| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2005 rel. 3 U (http://www.altova.com) by Bruce Johnson (private) --> |
| <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> |
| <xs:element name="booklet"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The documentation for the entire API</xs:documentation> |
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| </xs:element> |
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| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The id of the type of the superclass</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:attribute> |
| </xs:extension> |
| </xs:simpleContent> |
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| </xs:element> |
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| <xs:element ref="class"/> |
| <xs:element ref="interface"/> |
| <xs:element ref="constructor"/> |
| </xs:choice> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
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| <xs:documentation>Implied but harmless</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="isStatic" minOccurs="0"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>Implied but harmless on a nested interface</xs:documentation> |
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| <xs:element ref="interface"/> |
| </xs:choice> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
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| <xs:group ref="access" minOccurs="0"/> |
| <xs:choice minOccurs="0"> |
| <xs:element name="isAbstract"/> |
| <xs:element name="isStatic"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>N/A when the method appears in an interface</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="isFinal"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>N/A when the method appears in an interface</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:choice> |
| <xs:element ref="flatSignature"/> |
| <xs:element name="isSynchronized" minOccurs="0"/> |
| <xs:element name="type"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The method return type</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element ref="params"/> |
| <xs:element ref="throws" minOccurs="0"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="field"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
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| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="isStatic" minOccurs="0"/> |
| <xs:element name="isFinal" minOccurs="0"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="type"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The field type</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="link"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>An explicit link to an id in this same document format (relies on special treatment from XSLT)</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType mixed="true"> |
| <xs:attribute name="ref"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The link target id</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:attribute> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="superinterface"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:simpleContent> |
| <xs:extension base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:attribute name="ref"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The id of the interface type</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:attribute> |
| </xs:extension> |
| </xs:simpleContent> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="params"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>Method/constructor parameters in left-to-right order</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="type"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The param type, as it should appear to the reader</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:simpleContent> |
| <xs:extension base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:attribute name="ref"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>A reference to the type id of the param type</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:attribute> |
| </xs:extension> |
| </xs:simpleContent> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The name of the param</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="flatSignature"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>A simple param signature enclosed in parentheses that would differentitate overloads in a table of mehod links, such as "(int, Widget)"</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:group name="sectionHead"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="id"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The id of this section, which can be the target of a link and which should be unique across all documents which might want to link to this section </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="name"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>The name/title of this section; if a @title tag is found, it should be used rather than the programmatic name</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="location" minOccurs="0"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>TODO - replace me with better XSLT - A sequence of links that indicate structure back to the logical parent of this component within the doc hierarchy</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:element ref="link"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="lead"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>Simple HTML intro text (a single phrase or sentence) that might appear in an overview table</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType mixed="true"> |
| <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="description"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>Detailed narrative related to the topic</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType mixed="true"> |
| <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>HTML description; "link" elements inteded to be parsed and fixed up</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:any> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="tags" minOccurs="0"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>Arbitrary tags for which a particular XSLT might handle specially such as "param", "returns", "throws"; some well-known ones are included for reference</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>@link or any out-of-band tag, such as those found in JavaDoc, go here for potential XSLT special treatment</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:any> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:group> |
| <xs:group name="access"> |
| <xs:choice> |
| <xs:element name="isPublic"/> |
| <xs:element name="isProtected"/> |
| <xs:element name="isPackagePrivate"/> |
| <xs:element name="isPrivate"/> |
| </xs:choice> |
| </xs:group> |
| <xs:element name="constructor"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:group ref="sectionHead"/> |
| <xs:group ref="access" minOccurs="0"/> |
| <xs:element ref="flatSignature"/> |
| <xs:element ref="params"/> |
| <xs:element ref="throws" minOccurs="0"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="throws"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>A list of exception that might be thrown</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:element name="throw"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>Indicates a method/ctor might throw this type</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType mixed="true"> |
| <xs:attribute name="ref"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation>A reference to the id of the class that can be thrown</xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| </xs:attribute> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:schema> |