blob: 8ed639d06f930217bc3a944533afddf5731db469 [file] [log] [blame]
# Following code is generated from CLDR data by script. You can do
# emergency fix here, but you fix will be lost unless it is also
# fixed in CLDR. The data generation scripts exists outside GWT and
# will be run manually after each major CLDR updates. Each update
# will be manually checked before check in to make sure undesired
# changes in CLDR will not break existing applications as possible.
# File generated from CLDR ver. 25
eras = AM, KO
eraNames = Amait kesich Jesu, Kokakesich Jesu
narrowMonths = M, N, K, I, N, W, R, K, B, E, K, K
months = Mulgul, Ng'atyato, Kiptamo, Iwat kut, Ng'eiyet, Waki, Roptui, Kipkogaga, Buret, Epeso, Kipsunde netai, Kipsunde nebo aeng
shortMonths = Mul, Nga, Kip, Iwa, Nge, Wak, Rop, Kog, Bur, Epe, Tai, Aen
standaloneNarrowMonths = M, N, K, I, N, W, R, K, B, E, K, K
standaloneMonths = Mulgul, Ng'atyato, Kiptamo, Iwat kut, Ng'eiyet, Waki, Roptui, Kipkogaga, Buret, Epeso, Kipsunde netai, Kipsunde nebo aeng
standaloneShortMonths = Mul, Nga, Kip, Iwa, Nge, Wak, Rop, Kog, Bur, Epe, Tai, Aen
weekdays = Betutab tisap, Betut netai, Betutab aeng', Betutab somok, Betutab ang'wan, Betutab mut, Betutab lo
shortWeekdays = Tis, Tai, Aen, Som, Ang, Mut, Loh
narrowWeekdays = T, T, A, S, A, M, L
standaloneWeekdays = Betutab tisap, Betut netai, Betutab aeng', Betutab somok, Betutab ang'wan, Betutab mut, Betutab lo
standaloneShortWeekdays = Tis, Tai, Aen, Som, Ang, Mut, Loh
standaloneNarrowWeekdays = T, T, A, S, A, M, L
shortQuarters = R1, R2, R3, R4
quarters = Robo netai, Robo nebo aeng', Robo nebo somok, Robo nebo ang'wan
ampms = Beet, Kemo
dateFormats = EEEE\\, d MMMM y, d MMMM y, d MMM y, dd/MM/y
timeFormats = h:mm:ss a zzzz, h:mm:ss a z, h:mm:ss a, h:mm a
dateTimeFormats = {1} {0}, {1} {0}, {1} {0}, {1} {0}
firstDayOfTheWeek = 2
weekendRange = 7, 1