blob: 5e983a354b90c5aecf0ac682c3f22e9a6bc6a10d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
* Fast way to produce messages for the logger. Use $N to specify the replacement argument.
* <p>
* Caveats:
* <ul>
* <li>N must be a single digit (you shouldn't need more than 10 args, right?)
* <li>'$' cannot be escaped
* <li>each arg can only appear once
* </ul>
public abstract class Message {
private static final Formatter FMT_TOSTRING = new FormatterToString();
private static final Formatter FMT_CLASS = new FormatterForClass();
private static final Formatter FMT_FILE = new FormatterForFile();
private static final Formatter FMT_URL = new FormatterForURL();
private static final Formatter FMT_INTEGER = new FormatterForInteger();
private static final Formatter FMT_LONG = new FormatterForLong();
private static final Formatter FMT_METHOD = new FormatterForMethod();
private static final Formatter FMT_STRING = new FormatterForString();
private static final Formatter FMT_STRING_ARRAY = new FormatterForStringArray();
protected final TreeLogger.Type type;
protected final char[][] fmtParts;
protected final int[] argIndices;
protected final int minChars;
* Creates a lazily-formatted message.
protected Message(TreeLogger.Type type, String fmt, int args) {
assert (type != null);
assert (fmt != null);
assert (args >= 0);
this.type = type;
fmtParts = new char[args + 1][];
argIndices = new int[args];
int from = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < args; ++i) {
int to = fmt.indexOf('$', from);
if (to != -1 && to < fmt.length() - 1) {
char charDigit = fmt.charAt(to + 1);
if (Character.isDigit(charDigit)) {
int digit = Character.digit(charDigit, 10);
fmtParts[i] = fmt.substring(from, to).toCharArray();
argIndices[i] = digit;
from = to + 2;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected arg $" + i);
fmtParts[args] = fmt.substring(from).toCharArray();
int minNumChars = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = fmtParts.length; i < n; ++i) {
minNumChars += fmtParts[i].length;
this.minChars = minNumChars;
* @param c a Class
* @return a suitable Formatter
protected final Formatter getFormatter(Class<?> c) {
return FMT_CLASS;
* @param f a File
* @return a suitable Formatter
protected final Formatter getFormatter(File f) {
return FMT_FILE;
* @param i an Integer
* @return a suitable Formatter
protected final Formatter getFormatter(Integer i) {
* @param l a Long
* @return a suitable Formatter
protected Formatter getFormatter(Long l) {
return FMT_LONG;
* @param m a Method
* @return a suitable Formatter
protected final Formatter getFormatter(Method m) {
return FMT_METHOD;
* @param s a String
* @return a suitable Formatter
protected final Formatter getFormatter(String s) {
return FMT_STRING;
* @param sa a String array
* @return a suitable Formatter
protected final Formatter getFormatter(String[] sa) {
* @param u a URL
* @return a suitable Formatter
protected final Formatter getFormatter(URL u) {
return FMT_URL;
protected final Formatter getToStringFormatter() {
protected TreeLogger branch(TreeLogger logger, Throwable caught) {
return branch(logger, toArray(), new Formatter[0], caught);
protected TreeLogger branch(TreeLogger logger, Object arg, Formatter fmt, Throwable caught) {
return branch(logger, toArray(arg), toArray(fmt), caught);
protected TreeLogger branch(TreeLogger logger, Object arg1, Object arg2, Formatter fmt1,
Formatter fmt2, Throwable caught) {
return branch(logger, toArray(arg1, arg2), toArray(fmt1, fmt2), caught);
protected TreeLogger branch(TreeLogger logger, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3,
Formatter fmt1, Formatter fmt2, Formatter fmt3, Throwable caught) {
return branch(logger, toArray(arg1, arg2, arg3), toArray(fmt1, fmt2, fmt3), caught);
protected TreeLogger branch(TreeLogger logger, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4,
Formatter fmt1, Formatter fmt2, Formatter fmt3, Formatter fmt4, Throwable caught) {
return branch(logger, toArray(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4), toArray(fmt1, fmt2, fmt3, fmt4), caught);
protected TreeLogger branch(TreeLogger logger, Object[] args, Object[] fmts,
Throwable caught) {
return logger.branch(type, compose(args, fmts), caught);
protected String compose(Object[] args, Object[] fmts) {
// Format the objects.
assert args.length == fmts.length;
String[] formattedArgs = new String[args.length];
for (int i = 0; i < argIndices.length; i++) {
int referredIndex = argIndices[i];
Object referredArg = args[referredIndex];
Formatter formatter = (Formatter) fmts[referredIndex];
formattedArgs[i] = (referredArg != null ? formatter.format(referredArg) : "null");
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < formattedArgs.length; i++) {
// final literal
stringBuilder.append(fmtParts[fmtParts.length - 1]);
return stringBuilder.toString();
protected void log(TreeLogger logger, Throwable caught) {
log(logger, toArray(), toArray(), caught);
protected void log(TreeLogger logger, Object arg, Formatter fmt, Throwable caught) {
log(logger, toArray(arg), toArray(fmt), caught);
protected void log(TreeLogger logger, Object arg1, Object arg2, Formatter fmt1, Formatter fmt2,
Throwable caught) {
log(logger, toArray(arg1, arg2), toArray(fmt1, fmt2), caught);
protected void log(TreeLogger logger, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Formatter fmt1,
Formatter fmt2, Formatter fmt3, Throwable caught) {
log(logger, toArray(arg1, arg2, arg3), toArray(fmt1, fmt2, fmt3), caught);
protected void log(TreeLogger logger, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4,
Formatter fmt1, Formatter fmt2, Formatter fmt3, Formatter fmt4, Throwable caught) {
log(logger, toArray(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4), toArray(fmt1, fmt2, fmt3, fmt4), caught);
protected void log(TreeLogger logger, Object[] args, Object[] fmts, Throwable caught) {
if (logger.isLoggable(type)) {
logger.log(type, compose(args, fmts), caught);
private Object[] toArray(Object... pars) {
return pars;