueryId;
public void removeStaticImplMapping(JMethod staticImpl) {
JMethod instanceMethod = staticToInstanceMap.remove(staticImpl);
if (instanceMethod != null) {
public void setFragmentPartitioningResult(FragmentPartitioningResult result) {
fragmentPartitioninResult = result;
public void setRunAsyncs(List<JRunAsync> runAsyncs) {
this.runAsyncs = Lists.normalizeUnmodifiable(runAsyncs);
public void setSplitPointInitialSequence(List<Integer> list) {
assert splitPointInitialSequence.isEmpty();
splitPointInitialSequence = new ArrayList<Integer>(list);
* If <code>method</code> is a static impl method, returns the instance method
* that <code>method</code> is the implementation of. Otherwise, returns
* <code>null</code>.
public JMethod staticImplFor(JMethod method) {
return staticToInstanceMap.get(method);
* Return the greatest lower bound of two types. That is, return the largest
* type that is a subtype of both inputs.
public JReferenceType strongerType(JReferenceType type1, JReferenceType type2) {
if (type1 == type2) {
return type1;
if (type1 instanceof JNullType || type2 instanceof JNullType) {
return JNullType.INSTANCE;
if (type1 instanceof JNonNullType != type2 instanceof JNonNullType) {
// If either is non-nullable, the result should be non-nullable.
return strongerType(type1.getNonNull(), type2.getNonNull());
if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(type1, type2)) {
return type1;
if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(type2, type1)) {
return type2;
// cannot determine a strong type, just return the first one (this makes two
// "unrelated" interfaces work correctly in TypeTightener
return type1;
public void traverse(JVisitor visitor, Context ctx) {
if (visitor.visit(this, ctx)) {
visitor.endVisit(this, ctx);
private int classifyType(JReferenceType type) {
assert !(type instanceof JNonNullType);
if (type instanceof JNullType) {
return IS_NULL;
} else if (type instanceof JInterfaceType) {
} else if (type instanceof JArrayType) {
return IS_ARRAY;
} else if (type instanceof JClassType) {
return IS_CLASS;
throw new InternalCompilerException("Unknown reference type");
private int countSuperTypes(JClassType type) {
int count = 0;
while ((type = type.getSuperClass()) != null) {
return count;
* See notes in {@link #writeObject(ObjectOutputStream)}.
* @see #writeObject(ObjectOutputStream)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
allTypes = deserializeTypes(stream);
* Serializing the Java AST is a multi-step process to avoid blowing out the
* stack.
* <ol>
* <li>Write all declared types in a lightweight manner to establish object
* identity for types</li>
* <li>Write all fields; write all methods in a lightweight manner to
* establish object identity for methods</li>
* <li>Write all method bodies</li>
* <li>Write everything else, which will mostly refer to already-serialized
* objects.</li>
* <li>Write the bodies of the entry methods (unlike all other methods, these
* are not contained by any type.</li>
* </ol>
* The goal of this process to to avoid "running away" with the stack. Without
* special logic here, lots of things would reference types, method body code
* would reference both types and other methods, and really, really long
* recursion chains would result.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
serializeTypes(allTypes, stream);