blob: c9bb1c07b78d0b27d1f89252580e9ad3e702be22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* A simple panel that wraps its contents in a scrollable area.
public class ScrollPanel extends SimplePanel implements SourcesScrollEvents,
RequiresResize, ProvidesResize, HasScrolling {
* Implementation of this widget.
static class Impl {
* Get the maximum horizontal scroll position.
* @param scrollable the scrollable element
* @return the maximum scroll position
public int getMaximumHorizontalScrollPosition(Element scrollable) {
return scrollable.getScrollWidth() - scrollable.getClientWidth();
* Get the minimum horizontal scroll position.
* @param scrollable the scrollable element
* @return the minimum scroll position
public int getMinimumHorizontalScrollPosition(Element scrollable) {
return 0;
* Firefox scrolls in the negative direction in RTL mode.
static class ImplRtlReversed extends Impl {
public int getMaximumHorizontalScrollPosition(Element scrollable) {
return isRtl(scrollable) ? 0 : super
public int getMinimumHorizontalScrollPosition(Element scrollable) {
return isRtl(scrollable) ? scrollable.getClientWidth()
- scrollable.getScrollWidth() : 0;
* Check if the specified element has an RTL direction. We can't base this
* on the current locale because the user can modify the direction at the
* DOM level.
* @param scrollable the scrollable element
* @return true if the direction is RTL, false if LTR
private native boolean isRtl(Element scrollable) /*-{
var computedStyle = $doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(scrollable, null);
return computedStyle.getPropertyValue('direction') == 'rtl';
private static Impl impl;
private Element containerElem;
* The scroller used to support touch events.
private TouchScroller touchScroller;
* Creates an empty scroll panel.
public ScrollPanel() {
if (impl == null) {
impl = GWT.create(Impl.class);
containerElem = DOM.createDiv();
// Prevent IE standard mode bug when a AbsolutePanel is contained.
DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "position", "relative");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(containerElem, "position", "relative");
// Hack to account for the IE6/7 scrolling bug described here:
DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "zoom", "1");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(containerElem, "zoom", "1");
// Enable touch scrolling.
* Creates a new scroll panel with the given child widget.
* @param child the widget to be wrapped by the scroll panel
public ScrollPanel(Widget child) {
public HandlerRegistration addScrollHandler(ScrollHandler handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, ScrollEvent.getType());
* @deprecated Use {@link #addScrollHandler} instead
public void addScrollListener(ScrollListener listener) {
ListenerWrapper.WrappedScrollListener.add(this, listener);
* Ensures that the specified item is visible, by adjusting the panel's scroll
* position.
* @param item the item whose visibility is to be ensured
public void ensureVisible(UIObject item) {
Element scroll = getElement();
Element element = item.getElement();
ensureVisibleImpl(scroll, element);
* Gets the horizontal scroll position.
* @return the horizontal scroll position, in pixels
public int getHorizontalScrollPosition() {
return DOM.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "scrollLeft");
public int getMaximumHorizontalScrollPosition() {
return impl.getMaximumHorizontalScrollPosition(getElement());
public int getMaximumVerticalScrollPosition() {
return getElement().getScrollHeight() - getElement().getClientHeight();
public int getMinimumHorizontalScrollPosition() {
return impl.getMinimumHorizontalScrollPosition(getElement());
public int getMinimumVerticalScrollPosition() {
return 0;
* Gets the vertical scroll position.
* @return the vertical scroll position, in pixels
* @deprecated as of GWT 2.3, replaced by {@link #getVerticalScrollPosition()}
public int getScrollPosition() {
return DOM.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "scrollTop");
public int getVerticalScrollPosition() {
return getScrollPosition();
* Check whether or not touch based scrolling is disabled. This method always
* returns false on devices that do not support touch scrolling.
* @return true if disabled, false if enabled
public boolean isTouchScrollingDisabled() {
return touchScroller == null;
public void onResize() {
Widget child = getWidget();
if ((child != null) && (child instanceof RequiresResize)) {
((RequiresResize) child).onResize();
* @deprecated Use the {@link HandlerRegistration#removeHandler}
* method on the object returned by {@link #addScrollHandler} instead
public void removeScrollListener(ScrollListener listener) {
ListenerWrapper.WrappedScrollListener.remove(this, listener);
* Scroll to the bottom of this panel.
public void scrollToBottom() {
setScrollPosition(DOM.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "scrollHeight"));
* Scroll to the far left of this panel.
public void scrollToLeft() {
* Scroll to the far right of this panel.
public void scrollToRight() {
* Scroll to the top of this panel.
public void scrollToTop() {
* Sets whether this panel always shows its scroll bars, or only when
* necessary.
* @param alwaysShow <code>true</code> to show scroll bars at all times
public void setAlwaysShowScrollBars(boolean alwaysShow) {
DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "overflow", alwaysShow ? "scroll"
: "auto");
* Sets the object's height. This height does not include decorations such as
* border, margin, and padding.
* @param height the object's new height, in absolute CSS units (e.g. "10px",
* "1em" but not "50%")
public void setHeight(String height) {
* Sets the horizontal scroll position.
* @param position the new horizontal scroll position, in pixels
public void setHorizontalScrollPosition(int position) {
DOM.setElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "scrollLeft", position);
* Sets the vertical scroll position.
* @param position the new vertical scroll position, in pixels
* @deprecated as of GWT 2.3, replaced by
* {@link #setVerticalScrollPosition(int)}
public void setScrollPosition(int position) {
DOM.setElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "scrollTop", position);
* Sets the object's size. This size does not include decorations such as
* border, margin, and padding.
* @param width the object's new width, in absolute CSS units (e.g. "10px",
* "1em", but not "50%")
* @param height the object's new height, in absolute CSS units (e.g. "10px",
* "1em", but not "50%")
public void setSize(String width, String height) {
super.setSize(width, height);
* Set whether or not touch scrolling is disabled. By default, touch scrolling
* is enabled on devices that support touch events.
* @param isDisabled true to disable, false to enable
* @return true if touch scrolling is enabled and supported, false if disabled
* or not supported
public boolean setTouchScrollingDisabled(boolean isDisabled) {
if (isDisabled == isTouchScrollingDisabled()) {
return isDisabled;
if (isDisabled) {
// Detach the touch scroller.
touchScroller = null;
} else {
// Attach a new touch scroller.
touchScroller = TouchScroller.createIfSupported(this);
return isTouchScrollingDisabled();
public void setVerticalScrollPosition(int position) {
* Sets the object's width. This width does not include decorations such as
* border, margin, and padding.
* @param width the object's new width, in absolute CSS units (e.g. "10px",
* "1em", but not "50%")
public void setWidth(String width) {
protected Element getContainerElement() {
return containerElem;
private native void ensureVisibleImpl(Element scroll, Element e) /*-{
if (!e)
var item = e;
var realOffset = 0;
while (item && (item != scroll)) {
realOffset += item.offsetTop;
item = item.offsetParent;
scroll.scrollTop = realOffset - scroll.offsetHeight / 2;