<project name="dev-common"> | |
<property name="gwt.root" location="../.." /> | |
<import file="${gwt.root}/common.ant.xml" /> | |
<property.ensure name="gwt.core.root" location="../core" /> | |
<property.ensure name="gwt.core.build" location="${project.build}/../core" /> | |
<target name="unjar.deps" description="Unzips all dependency jars into the output folder"> | |
<gwt.unjar toollib="eclipse/${gwt.dev.swt.jar}" /> | |
</target> | |
<target name="compile" depends="unjar.deps" description="Compile all java files"> | |
<mkdir dir="${javac.out}" /> | |
<gwt.javac> | |
<classpath> | |
<pathelement location="${gwt.core.build}/bin" /> | |
<pathelement location="${gwt.core.build}/unjar" /> | |
</classpath> | |
</gwt.javac> | |
</target> | |
<target name="build" depends="compile" description="Build and package this project"> | |
<mkdir dir="${gwt.build.lib}" /> | |
<gwt.jar> | |
<fileset dir="src" /> | |
<fileset dir="${gwt.core.root}/src" /> | |
<fileset dir="${gwt.core.root}/super" /> | |
<fileset dir="${javac.out}" /> | |
<fileset dir="${gwt.core.build}/bin" /> | |
<fileset dir="${unjar.out}" /> | |
<fileset dir="${gwt.core.build}/unjar" /> | |
<manifest> | |
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="com.google.gwt.dev.GWTMain" /> | |
</manifest> | |
</gwt.jar> | |
</target> | |
<target name="clean" description="Cleans this project's intermediate and output files"> | |
<delete dir="${project.build}" failonerror="false" /> | |
<delete file="${project.lib}" failonerror="false" /> | |
</target> | |
</project> |