blob: 4bc6bedb8a3d6c061e7c3da4f44a88709d83c70e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import static;
// CHECKSTYLE_NAMING_OFF: Uses legacy conventions of underscore prefixes.
* This is a magic class the compiler uses to perform any cast operations that require code.<br />
* The cast operations are only as accurate as the contents of the castableTypeMaps and should not
* be used directly by user code. The compiler takes care to record most cast operations in user
* code so that it can build limited but accurate castableTypeMaps.
final class Cast {
* As plain JavaScript Strings (not monkey patched) are used to model Java Strings,
* {@code stringCastMap} stores runtime type info for cast purposes for string objects.
* NOTE: it is important that the field is left uninitialized so that Cast does not
* require a clinit.
private static JavaScriptObject stringCastMap;
static native boolean canCast(Object src, JavaScriptObject dstId) /*-{
return*)(src) &&
!![dstId] ||
src.@java.lang.Object::castableTypeMap && !!src.@java.lang.Object::castableTypeMap[dstId];
static native boolean canCastClass(Class<?> srcClazz, Class<?> dstClass) /*-{
var srcTypeId = srcClazz.@java.lang.Class::typeId;
var dstTypeId = dstClass.@java.lang.Class::typeId;
var prototype =[srcTypeId];
return*)(prototype, dstTypeId);
static native String charToString(char x) /*-{
return String.fromCharCode(x);
static Object dynamicCast(Object src, JavaScriptObject dstId) {
checkType(src == null || canCast(src, dstId));
return src;
static Object dynamicCastToString(Object src) {
checkType(src == null || isJavaString(src));
return src;
* Allow a dynamic cast to an object, always succeeding if it's a JSO.
static Object dynamicCastAllowJso(Object src, JavaScriptObject dstId) {
checkType(src == null || isJavaScriptObject(src) || canCast(src, dstId));
return src;
* Allow a cast to JSO only if there's no type ID.
static Object dynamicCastJso(Object src) {
checkType(src == null || isJavaScriptObject(src));
return src;
* Allow a dynamic cast to a JsFunction interface only if it is a function.
static Object dynamicCastToJsFunction(Object src) {
checkType(src == null || isFunction(src));
return src;
* A dynamic cast that optionally checks for JsType prototypes.
static Object dynamicCastWithPrototype(Object src, JavaScriptObject dstId, String jsType) {
checkType(src == null || canCast(src, dstId) || jsInstanceOf(src, jsType));
return src;
static boolean instanceOf(Object src, JavaScriptObject dstId) {
return (src != null) && canCast(src, dstId);
static boolean instanceOfJsType(Object src, JavaScriptObject dstId, String jsType) {
return instanceOf(src, dstId) || jsInstanceOf(src, jsType);
static boolean instanceOfJso(Object src) {
return (src != null) && isJavaScriptObject(src);
* Returns true if the object is a Java object and can be cast, or if it's a
* non-null JSO.
static boolean instanceOfOrJso(Object src, JavaScriptObject dstId) {
return (src != null) &&
(isJavaScriptObject(src) || canCast(src, dstId));
* Returns true if the object is a function.
static boolean instanceOfJsFunction(Object src) {
return (src != null) && isFunction(src);
* Returns whether the Object is a function.
static native boolean isFunction(Object src) /*-{
return typeof(src) === "function";
static boolean isJavaScriptObject(Object src) {
return !isJavaString(src) && !Util.hasTypeMarker(src);
* Uses the not operator to perform a null-check; do NOT use on anything that
* could be a String.
static native boolean isNotNull(Object src) /*-{
// Coerce to boolean.
return !!src;
* Uses the not operator to perform a null-check; do NOT use on anything that
* could be a String.
static native boolean isNull(Object src) /*-{
return !src;
static native boolean jsEquals(Object a, Object b) /*-{
return a == b;
* Determine if object is an instanceof jsType regardless of window or frame.
static native boolean jsInstanceOf(Object obj, String jsTypeStr) /*-{
if (!obj) {
return false;
var jsType = $wnd;
for (var i = 0, parts = jsTypeStr.split("."), l = parts.length; i < l ; i++) {
jsType = jsType && jsType[parts[i]];
return jsType && obj instanceof jsType;
static native boolean jsNotEquals(Object a, Object b) /*-{
return a != b;
static native Object maskUndefined(Object src) /*-{
return (src == null) ? null : src;
* See JLS 5.1.3.
static native byte narrow_byte(double x) /*-{
return x << 24 >> 24;
* See JLS 5.1.3.
static native char narrow_char(double x) /*-{
return x & 0xFFFF;
* See JLS 5.1.3.
static native int narrow_int(double x) /*-{
return x | 0;
* See JLS 5.1.3.
static native short narrow_short(double x) /*-{
return x << 16 >> 16;
* See JLS 5.1.3 for why we do a two-step cast. First we round to int, then
* narrow to byte.
static byte round_byte(double x) {
return narrow_byte(round_int(x));
* See JLS 5.1.3 for why we do a two-step cast. First we round to int, then
* narrow to char.
static char round_char(double x) {
return narrow_char(round_int(x));
* See JLS 5.1.3.
static native int round_int(double x) /*-{
// TODO: reference java.lang.Integer::MAX_VALUE when we get clinits fixed
return Math.max(Math.min(x, 2147483647), -2147483648) | 0;
* See JLS 5.1.3 for why we do a two-step cast. First we rount to int, then
* narrow to short.
static short round_short(double x) {
return narrow_short(round_int(x));
* Check a statically false cast, which can succeed if the argument is null.
* Called by compiler-generated code based on static type information.
static Object throwClassCastExceptionUnlessNull(Object o) throws ClassCastException {
checkType(o == null);
return o;
* Returns whether the Object is a Java String.
* Java strings are translated to JavaScript strings.
static native boolean isJavaString(Object src) /*-{
return typeof(src) === "string";
* Returns true if Object can dispatch instance methods and does not need a compiler
* provided trampoline.
* Java non primitive objects fall into 3 classes: Strings, arrays (of primitive or non primitive
* types) and regular Java Objects (all others).
* Only regular Java object have dynamic instance dispatch, strings and arrays need compiler
* generated trampolines to implement instance dispatch.
static boolean hasJavaObjectVirtualDispatch(Object src) {
return !instanceofArray(src) && Util.hasTypeMarker(src);
* Returns true if {@code src} is a Java array.
static boolean isJavaArray(Object src) {
return instanceofArray(src) && Util.hasTypeMarker(src);
* Returns true if {@code src} is an array (native or not).
static native boolean instanceofArray(Object src) /*-{
return Array.isArray(src);