blob: 0c2bcaf8531193dd28f6a4ab2985033c54e80d50 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import junit.framework.Assert;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
* A {@link TreeLogger} implementation that can be used during JUnit tests to
* check for a specified sequence of log events.
public class UnitTestTreeLogger extends TreeLogger {
* Simplifies the creation of a {@link UnitTestTreeLogger} by providing
* convenience methods for specifying the expected log events.
public static class Builder {
private final List<LogEntry> expected = new ArrayList<LogEntry>();
private EnumSet<Type> loggableTypes = EnumSet.allOf(TreeLogger.Type.class);
public Builder() {
public UnitTestTreeLogger createLogger() {
return new UnitTestTreeLogger(expected, loggableTypes);
public void expect(TreeLogger.Type type, String msg, Class<? extends Throwable> caught) {
expected.add(new LogEntry(type, msg, caught));
public void expectDebug(String msg, Class<? extends Throwable> caught) {
expect(TreeLogger.DEBUG, msg, caught);
public void expectError(String msg, Class<? extends Throwable> caught) {
expect(TreeLogger.ERROR, msg, caught);
public void expectInfo(String msg, Class<? extends Throwable> caught) {
expect(TreeLogger.INFO, msg, caught);
public void expectSpam(String msg, Class<? extends Throwable> caught) {
expect(TreeLogger.SPAM, msg, caught);
public void expectTrace(String msg, Class<? extends Throwable> caught) {
expect(TreeLogger.TRACE, msg, caught);
public void expectWarn(String msg, Class<? extends Throwable> caught) {
expect(TreeLogger.WARN, msg, caught);
* Sets the loggable types based on an explicit set.
public void setLoggableTypes(EnumSet<TreeLogger.Type> loggableTypes) {
this.loggableTypes = loggableTypes;
* Sets the loggable types based on a lowest log level.
public void setLowestLogLevel(TreeLogger.Type lowestLogLevel) {
for (Type type : TreeLogger.Type.values()) {
if (!type.isLowerPriorityThan(lowestLogLevel)) {
* Represents a log event to check for.
private static class LogEntry {
private final Class<? extends Throwable> caught;
private final String msg;
private final Type type;
public LogEntry(TreeLogger.Type type, String msg, Class<? extends Throwable> caught) {
assert (type != null);
this.type = type;
this.msg = msg;
this.caught = caught;
public LogEntry(Type type, String msg, Throwable caught) {
this(type, msg, (caught == null) ? null : caught.getClass());
public Class<? extends Throwable> getCaught() {
return caught;
public String getMessage() {
return msg;
public Type getType() {
return type;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(": ");
Class<? extends Throwable> t = getCaught();
if (t != null) {
sb.append("; ");
return sb.toString();
private boolean matches(LogEntry other) {
if (!type.equals(other.type)) {
return false;
if (!msg.equals(other.msg)) {
return false;
if ((caught == null) != (other.caught == null)) {
return false;
if (caught != null && !caught.isAssignableFrom(other.caught)) {
return false;
return true;
private static void assertCorrectLogEntry(LogEntry expected, LogEntry actual) {
Assert.assertEquals("Log types do not match", expected.getType(), actual.getType());
Assert.assertEquals("Log messages do not match", expected.getMessage(), actual.getMessage());
if (expected.getCaught() == null) {
Assert.assertNull("Actual log exception type should have been null", actual.getCaught());
} else {
Assert.assertNotNull("Actual log exception type should not have been null", actual
Assert.assertTrue("Actual log exception type (" + actual.getCaught().getName()
+ ") cannot be assigned to expected log exception type ("
+ expected.getCaught().getName() + ")", expected.getCaught().isAssignableFrom(
private final List<LogEntry> actualEntries = new ArrayList<LogEntry>();
private final List<LogEntry> expectedEntries = new ArrayList<LogEntry>();
private final EnumSet<TreeLogger.Type> loggableTypes;
public UnitTestTreeLogger(List<LogEntry> expectedEntries, EnumSet<TreeLogger.Type> loggableTypes) {
this.loggableTypes = loggableTypes;
// Sanity check that all expected entries are actually loggable.
for (LogEntry entry : expectedEntries) {
Type type = entry.getType();
Assert.assertTrue("Cannot expect an entry of a non-loggable type!", isLoggable(type));
* Asserts that all expected log entries were logged in the correct order and
* no other entries were logged.
public void assertCorrectLogEntries() {
if (expectedEntries.size() != actualEntries.size()) {"Wrong log count: expected=" + expectedEntries + ", actual=" + actualEntries);
for (int i = 0, c = expectedEntries.size(); i < c; ++i) {
assertCorrectLogEntry(expectedEntries.get(i), actualEntries.get(i));
* A more loose check than {@link #assertCorrectLogEntries} that just checks
* to see that the expected log messages are somewhere in the actual logged
* messages.
public void assertLogEntriesContainExpected() {
for (LogEntry expectedEntry : expectedEntries) {
boolean found = false;
for (LogEntry actualEntry : actualEntries) {
if (expectedEntry.matches(actualEntry)) {
found = true;
Assert.assertTrue("No match for expected=" + expectedEntry + " in actual=" + actualEntries,
public TreeLogger branch(Type type, String msg, Throwable caught, HelpInfo helpInfo) {
log(type, msg, caught);
return this;
public boolean isLoggable(Type type) {
return loggableTypes.contains(type);
public void log(Type type, String msg, Throwable caught, HelpInfo helpInfo) {
if (!isLoggable(type)) {
LogEntry actualEntry = new LogEntry(type, msg, caught);